44 results

Scientific study

Evaluation of Pre-Analytical Variables for Human Papillomavirus Primary Screening from Self-Collected Vaginal Swabs

Michele Qi et al.

Scientific study

Preliminary Results of Feasibility and Acceptability ofSelf-Collection for Cervical Screening in Italian Women

Illari Sechi et al.

Scientific study

Human papillomavirus testing using existing nucleic acid testing platforms to screen women for cervical cancer:implementation studies from five sub-Saharan African countries

Jessica Joseph et al.


Scientific study

Age-specific and genotype-specific carcinogenic human papilloma virus prevalence in a country with a high cervical cancer burden: results of across-sectional study in Estonia

Kersti Pärna et al.


Scientific study

Evaluation of BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay on Self-Collected Vaginal and First-Void Urine Samples as Compared to Clinician-Collected Cervical Samples: A Pilot Study

Marianna Martinelli et al.

Scientific study

Frequency of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Patients with Imminent Preterm Delivery on the Island of Curaçao

Aglaia Hage et al.

Scientific study

High-Resolution Melting Analysis to Detect Antimicrobial Resistance Determinants in South African Neisseria gonorrhoeae Clinical Isolates and Specimens

Nireshni Mitchev et al.

Scientific study

Screening for cytomegalovirus shedding in vagina and saliva: Significant differences between biological fluids, swab types and storage durations in DNA recovery

Ngee Keong Tan et al.

Scientific study

Copan Walk Away Specimen Processor (WASP) Automated System for Pathogen Detection in Female Reproductive Tract Specimens

Jing Gao et al.

Scientific study

Development of a melting-curve based multiplex real-time PCR assay for simultaneous detection of Streptococcus agalactiae and genes encoding resistance to macrolides and lincosamides

Eliane Saori Otaguiri

Scientific study

Randomized Comparison of Two Vaginal Self-Sampling Methods for Human Papillomavirus Detection: Dry Swab versus FTA Cartridge

Rosa Catarino

Scientific study

A comparison of cotton and flocked swabs for vaginal self-sample collection

Manuela Viviano

Scientific study

Vaginal colonization with antimicrobial-resistant bacteria among women in labor in central Uganda: prevalence and associated factors

Josephine Tumuhamye

Scientific study

Macrolide resistance in Mycoplasma genitalium from female sex workers in Belgium

Liselotte Coorevits

Scientific study

Early origins of allergy and asthma (ARIES): study protocol for a prospective prenatal birth cohort in Chile

Caroll D. Hernandez

Scientific study

The Endobiota Study: Comparison of Vaginal, Cervical and Gut Microbiota Between Women with Stage 3/4 Endometriosis and Healthy Controls

Baris Ata

Scientific study

Contraceptive rings promote vaginal lactobacilli in a high bacterial vaginosis prevalence population: A randomised, open-label longitudinal study in Rwandan women

Tania Crucitti

Scientific study

Self-Collection for Under-Screened Women in a National Cervical Screening Program: Pilot Study

M. Saville

Scientific study

Assessing the Impact of Mailing Self-Sampling Kits for Human Papillomavirus Testing to Unscreened Non-Responder Women in Manitoba

F. Jalili

Scientific study

Treating male partners of women with bacterial vaginosis (StepUp): a protocol for a randomised controlled trial to assess the clinical effectiveness of male partner treatment for reducing the risk of BV recurrence

Lenka A. Vodstrcil