4N6FLOQSwabs® Genetics
4N6FLOQSwabs® Genetics is the line of Copan patented FLOQSwabs® specifically designed and dedicated to DNA collection for human identification.

A successful forensic investigation begins with a proper sample, and proper samples are obtained using the appropriate collection method.

Vaginal Self-FLOQSwabs®

Scientific study
Mismatch Amplification Mutation Assay-Based Real-Time PCR for Rapid Detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Antimicrobial Resistance Determinants in Clinical Specimens
Valentina Donà, Joost H. Smid, Sara Kasraian, Dianne Egli-Gany, Ferah Dost, Fatime Imeri, Magnus Unemo, Nicola Low, Andrea Endimiani
Scientific study
Randomized Comparison of Two Vaginal Self-Sampling Methods for Human Papillomavirus Detection: Dry Swab versus FTA Cartridge
Rosa Catarino
Scientific study
Assessing the Impact of Mailing Self-Sampling Kits for Human Papillomavirus Testing to Unscreened Non-Responder Women in Manitoba
F. Jalili
Scientific study
Self-Collection for Under-Screened Women in a National Cervical Screening Program: Pilot Study
M. Saville
Scientific study
Contraceptive rings promote vaginal lactobacilli in a high bacterial vaginosis prevalence population: A randomised, open-label longitudinal study in Rwandan women
Tania Crucitti
Scientific study
The Endobiota Study: Comparison of Vaginal, Cervical and Gut Microbiota Between Women with Stage 3/4 Endometriosis and Healthy Controls
Baris Ata
Scientific study
Early origins of allergy and asthma (ARIES): study protocol for a prospective prenatal birth cohort in Chile
Caroll D. Hernandez
Scientific study
Macrolide resistance in Mycoplasma genitalium from female sex workers in Belgium
Liselotte Coorevits
Scientific study
Vaginal colonization with antimicrobial-resistant bacteria among women in labor in central Uganda: prevalence and associated factors
Josephine Tumuhamye
Scientific study
A comparison of cotton and flocked swabs for vaginal self-sample collection
Manuela Viviano
Scientific study
Development of a melting-curve based multiplex real-time PCR assay for simultaneous detection of Streptococcus agalactiae and genes encoding resistance to macrolides and lincosamides
Eliane Saori Otaguiri
Scientific study
Polymerase chain reaction versus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in detection of Chlamydia Trachomatis infection among gynaecological patients in south-western Nigeria
Ajani T.A
Scientific study
Copan Walk Away Specimen Processor (WASP) Automated System for Pathogen Detection in Female Reproductive Tract Specimens
Jing Gao et al.
Scientific study
Screening for cytomegalovirus shedding in vagina and saliva: Significant differences between biological fluids, swab types and storage durations in DNA recovery
Ngee Keong Tan et al.
Scientific study
High-Resolution Melting Analysis to Detect Antimicrobial Resistance Determinants in South African Neisseria gonorrhoeae Clinical Isolates and Specimens
Nireshni Mitchev et al.
Scientific study
Frequency of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Patients with Imminent Preterm Delivery on the Island of Curaçao
Aglaia Hage et al.
Scientific study
Evaluation of BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay on Self-Collected Vaginal and First-Void Urine Samples as Compared to Clinician-Collected Cervical Samples: A Pilot Study
Marianna Martinelli et al.
Scientific study
Age-specific and genotype-specific carcinogenic human papilloma virus prevalence in a country with a high cervical cancer burden: results of across-sectional study in Estonia
Kersti Pärna et al.
Scientific study
Human papillomavirus testing using existing nucleic acid testing platforms to screen women for cervical cancer:implementation studies from five sub-Saharan African countries
Jessica Joseph et al.
Scientific study
Preliminary Results of Feasibility and Acceptability ofSelf-Collection for Cervical Screening in Italian Women
Illari Sechi et al.
Scientific study
Treating male partners of women with bacterial vaginosis (StepUp): a protocol for a randomised controlled trial to assess the clinical effectiveness of male partner treatment for reducing the risk of BV recurrence
Lenka A. Vodstrcil
Scientific study
Sexually Transmitted Infections and Behavioral Determinants of Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Allahabad District (India) Based on Data from the ChlamIndia Study
Pierre P.M. Thomas
Scientific study
Diagnostic accuracy of the Xpert CT/NG and OSOM Trichomonas Rapid assays for point-of-care STI testing among young women in South Africa: a crosssectional study
Nigel Garrett, Nireshni Mitchev, Farzana Osman, Jessica Naidoo, Jienchi Dorward, Ravesh Singh, Hope Ngobese, Anne Rompalo, Koleka Mlisana, Adrian Mindel
Scientific study
Diversity of endocervical microbiota associated with genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection and infertility among women visiting obstetrics and gynecology clinics in Malaysia
Heng Choon Cheong, Polly Soo Xi Yap, Chun Wie Chong, Yi Ying Cheok, Chalystha Yie Qin Lee, Grace Min Yi Tan, Sofiah Sulaiman, Jamiyah Hassan, Negar Shafiei Sabet, Chung Yeng Looi , Rishein Gupta, Bernard Arulanandam, Sazaly AbuBakar, Cindy Shuan Ju Teh, Li Yen Chang, Won Fen Wong
Scientific study
Comparative phase I randomized open-label pilot clinical trial of Gynophilus® (Lcr regenerans®) immediate release capsules versus slow release muco-adhesive tablets
Caroline Dausset, Stéphane Patrier, Pawel Gajer, Claudia Thoral, Yann Lenglet, Jean-Michel Cardot, Philippe Judlin, Jacques Ravel, Adrien Nivoliez
Scientific study
Comparison of Three Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests and Culture for Detection of Group B Streptococcus from Enrichment Broth
Ji H. Shin, David T. Pride
Scientific study
Multicenter Evaluation of NeuMoDx Group B Streptococcus Assay on the NeuMoDx 288 Molecular System
C. L. Emery, R. F. Relich, T. H. Davis, S. A. Young, M. D. Sims, B. L. Boyanton Jr.
Scientific study
Comparison of BD MAX GBS and GenomEra GBS assays for rapid intrapartum PCR detection of vaginal carriage of group B streptococci
Trine Andreasen, Jens Kjølseth Møller, Mohammed Rohi Khalil
Scientific study
Evaluation of Methods for the Extraction of Microbial DNA From Vaginal Swabs Used for Microbiome Studies
Valentina Mattei, Selvasankar Murugesan, Muna Al Hashmi, Rebecca Mathew, Nicola James, Parul Singh, Manoj Kumar, Arun Prasath Lakshmanan, Annalisa Terranegra, Souhaila Al Khodor, Sara Tomei
Scientific study
Vaginal Microbiota and Cytokine Levels Predict Preterm Delivery in Asian Women
Manoj Kumar, Selvasankar Murugesan, Parul Singh, Marwa Saadaoui, Duaa Ahmed Elhag, Annalisa Terranegra, Basirudeen Syed Ahamed Kabeer, Alexandra K. Marr, Tomoshige Kino, Tobias Brummaier, Rose McGready, François Nosten, Damien Chaussabel, Souhaila Al Khodor
Scientific study
Analytical performance of HPV assays on vaginal self-collected vs practitioner-collected cervical samples: the SCoPE study
M Saville, D Hawkes, MHT Keung, ELO Ip, J Silvers, F Sultana, MJ Malloy, LS Velentzis, K Canfel, CD Wrede, JML Brotherton
Scientific study
Cervical microbiota in women with cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia, prior to and after local excisional treatment, a Norwegian cohort study
Johanna Wiik, Verena Sengpiel, Maria Kyrgiou, Staffan Nilsson, Anita Mitra, Tom Tanbo, Christine Monceyron Jonassen, Tone Møller Tannæs, Katrine Sjøborg
Scientific study
Transcriptional Expression of the ompA, cpaf, tarp, and tox Genes of Chlamydia trachomatis Clinical Isolates at Different Stages of the Developmental Cycle
Suvi Korhonen, Kati Hokynar, Laura Mannonen, Jorma Paavonen, Eija Hiltunen-Back, Mirja Puolakkainen
Scientific study
Controlled ovarian stimulation and progesterone supplementation affect vaginal and endometrial microbiota in IVF cycles: a pilot study
Andrea Carosso
Scientific study
Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma carriage in pregnant women: the prevalence of transmission from mother to newborn
Avi Peretz, Oran Tameri, Maya Azrad, Shay Barak, Yuri Perlitz, Wadie Abu Dahoud, Moshe Ben-Ami & Amir Kushnir
Scientific study
Persistence of cervical high-risk human papillomavirus in women living with HIV in Denmark – the SHADE
Kristina Thorsteinsson
Scientific study
Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus Genotypes in Women from Cozumel, Mexico
Enrique Navarro-Vidal
Scientific study
Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections among Married Women in Rural Nepal
Sunila Shakya
Scientific study
Genotypic characterisation of human papillomavirus infections among persons living with HIV infection; a case–control study in Kumasi, Ghana
Dekugmen Yar
Scientific study
Comparison of DRY and WET vaginal swabs with cervical specimens in Roche Cobas 4800 HPV and Abbott RealTime High Risk HPV tests
Kwan Jun
Scientific study
The prevalence of, and risk factors for, mycoplasma genitalium infection among infertile women in Ibadan: A cross-sectional study
Tinuade Adesola Ajant
Scientific study
The Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis and Three Other Non-Viral Sexually Transmitted Infections among Pregnant Women in Pemba Island Tanzania
Naomi C.A.
Scientific study
Microbiome Understanding in Maternity Study (MUMS), an Australian prospective longitudinal cohort study of maternal and infant microbiota: study protocol
Daniella Susic
Scientific study
Evaluation of Pre-Analytical Variables for Human Papillomavirus Primary Screening from Self-Collected Vaginal Swabs
Michele Qi et al.
Scientific Booklet
Booklet Genetics & Microbiome

Microbiome & Probiotics R&D & Business Collaboration Forum: Europe
The 8th Microbiome and Probiotics R&D and Business Collaboration Forum is Europe’s longest-running and largest Microbiome meeting. It has an unrivaled reputation for attracting leading academics to present the newest available discoveries being made about microbiota and human health. With an equal measure of researchers from industry, this outstanding networking meeting was the place to learn, built new partnerships, and explore effective business and commercialization strategies.
Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – April 2022
April is dense with scientific events: EUROGIN, ECCMID, World Of Microbiome… our Microbiology Time could not be missing! The main topic of this month is HPV, the subject of two of your selected studies. The third one investigates SARS-CoV-2 presence on hospital surfaces.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – February 2023
It’s the second month of 2023, and it’s the second microbiology time of the year! In this edition, we selected studies covering self-collected vaginal samples for molecular assays, SARS-Cov-2 detection from rectal and nasal swabs, and buccal swabbing for BRCA testing. Enjoy your reading!

The new SMART-eNAT®
SMART-eNAT® combines eNAT® with a unique SMART cap delivery system, providing a safe and efficient nucleic acid collection and transport for prolonged periods. The new SMART post-collection high-performance yet intuitive cap avoids any spillage or unwanted contact, facilitating self-sampling at home.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – September 2023
Here’s the ninth issue of 2023’s Microbiology Time. The three selected studies evaluate self- versus healthcare professional performed- collection, carcinogenic HPV prevalence in Estonia, and the implementation of molecular screening for HPV in five African countries.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – October 2023
Let’s dig together into three thrilling papers on tongue swabs and tuberculosis, self-collection for cervical screening in Italian women, and a study on the correlation between Covid-related olfactory deficit and zinc homeostasis.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – July 2024
We welcome the long-awaited summer with three great papers: the first analyzes surface characteristics’ effect on human DNA’s recovery for forensic purposes, while the second and third evaluate the impact of different variables on the accuracy and usability of self-collected samples for HPV detection.