hDNAfreeFLOQSwabs® is a product line dedicated to DNA collection for genetic applications. Free of amplifiable human DNA and detectable DNase and RNase, hDNAFLOQSwabs® are non-invasive, painless, and cost-effective.

NAO® Basket
NAO® Basket is a semi-permeable system designed for releasing and concentrating human DNA from swab samples or other specimens during the extraction step.

Genetics & Microbiome
The rise of Multi Drug-Resistant Organisms has become a global health and economic concern, and tools to combat them are urgently needed.

A successful forensic investigation begins with a proper sample, and proper samples are obtained using the appropriate collection method.

SMART-eNAT® combines eNAT® with a unique SMART cap delivery system, providing a safe and efficient nucleic acids collection and transport for prolonged periods. The SMART post-collection high-performance yet intuitive cap avoids any spillage or unwanted contact, facilitating self-sampling at home.

Ordering Information
4N6FLOQSwabs® Genetics

Buccal hDNAFreeFLOQSwabs®

Product Focus

Ordering Information
hDNAFreeFLOQSwabs® for USA


Forensics Science

Product Focus

Application Brochure

Scientific study
Detection of cell-free foetal DNA fraction in female-foetus bearing pregnancies using X-chromosomal insertion/deletion polymorphisms examined by digital droplet PCR
Iveta Zednikova
Scientific study
Biotechnical development of genetic addiction risk score (GARS) and selective evidence for inclusion of polymorphic allelic risk in substance use disorder (SUD)
K. Blum
Scientific study
Targeted capture enrichment followed by NGS: development and validation of a single comprehensive NIPT for chromosomal aneuploidies, microdeletion syndromes and monogenic diseases
George Koumbaris
Scientific study
Noninvasive prenatal paternity testing by means of SNP‐based targeted sequencing
Jacqueline Chor Wing Tam
Scientific study
High-Throughput MICA/B Genotyping of Over Two Million Samples: Workflow and Allele Frequencies
Anja Klussmeier
Scientific study
Early origins of allergy and asthma (ARIES): study protocol for a prospective prenatal birth cohort in Chile
Caroll D. Hernandez
Scientific study
Validation of genome-wide association study-identified single nucleotide polymorphisms in a case-control study of pancreatic cancer from Taiwan
Yan-Shen Shan
Scientific study
Inhibition of DNA amplification caused by metal in extracted bloodstains and in direct amplification
Patterson et al.
Scientific study
Deep sequencing of Escherichia coli exposes colonisation diversity and impact of antibiotics in Punjab, Pakistan
et al.
Scientific Booklet
Booklet Genetics & Microbiome

European Society of Human Genetics – ESHG
The European Human Genetics Conference brings you what is at the forefront of human genetics both scientifically and technologically, without losing sight of educating the upcoming generation of human geneticists. With these goals in mind, our Scientific Program Committee establishes the meeting schedule.
Annual Meeting ASHG
“We are excited to again provide cutting-edge scientific programming and, as the world emerges from an unprecedented pandemic, ASHG’s leadership continues to explore how we can sustain, unite, and engage our vibrant community in new ways.”
Gail P. Jarvik, MD, PhD 2021 ASHG President
World Of Microbiome
This year, the WOM program is based on three learning and networking zones to advance research, understanding & application in the world of microbiome by fostering collaboration among clinicians, researchers, and the industry. These zones are the mother and newborn microbiome, the digestive tract and metabolism microbiome, and the oral cavity microbiome.
European Human Genetics Conference – ESHG
The ESHG conference provides a platform for disseminating the most exciting advancements in the field of human genetics and fostering the education of the upcoming generation of human geneticists. Scientific sessions, concurrent symposia, and workshops: by attending, you’ll be updated on emerging concepts, mechanisms, and technologies in human genetics. Of course, our human and microbiome genetics collection devices cannot be missed.
13th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics
EMMD is devoted to all aspects of molecular diagnostics in human disease and pathology. These meetings are a continuation of the former Benelux and European meetings on PCR diagnostics. However, the scope of the meeting has expanded to include other amplification techniques, general probe technology and applications in wide diversity of laboratory disciplines i.e. Clinical Microbiology, Virology, Pathology, Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Genetics, Pharmacogenetics, Hematology and Oncology.
Copan will display new and well-established products, with specific focus on molecular claims.
The European Network of Forensic Science Institutes Meeting 2024
The Section of Forensic Biology at Oslo University Hospital will host this year’s Meetings of the ENFSI DNA Expert Working Group, EDNAP and European CODIS users. The program will cover interesting topics including DNA Analysis Methods & Interpretation, DNA legislation and DNA database management, Automation, Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence and Forensic Biology.
We will attend this important event with our 4N6 and genetics products, come and visit us!
MICROBIOME from Benchtop To Bedside
The third edition of the Microbiome, From Benchtop to Bedside symposium, is dedicated to advancing the field of microbiome research by bringing together leading researchers, clinicians, and industrial partners. The goal is to catalyze the translation of groundbreaking scientific insights into clinical applications that improve patient care. The symposium will feature sessions about Microbiome & General Health, Disease and Applications and Regulations. Esteemed international speakers will share their latest research and insights.
Copan at ECCMID 2022
Our page dedicated to ECCMID 2022. Here, you can discover more about what we displayed at the trade show, watch – or replay- our integrated lunch symposium, and listen to our interviews with microbiology experts, to understand how Copan’s WISE approach can revolutionize your lab workflow!

The new SMART-eNAT®
SMART-eNAT® combines eNAT® with a unique SMART cap delivery system, providing a safe and efficient nucleic acid collection and transport for prolonged periods. The new SMART post-collection high-performance yet intuitive cap avoids any spillage or unwanted contact, facilitating self-sampling at home.

The Ultimate Guide to Forensic Sampling
The new Copan Guide to Forensic Sampling aims to help forensics professionals orient through the jungle of evidence collection methods, choose the appropriate one according to any situation, and ensure the success of their investigation.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – August 2024
To select this month’s studies, we’ve traveled to three continents with an epidemiology study on pneumococcus in Botswana, an update on the British HPV screening program YouScreen, and an E. coli sequencing project in Pakistan.

4N6FLOQSwabs® Buccal Collection IFU
4N6FLOQSwabs® Genetics is the line of Copan patented FLOQSwabs® specifically designed and dedicated to DNA collection for human identification. Discover in this video how easy is to collect buccal samples with 4N6FLOQSwabs® Genetics.

Sample self-collection, a lesson gained during the COVID pandemic
Copan sponsored Integrated Lunch Symposia – ECCMID 2022
During Copan’s ECCMID integrated symposium, four distinguished speakers updated the audience on the advances, achievements, and future trends of sample self-collection in different fields (STIs, HPV, respiratory infections, genetics, serology).