11 results

Scientific study

Opportunistic offering of self-sampling to non-attenders within the English cervical screening programme: a pragmatic, multicentre, implementation feasibility trial with randomly allocated cluster intervention start dates (YouScreen)

Anita W. W. Lim et al.

Scientific study

Evaluation of Pre-Analytical Variables for Human Papillomavirus Primary Screening from Self-Collected Vaginal Swabs

Michele Qi et al.

Scientific study

Acceptance of Self-Sampling and Knowledge about Human Papillomavirus among Women in Mongolia

Tsetsegsaikhan Batmunkh et al.

Scientific study

Performance evaluation of a self-administered point-of-care test for anal HPV screening in PrEP users: data from a community-based PrEP service

Lorenzo Biasioli et al.

Scientific study

Strategies to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening With Mailed Human Papillomavirus Self-Sampling Kits: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Rachel L. Winer et al.

Scientific study

Performance of the Hologic Panther Fusion® MRSA Assay for the nasal screening of methicillin-sensitive and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carriage

E. Maurin et al

Scientific study

Evaluation of BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay on Self-Collected Vaginal and First-Void Urine Samples as Compared to Clinician-Collected Cervical Samples: A Pilot Study

Marianna Martinelli et al.

Scientific Study

Feasibility and acceptability of saliva-based testing for the screening of SARS-CoV-2 infection in prison

C. Parodi, E. Ottaviano, N. Cocco, S. Ancona, S. Bianchi, V. Massa, R. Bartolotti, B. Pezzoni, R. Giuliani, E. Borghi, R. Ranieri

Scientific study

Saliva detection of SARS-CoV-2 for mitigating company outbreaks: a surveillance experience

Emerenziana Ottaviano et al.

Scientific Study

Impact of Total Laboratory Automation on Turnaround Times for Urine Cultures and Screening Specimens for MRSA, ESBL, and VRE Carriage: Retrospective Comparison with Manual Workflow

Abdessalam Cherkaoui, Gesuele Renzi, Romain Martischang, Stephan Harbarth, Nicolas Vuilleumier and Jacques Schrenzel

Scientific Study

Can image analysis automatically screen for Streptococcus agalactiae in specimens collected from pregnant women?

J. Steenbergen