9 results

Scientific study

PhenoMATRIX™ for the screening of Group B Streptococcus (GBS) carriage in pregnant women: ready to get rid of the LIM broth?

A. Cherkaoui et al.

Scientific study

Evaluation of PhenoMATRIX and PhenoMATRIX PLUS for the screening of MRSA from nasal and inguinal/perineal swabs using chromogenic media

Abdessalam Cherkaoui et al

Scientific Study

Digital Image Analysis for the Detection of Group B Streptococcus from ChromID Strepto B Medium Using PhenoMatrix™ Algorithms

Justin Baker, Karen Timm, Matthew Faron, Nathan Ledeboer, Karissa Culbreatha

Scientific Study

Digital Detection of Group A Streptococcus using Colorex Strep A CHROMagar and WASPLab® Chromogenic Detection Module

Jennifer Dien Bard, Jacob Nelson, Kenneth Mata, Darnell Thorpe, Susan Novak-Weekley

Scientific Study

Evaluation of the performances of Color Detection Module Algorithm for the automated detection of Streptococcus agalactiae on CHROMID®StreptoB

Corine Fulchiron, Maryse Guicherd, Geraldine Durand

Scientific Study

Validation and implementation of Colorex™ CHROMagar™ Strep A agar on WASP®/WASPLab® for screening for Streptococcus pyogenes using the eSwab®

M. Gaskin, D. Yamamura, J. Korver

Scientific Study

Clinical performance of the WASPLab® AI/IA-PhenoMATRIX™ software in detection of GBS from LIM-enriched cultures plated to CHROMID® strepto B Chromogenic media

Karen Timm, Justin Baker, Karissa Culbreath

Scientific Study

Evaluation of WASPLab® Software To Automatically Read chromID CPS Elite Agar for Reporting of Urine Cultures

Matthew L. Faron,Blake W. Buchan,Hasan Samra,Nathan A. Ledeboera

Scientific Study

Segregation and WASPLab® automation impact on MRSA screening at LTHT

Humaira Hussain, Deena Snape