141 results

Scientific study

Optimal processing of tongue swab samples for Mycobacterium tuberculosis detection by the Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra assay

G. S. Chilambi et al.

Scientific study

Diagnostic accuracy of self-collected tongue swabs for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex detection in individuals being assessed for TB in South Africa using the Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra assay

A.David et al.

Scientific study

Revolutionising High Resolution HLA Genotyping forTransplant Assessment: Validation, Implementationand Challenges of Oxford Nanopore Technologies’ Q20+Sequencing

Naser El-Lagta et al.

Scientific study

Successful Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture isolation from tongue swabs: Results from both experimentally infected and clinical swabs from pulmonary tuberculosis patients

Leen Rigouts et al.

Scientific study

Deep sequencing of Escherichia coli exposes colonisation diversity and impact of antibiotics in Punjab, Pakistan

Tamim Khawaja et al.

Scientific study

Opportunistic offering of self-sampling to non-attenders within the English cervical screening programme: a pragmatic, multicentre, implementation feasibility trial with randomly allocated cluster intervention start dates (YouScreen)

Anita W. W. Lim et al.

Scientific study

High performance of the DNA methylation-based WID-qEC test for detecting uterine cancers independent of sampling modalities

Ojone Illah et al.

Scientific study

Performance evaluation of a self-administered point-of-care test for anal HPV screening in PrEP users: data from a community-based PrEP service

Lorenzo Biasioli et al.

Scientific study

Performance of BD Onclarity HPV assay on FLOQSwabs vaginal self-samples

Marianna Martinelli et al.

Scientific study

Standardization of the protocol for oral cavity examination and collecting of the biological samples for microbiome research using the next‑generation sequencing (NGS): own experience with the COVID‑19 patients

Barbara Brzychczy‑Sroka et al.

Scientific study

Strategies to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening With Mailed Human Papillomavirus Self-Sampling Kits: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Rachel L. Winer et al.

Scientific study

Oral swabs with a rapid molecular diagnostic test for pulmonary tuberculosis in adults and children: a systematic review

E. Chandler Church et al

Scientific study

Preferences of healthcare workers usingtongue swabs for tuberculosis diagnosisduring COVID-19

Renée Codsi et al.

Scientific study

Evaluation of Self-Collected Versus Health Care Professional (HCP)-Performed Sampling and the Potential Impact on the Diagnostic Results of Asymptomatic Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in High-Risk Individuals

Simon Weidlich et al.

Scientific study

Touching the (almost) untouchable: a minimally invasive workflow for microbiological and biomolecular analyses of cultural heritage objects

Cecilia G. Flocco et al.


Scientific study

Laboratory evaluation of the ESwab transport system for the recovery of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii

J. Moran-Gilad et al.

Scientific study

First water safety plan approach applied to a Dental Clinic complex: identification of new risk factors associated with Legionella and P. aeruginosa contamination, using a novel sampling, maintenance and management program

F. Marino et al.

Scientific study

Genotype heterogeneity of high-risk human papillomavirus infection in Ethiopia

Ayichew Seyoum  et al.

Scientific study

BRCA testing on buccal swab to improve access to healthcare and cancer prevention: a performance evaluation

Elisa de Paolis et al.

Scientific study

Detection of SARS-CoV-2 from combined nasal/rectal swabs

Adriana M. Airo et al.