European Human Genetics Conference – ESHG
The ESHG conference provides a platform for disseminating the most exciting advancements in the field of human genetics and fostering the education of the upcoming generation of human geneticists. Scientific sessions, concurrent symposia, and workshops: by attending, you’ll be updated on emerging concepts, mechanisms, and technologies in human genetics. Of course, our human and microbiome genetics collection devices cannot be missed.
ISHI – 33rd International Symposium on Human Identification
The International Symposium on Human Identification is the largest annual meeting on DNA forensics. Of course, we’ll be there with our booth #201. Join us to discover the newest advances in DNA technology from top experts in the field, coming from crime labs in the US and abroad, parentage and testing laboratories, academic institutions, and governmental research agencies.
GISCi – Convegno Gruppo Italiano Screening del Cervicocarcinoma
Il Gruppo Italiano Screening del Cervicocarcinoma (GISCi ) è una associazione senza scopi di lucro che promuove la diffusione e miglioramento della qualità dell’ attività di screening organizzato del “carcinoma della cervice uterina”. Obiettivi principali del GISCi sono: promuovere i contatti tra i programmi di screening esistenti in Italia; favorire il confronto multidisciplinare tra i vari professionisti ed operatori coinvolti nel percorso di screening; promuovere la qualità dei programmi nonché sostenere e stimolare l’innovazione e la ricerca nel settore. Punto saliente per la valutazione del raggiungimento di tali obiettivi è il Convegno Nazionale annuale che quest’anno si terrà a Milano dal 26 al 27 Ottobre.
Sarà un’occasione di confronto per quanti coinvolti nei programmi di screening organizzato nel verificare i risultati raggiunti, i programmi di recupero dopo il rallentamento dell’attività legato alla pandemia COVID, il grado di implementazione nell’attuazione del Programma Nazionale di Prevenzione per quanto attiene, nello specifico l’attività della Associazione.
ENFSI – European Network of Forensic Science Institutes
The Section of Forensic Biology at Oslo University Hospital will host this year’s Meetings of the ENFSI DNA Expert Working Group, EDNAP and European CODIS users. The program will cover interesting topics including DNA Analysis Methods & Interpretation, DNA-legislation and DNA-database management, Automation, Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence and Forensic Biology.
We will attend this important event with our 4N6 and genetics products!
ESCV – 25th Annual Conference of the European Society for Clinical Virology
The 25th European Society for Clinical Virology meeting will be an engaging experience for expert clinical virologists and young scientists. Topics will be focused on the state of the art as well as the most recent discoveries and innovations in Clinical Virology, including respiratory viruses, gastrointestinal viruses, emerging and re-emerging viruses, immune response and vaccines, advancements in diagnostics, epidemics, and pandemics. Looking for the best collection device for virology? Come and visit our booth!
ISHI – 34rd International Symposium on Human Identification
The International Symposium on Human Identification is the largest annual meeting on DNA forensics. Two and a half days of General Session talks featuring industry leaders and emerging technologies, 75+ Scientific Poster presentations, 45+ vendors in the forensic field, and organized networking opportunities. Of course, we’ll be there with our booth #327. Join us to discover the newest advances in DNA technology from top experts in the field, coming from crime labs in the US and abroad, parentage and testing laboratories, academic institutions, and governmental research agencies.
Next Generation DX Summit
The Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Fourteenth Annual Next Generation Dx Summit will take place in-person at the Grand Hyatt Washington, D.C. on August 21-23. The Next Generation Dx Summit is the nexus for key opinion leaders across the world to share recent progress in diagnostic advancement and technology innovation. The event provides a valuable window on how point-of-care, infectious disease, liquid biopsy, and companion diagnostics are changing the standard of care. Now in its fifteenth year, the Next Generation Dx Summit is a must-attend event with complete coverage of the most timely and important topics for the industry.
Medlab Asia
Medlab Asia will be welcoming world-class suppliers and industry leaders as well as top-of-the-line buyers in the healthcare sector to explore the APAC market. Plus, the educational agenda of the congress aims to equip medical lab and healthcare professionals with technical skill sets, research findings, and recommendations on all lab and healthcare-related topics. Led by a strong scientific committee, the congress ensures that current issues and innovations are at the center of all programs. Come and meet our APAC team at booth H6.D12
IAFP – International Association for Food Protection meeting 2023
Each year, the International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting provides attendees with information on current and emerging food safety issues, the latest science, innovative solutions to new and recurring problems, and the opportunity to network with thousands of food safety professionals from around the globe. Held in various locations throughout North America, this meeting has grown over the years to become the leading food safety conference worldwide. The IAFP Annual Meeting is attended by more than 3,800 of the top industry, academic, and governmental food safety professionals from six continents. This renowned event owes its reputation and success to the quantity, quality, and diversity of each year’s program; the quality and relevance of exhibits sharing the latest in available technologies; leading experts speaking on a variety of timely topics; and special recognition of outstanding professionals and students for their contributions in the food safety field.
SIV – 7th national congress of the Italian Society for Virology
This year, the annual meeting of the Italian Society of Virology SIV-ISV will be held in our city, Brescia! The event will span from general to clinical virology, with sessions on antiviral therapy and diagnosis, vaccines, epidemiology, diseases, veterinary, and plant virology. See you there!
European Society of Mycobacteriology – ESM
Join the ESM Congress to discover the advances and breakthroughs in labs worldwide and gain an in-depth perspective of the Mycobacteria field. In addition, you could investigate potential collaboration opportunities, learn about the newest data and tools, and share your research with a highly relevant and supportive audience.
Preventing Cervical Cancer 2022 Conference
The PCC2022 Conference will be a hybrid face-to-face and virtual event hosted by the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer and the NHMRC-funded Centre of Research Excellence in Cervical Cancer Control (C4).
The theme of the conference is innovation and equity in the elimination of cervical cancer. An exciting panel of speakers at the vanguard of elimination efforts will share their experiences and knowledge across the cervical cancer prevention spectrum, including awareness, vaccination, screening, and treatment of pre-cancers. In a few words, PCC222 is the ideal setting for our vaginal self-collection products.
GISCi – Convegno Gruppo Italiano Screening del Cervicocarcinoma
Il Gruppo Italiano Screening del Cervicocarcinoma è una associazione senza scopi di lucro che promuove la diffusione e miglioramento della qualità nell’attività di screening organizzato del carcinoma della cervice uterina. Il Convegno nazionale sarà un’occasione di confronto per quanti coinvolti nei programmi di screening organizzato nel verificare i risultati raggiunti, i programmi di recupero dopo il rallentamento dell’attività legato alla pandemia COVID, il grado di implementazione nell’attuazione del Programma Nazionale di Prevenzione per quanto attiene, nello specifico, l’attività dell’Associazione.
European Academy of Forensic Science Conference – EAFS
Together for a Safer World: this is the motto of the 2022 EAFS conference, chosen to emphasize the importance of cooperation to meet future expectations of the forensic community. The event will focus on the transformation of forensic science due to new technical possibilities, developments in forensic science, and new categories of crime. Our 4N6 collection devices – designed to respond to the need for a flawless sample collection and reduced DNA testing time – fit nicely with this year’s rationale. Come to meet them at our booth!
Medlab Asia
Medlab Asia will be welcoming world-class suppliers and industry leaders as well as top-of-the-line buyers in the healthcare sector to explore the APAC market. Plus, the educational agenda of the congress aims to equip medical lab and healthcare professionals with technical skill sets, research findings, and recommendations on all lab and healthcare-related topics. Led by a strong scientific committee, the congress ensures that current issues and innovations are at the center of all programs. Come and meet our APAC team at booth 6.D38
EMMD – 12th European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics
The European Meeting on Molecular Diagnostics will cover all the aspects of molecular diagnostics in human disease and pathology. The scope of the meeting has expanded to include top-notch amplification techniques in a wide diversity of laboratory disciplines, including Clinical Microbiology and Virology. Come to our stand (#10) to discover our approach to molecular biology sample preparation!
ESCV – 24th Annual Conference of the European Society for Clinical Virology
This meeting will be the first in-person ESCV meeting since the pandemic began! We are excited to get together and share our pandemic experience with clinical virologists, without forgetting all the many other important aspects of clinical virology that the attention-demanding coronavirus has overshadowed!
NSCMID – 38th Nordic Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Meeting
The annual NSCMID meeting is the main microbiology event in the Scandinavian Countries, so why not attend it side by side with our distributors and partners? Come to meet us all at booth #13 to discover our WISE approach to preanalytics and sample management. Also, we’ll wait for you at our sponsored symposium “Automated disk diffusion antibiotic susceptibility testing: the next step in full lab automation” held by Susan Sharp, Friday, September 2, 14:30 – 15:00 CET
SGM-SSM – Swiss Society for Microbiology
In 2022 the Swiss Society for Microbiology celebrates its 80th anniversary. We’ll be there with our partner Ruwag celebrating this anniversary and discussing the latest advancements in clinical microbiology with Swiss experts. In this respect, don’t miss our exclusive symposium, “The Microbiology Laboratory of the Future,” featuring Dr. Abdessalam Cherkaoui, Bart Gordts, and Professor Oliver Nolte, Wednesday August 31, from 12.00 to 12.45.
Next Generation DX
The Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Fourteenth Annual Next Generation Dx Summit will take place in-person at the Grand Hyatt Washington, D.C. on August 22-24. The Next Generation Dx Summit is the nexus for key opinion leaders across the world to share recent progress in diagnostic advancement and technology innovation. The event provides a valuable window on how point-of-care, infectious disease, liquid biopsy, and companion diagnostics are changing the standard of care. Now in its fourteenth year, the Next Generation Dx Summit is a must-attend event with complete coverage of the most timely and important topics for the industryNext Generation DX
IAFP – International Association for Food Protection meeting 2022
Each year, the International Association for Food Protection’s Annual Meeting provides attendees with information on current and emerging food safety issues, the latest science, innovative solutions to new and recurring problems, and the opportunity to network with thousands of food safety professionals from around the globe. Our NewLab team will wait for you at our booth, with our solution for food industry quality control!
VIII Congresso Nazionale SIMaST: Farmaco resistenza nelle infezioni sessualmente trasmesse
An Italian event dedicated to AntiMicrobial-Resistant Bacteria in Sexually transmitted infections. The scientific program will cover both the epidemiological aspects and the problems of diagnosis, treatment, and primary and secondary prevention of viral STIs.
Microbiome Connect
Skin microbiome is entering the mainstream of the healthcare, beauty, and personal care industry. The field is still in a nascent stage, but as next generation sequencing techniques and big data analysis improve, a galaxy of new information is set to be uncovered. With new regulation coming in to hold back the use of unsubstantiated claims, understanding the research and governing of this space has never been more important. Join us at this amazing event!
European Society of Mycobacteriology – ESM
Join the ESM Congress to discover the advances and breakthroughs in labs worldwide and gain an in-depth perspective of the Mycobacteria field. In addition, you could investigate potential collaboration opportunities, learn about the newest data and tools, and share your research with a highly relevant and supportive audience.
International Multidisciplinary HPV Congress of EUropean Research Organisation on Genital Infection and Neoplasia
EUROGIN is one of the world’s leading international congresses on HPV infections and associated cancers with a focus on prevention and diagnostics.
The event aims at translating scientific and evidence-based research into clinical practice through its high-quality and innovative program drawn up by outstanding international leaders. The conference offers a forum to exchange knowledge and experience with peers from all over the world.
Save the date and join us at booth A07, where you will ll have the chance to discover our solutions for HPV screening and our approach to self-collection as a method to increase testing rates in women.