Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – October 2024
Let’s dig together into three interesting papers on oropharyngeal cancer and HPV, microbiome and vaginitis, and microFLOQ in forensic DNA testing.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – June 2024
From the Mongolian grassland to the Belgian plains, we selected the three studies to be published in our Microbiology Time. Read about HPV self-collection in Mongolia, DNA methylation for detecting uterine cancer, and automated Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing with Radian!

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – May 2024
In the May edition of our Microbiology Time, we have selected three papers that showcase the diverse applications of our products, from HPV self-collection to a validation of an animal model and a zoonosis case study.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – April 2024
In this ECCMID month, we selected three studies that span the microbiome and COVID-19 correlation to gastrointestinal diseases and tuberculosis. Read more in April’s Microbiology Time!

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – February 2024
In the second Microbiology Time of 2024, we selected a paper proposing salivary micro-RNA as a liquid biopsy marker in oral cancer, a clinical trial evaluating different methods of offering HPV self-sampling kits, and a study investigating the benefits of probiotics in improving microbiota composition in post-menopausal women.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – January 2024
In the first edition of this year’s Microbiology Time, a paper on a new protocol to rapidly detect SARS-CoV-2 on surfaces, a systematic review on assessing oral swabs as an alternative to sputum for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis, and the first paper highlighting the unparalleled value of PhenoMATRIX PLUS in decreasing technologists’ time on negative plates.

Copan’s Artificial Intelligence on Nature Communications
Let’s listen to the Copan people who contributed to the exciting research paper featured in our last Microbiology Time, to understand PhenoMATRIX®’s game-changer performances in enhancing the efficiency and quality of routine activities and decision-making processes in a microbiological lab.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – November 2023
November’s Microbiology Time: what a big shot! This month, our scientific update features not one but two studies published in Nature Journals. Colony picking, vaginal microbiome, and AI plate interpretation: read more about these three papers that can’t be missed!

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – July 2023
For this July Microbiology Time, we selected three papers from Italian research teams. The first two explored the link between microbiome and cancer, while the third assessed bacterial water contamination in a dental clinic setting. Discover the full studies!

The new SMART-eNAT®
SMART-eNAT® combines eNAT® with a unique SMART cap delivery system, providing a safe and efficient nucleic acid collection and transport for prolonged periods. The new SMART post-collection high-performance yet intuitive cap avoids any spillage or unwanted contact, facilitating self-sampling at home.

How to collect and transport Monkeypox samples?
Since May 2022, the number of monkeypox cases are constantly rising. As a result, WHO declared monkeypox a public health emergency and released interim guidelines and information about the virus. Discover here which of Copan’s products are suitable for monkeypox sample collection.

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – August 2022
Whether lying on a sunny beach, hiking on the top of a mountain, or still at work, enjoy our Microbiology Time top three studies! We start with a new SARS-CoV-2 assay and a tongue swab testing analysis for tuberculosis. Finally, “Is SARS-CoV-2 a Concern for Food Safety?” is the question the third paper tries to answer.

Copan White paper
Copan White Paper: Monkeypox, sample collection and diagnostic techniques
With the Copan White Papers, we aim to promote a better understanding of our products and help healthcare professionals to select the proper device according to their needs. Read here the first of the series, “Monkeypox: sample collection and diagnostic techniques.”

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – February 2022
It’s February, and it’s Microbiology Time! This month we selected an exciting paper on MDRO outbreaks during the Covid-19 pandemic and an interesting study evaluating the performance of different swab types and collection systems to recover CMV DNA from vaginal fluids and saliva. The third study selected is an exhaustive review of the advantages of full lab automation.

Cepheid Inc. validates Copan eNAT® sample collection
Cepheid Inc. just validated the use of Copan eNAT® to collect nasal and nasopharyngeal samples to be analyzed with its Xpert Xpress CoV-2/Flu/RSV plus assay. The combination of these two best-in-class solutions will provide laboratories worldwide with improved efficiency and operators safety, granting patients the best clinical results.

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – October 2021
October’s update of our scientific database is full of exciting papers. Among them, we selected a study on HPV-related cancer screening, a research on direct amplification of disaster victim identification samples, and a comparison of sample collection and transport methods to enhance yield and biosafety of COVID-19 testing.