Scientific study
Evaluation Of Automated MALDI – TOF Target Plate Preparation
My-Lien Pham et al.
Scientific study
Automated colony picking and McFarland preparation using the Copan Colibrì instrument is equivalent to manual McFarland preparations for antimicrobial susceptibility testing using the Vitek 2 system
K. Bryant et al.
Scientific study
Evaluation of the Colibrí from Copan for automated MALDI-TOF spotting
E. Zarate et al.
Scientific study
Diagnostic test accuracy of an automated device for the MALDI target preparation for microbial identification
Abdessalam Cherkaoui et al.
Copan at ECCMID 2022
Our page dedicated to ECCMID 2022. Here, you can discover more about what we displayed at the trade show, watch – or replay- our integrated lunch symposium, and listen to our interviews with microbiology experts, to understand how Copan’s WISE approach can revolutionize your lab workflow!

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – July 2022
An exciting paper on yeast identification by Colibrí is the opening study of our July Microbiology Time. Following, a study evaluating reservoirs of AMR organisms in a newly built intensive care unit and the analysis of CT/NG frequency in Patients with Imminent Preterm Delivery.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – November 2023
November’s Microbiology Time: what a big shot! This month, our scientific update features not one but two studies published in Nature Journals. Colony picking, vaginal microbiome, and AI plate interpretation: read more about these three papers that can’t be missed!