3 results

Scientific study

Copan WASPLab automation significantly reduces incubation times and allows earlier culture readings

A. Cherkaoui

Scientific Study

Walk Away Automated Disc Diffusion Susceptibility Testing by Copan WASPLab®

J. van der Linden, A.R. Jansz, T. Liebregts, J. Stalpers, N.L.A. Arents, L.B.J. van der Velden

Scientific Study

Comparison of Five Media for Detection of Extended-Spectrum Beta Lactamase by Use of WASP® Instrument for Automated Specimen Processing

P. Grohs, B. Tillecovidin, A. Caumont-Prim, E. Carbonnelle, N. Day, I. Podglajen and L. Gutmann