Scientific Study
Feasibility and acceptability of saliva-based testing for the screening of SARS-CoV-2 infection in prison
C. Parodi, E. Ottaviano, N. Cocco, S. Ancona, S. Bianchi, V. Massa, R. Bartolotti, B. Pezzoni, R. Giuliani, E. Borghi, R. Ranieri
European Society of Clinical Virology – ESCV
The Conference of European Society for Clinical Virology program covers the most recent discoveries and innovations in Clinical Virology. Sessions will include the use of Next Generation Sequencing, Hepatitis, Emerging Viruses and Zoonoses, Viral infections in Pregnancy, as well as Advancements in Diagnosis, Monitoring, Prevention and Treatment of a range of viral diseases.
ESCV – 24th Annual Conference of the European Society for Clinical Virology
This meeting will be the first in-person ESCV meeting since the pandemic began! We are excited to get together and share our pandemic experience with clinical virologists, without forgetting all the many other important aspects of clinical virology that the attention-demanding coronavirus has overshadowed!
EMMD – 12th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics
The European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics will cover all the aspects of molecular diagnostics in human disease and pathology. The scope of the meeting has expanded to include top-notch amplification techniques in a wide diversity of laboratory disciplines, including Clinical Microbiology and Virology. Come to our stand (#10) to discover our approach to molecular biology sample preparation!
SIV – 7th national congress of the Italian Society for Virology
This year, the annual meeting of the Italian Society of Virology SIV-ISV will be held in our city, Brescia! The event will span from general to clinical virology, with sessions on antiviral therapy and diagnosis, vaccines, epidemiology, diseases, veterinary, and plant virology. See you there!
ESCV – 25th Annual Conference of the European Society for Clinical Virology
The 25th European Society for Clinical Virology meeting will be an engaging experience for expert clinical virologists and young scientists. Topics will be focused on the state of the art as well as the most recent discoveries and innovations in Clinical Virology, including respiratory viruses, gastrointestinal viruses, emerging and re-emerging viruses, immune response and vaccines, advancements in diagnostics, epidemics, and pandemics. Looking for the best collection device for virology? Come and visit our booth!
13th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics
EMMD is devoted to all aspects of molecular diagnostics in human disease and pathology. These meetings are a continuation of the former Benelux and European meetings on PCR diagnostics. However, the scope of the meeting has expanded to include other amplification techniques, general probe technology and applications in wide diversity of laboratory disciplines i.e. Clinical Microbiology, Virology, Pathology, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Genetics, Pharmacogenetics, Hematology and Oncology.
Copan will display new and well-established products, with specific focus on molecular claims.