STIs and HPV

Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Successful Combination of Nucleic Acid Amplification Test Diagnostics and Targeted Deferred Neisseria gonorrhoeae Culture
Carolien M. Wind, Henry J. C. de Vries, Maarten F. Schim van der Loeff, Magnus Unemo, Alje P. van Dam
Scientific study
PLoS One
Urogenital Chlamydia trachomatis multilocus sequence types and genovar distribution in chlamydia infected patients in a multi-ethnic region of Saratov, Russia
Valentina A. Feodorova, Svetlana S. Konnova, Yury V. Saltykov, Sergey S. Zaitsev, Irina A. Subbotina, Tatiana I. Polyanina, Sergey S. Ulyanov, Susanna L. Lamers, Charlotte A. Gaydos, Thomas C. Quinn, Vladimir L. Motin
Scientific study
BMC Women's Health
Cervical microbiota in women with cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia, prior to and after local excisional treatment, a Norwegian cohort study
Johanna Wiik, Verena Sengpiel, Maria Kyrgiou, Staffan Nilsson, Anita Mitra, Tom Tanbo, Christine Monceyron Jonassen, Tone Møller Tannæs, Katrine Sjøborg
Scientific study
PLoS One
Diversity of endocervical microbiota associated with genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection and infertility among women visiting obstetrics and gynecology clinics in Malaysia
Heng Choon Cheong, Polly Soo Xi Yap, Chun Wie Chong, Yi Ying Cheok, Chalystha Yie Qin Lee, Grace Min Yi Tan, Sofiah Sulaiman, Jamiyah Hassan, Negar Shafiei Sabet, Chung Yeng Looi , Rishein Gupta, Bernard Arulanandam, Sazaly AbuBakar, Cindy Shuan Ju Teh, Li Yen Chang, Won Fen Wong
Scientific study
Transcriptional Expression of the ompA, cpaf, tarp, and tox Genes of Chlamydia trachomatis Clinical Isolates at Different Stages of the Developmental Cycle
Suvi Korhonen, Kati Hokynar, Laura Mannonen, Jorma Paavonen, Eija Hiltunen-Back, Mirja Puolakkainen
Scientific study
The Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis and Three Other Non-Viral Sexually Transmitted Infections among Pregnant Women in Pemba Island Tanzania
Naomi C.A.
Scientific study
Relationship between microbiology of throat swab and clinical course among primary care patients with acute cough: a prospective cohort study
Josè M. Ordonez-Mena
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Bacterial Load of Chlamydia trachomatis in the Posterior Oropharynx, Tonsillar Fossae, and Saliva among Men Who Have Sex with Men with Untreated Oropharyngeal Chlamydia
Tiffany R. Phillips
Scientific study
PLoS One
Contraceptive rings promote vaginal lactobacilli in a high bacterial vaginosis prevalence population: A randomised, open-label longitudinal study in Rwandan women
Tania Crucitti
Scientific study
Sex Health
UriSwab: an effective transport medium for nucleic acid detection of Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium and Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Anna-maria G Costa
Scientific study
Frequency of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Patients with Imminent Preterm Delivery on the Island of Curaçao
Aglaia Hage et al.
Scientific study
infectious disease reports
Evaluation of Self-Collected Versus Health Care Professional (HCP)-Performed Sampling and the Potential Impact on the Diagnostic Results of Asymptomatic Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in High-Risk Individuals
Simon Weidlich et al.
Microbiology time
July 7, 2022
Microbiology Time – July 2022
An exciting paper on yeast identification by Colibrí is the opening study of our July Microbiology Time. Following, a study evaluating reservoirs of AMR organisms in a newly built intensive care unit and the analysis of CT/NG frequency in Patients with Imminent Preterm Delivery.

Microbiology Time
September 6, 2023
Microbiology Time – September 2023
Here’s the ninth issue of 2023’s Microbiology Time. The three selected studies evaluate self- versus healthcare professional performed- collection, carcinogenic HPV prevalence in Estonia, and the implementation of molecular screening for HPV in five African countries.