32 results

Scientific study

A Lactobacillus consortium provides insightsinto the sleep‑exercise‑microbiome nexusin proof of concept studies of elite athletesand in the general population

T. Bongiovanni et al.

Scientific study

Signatures of disease outcome severity in the intestinal fungal and bacterial microbiome of COVID-19 patients

Fernando Rizzello et al.

Scientific study

Touching the (almost) untouchable: a minimally invasive workflow for microbiological and biomolecular analyses of cultural heritage objects

Cecilia G. Flocco et al.


Scientific study

Distinct Signatures of Tumor-Associated Microbiota and Metabolome in Low-Grade vs. High-Grade Dysplastic ColonPolyps: Inference of Their Role in Tumor Initiation and Progression

M. G. Clavenna et al

Scientific study

Gut microbiome profiling of neonates using Nanopore MinION and Illumina MiSeq sequencing

Teahyen Cha et al

Scientific study

Exploring the Healthy Eye Microbiota Niche in a Multicenter Study

Davide Borroni et al.

Scientific study

Oropharynx microbiota transitions in hypopharyngeal carcinoma treatment of induced chemotherapy followed by surgery

Hui‑Ching Lau et al.

Scientific study

Comparison of swab types for collection and analysis of microorganisms

Natalie M. Wise et al.

Scientific study

Critical evaluation of faecal microbiome preservation using metagenomic analysis

Pribyl et al.

Scientific study

Common skin bacteria protect their host from oxidative stress through secreted antioxidant RoxP

Tilde Andersson

Scientific study

Child development, growth and microbiota: fol-low-up of a randomized education trial in Uganda

Prudence Atukunda

Scientific study

Common skin bacteria protect their host from oxidative stress through secreted antioxidant RoxP

Tilde Andersson

Scientific study

Age-Dependent Dissimilarity of the Nasopharyngeal and Middle Ear Microbiota in Children with Acute Otitis Media

Silvio D Brugger

Scientific study

The initial state of the human gut microbiome deter-mines its reshaping by antibiotics

Frédéric Raymond

Scientific study

Vaginal colonization with antimicrobial-resistant bacteria among women in labor in central Uganda: prevalence and associated factors

Josephine Tumuhamye

Scientific study

Early origins of allergy and asthma (ARIES): study protocol for a prospective prenatal birth cohort in Chile

Caroll D. Hernandez

Scientific study

Decreased Intestinal Microbiome Diversity in Pediatric Sepsis: A Conceptual Framework for Intestinal Dysbiosis to Influence Immunometabolic Function

Scott L. Weiss

Scientific study

Temporal oral microbiome changes with brushing in children with cleft lip and palate

Rita Rodrigues

Scientific study

Oral Health, Oral Microbiota, and Incidence of Stroke-Associated Pneumonia—A Prospective Observational Study

Fabian Cieplik

Scientific study

The Endobiota Study: Comparison of Vaginal, Cervical and Gut Microbiota Between Women with Stage 3/4 Endometriosis and Healthy Controls

Baris Ata