UTM® PodSwab™
PodSwab™ is the 6 ml UTM® tube paired with five nasal flocked swabs that allows for pooling up to five different individual samples in one single tube.

Scientific study
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
How is the Xpert MRSA Gen 3 assay (Cepheid) performing on pooled eSwab medium?
Stijn Jonckheere, Kristien Van Vaerenbergh, An Boel, Anne Van Keerberghen, Hans De Beenhouwer
Scientific study
Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience
Biotechnical development of genetic addiction risk score (GARS) and selective evidence for inclusion of polymorphic allelic risk in substance use disorder (SUD)
K. Blum
Scientific study
Scientific Reports
The Endobiota Study: Comparison of Vaginal, Cervical and Gut Microbiota Between Women with Stage 3/4 Endometriosis and Healthy Controls
Baris Ata
Scientific study
Frontiers in Neurology
Oral Health, Oral Microbiota, and Incidence of Stroke-Associated Pneumonia—A Prospective Observational Study
Fabian Cieplik
Scientific study
Temporal oral microbiome changes with brushing in children with cleft lip and palate
Rita Rodrigues
Scientific study
Critical Care Exploration
Decreased Intestinal Microbiome Diversity in Pediatric Sepsis: A Conceptual Framework for Intestinal Dysbiosis to Influence Immunometabolic Function
Scott L. Weiss
Scientific study
International Journal of Legal Medicine
Copan microFLOQ® Direct Swab collection of bloodstains, saliva, and semen on cotton cloth
Allison J Sherier
Scientific study
Forenic Science International
A practical study on direct PCR amplification using the GlobalFiler™ PCR Amplification Kit on human bloodstains collected with microFLOQ™ Direct swabs
Kevin Wai Yin Chong Yongxun
Scientific study
Scientific Reports
Detection of cell-free foetal DNA fraction in female-foetus bearing pregnancies using X-chromosomal insertion/deletion polymorphisms examined by digital droplet PCR
Iveta Zednikova
Scientific study
Prenatal Diagnosis
Noninvasive prenatal paternity testing by means of SNP‐based targeted sequencing
Jacqueline Chor Wing Tam
Scientific study
American Society for Clinical Pathology
Performance of the cobas MRSA/SA Test for Simultaneous Detection of Methicillin-Susceptible and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus From Nasal Swabs
Lace R. Peterson
Scientific study
Frontiers in immunology
High-Throughput MICA/B Genotyping of Over Two Million Samples: Workflow and Allele Frequencies
Anja Klussmeier
Scientific study
BMC Pediatrics
Early origins of allergy and asthma (ARIES): study protocol for a prospective prenatal birth cohort in Chile
Caroll D. Hernandez
Scientific study
Journal of Biomedical Science
Validation of genome-wide association study-identified single nucleotide polymorphisms in a case-control study of pancreatic cancer from Taiwan
Yan-Shen Shan
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Pigment Visibility on Rectal Swabs Used To Detect Enteropathogens: a Prospective Cohort Study
Jianling Xie
Scientific study
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Evaluation of Copan FecalSwab™ preserved stool specimens with the BD MAX™ Enteric Bacterial Panel and the BD MAX™ Extended Enteric Bacterial Panel
Hanen Fernandez Rojas
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Evaluation of Copan FecalSwab as Specimen Type for Use in Xpert C. difficile Assay
Michael J. Mashock
Scientific study
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Relationship between enteric pathogens and acute gastroenteritis disease severity: a prospective cohort study
J Xie
Scientific study
Plos One
Nonaplex PCR using Cliffhanger primers to identify diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli from crude lysates of human faecal samples
Uffe Vest Schneider
Scientific study
PLoS One
Contraceptive rings promote vaginal lactobacilli in a high bacterial vaginosis prevalence population: A randomised, open-label longitudinal study in Rwandan women
Tania Crucitti
Scientific study
BMC Infectious Diseases
Performance of the Alere i RSV assay for point-of-care detection of respiratory syncytial virus in children
Sarah Valerie Schnee
Scientific study
Microbiology and infectious disease
Evaluating the preservation and isolation of stool pathogens using the COPAN FecalSwab™ Transport System and Walk-Away Specimen Processor
Lee W Goneau
Scientific study
Frontiers in Microbiology
Detection of Microbial Agents in Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal Samples of SARS-CoV-2 Patients
Tyler Seckar
Scientific study
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Pooling Upper Respiratory Specimens for Rapid Mass Screening of COVID-19 by Real-Time RT-PCR
So Yeon Kim
Scientific study
Short-course antimicrobial therapy for paediatric respiratory infections (SAFER): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Jeffrey Pernica
Scientific study
Journal of clinica microbiology
Evaluation of Anatomically Designed Flocked Rectal Swabs for Molecular Detection of Enteric Pathogens in Children Admitted to Hospital with Severe Gastroenteritis in Botswana
David M. Goldfarb
Scientific study
Sultan Qaboos University Med Journal
Nasopharyngeal Isolates from a Cohort of medical students with or without pharyngitis
Hassib Narchi
Scientific study
European journal of clinical microbiology infection disease
Evaluation of the novel artus C. difficile QS-RGQ, VanR QS-RGQ and MRSA/SA QS-RGQ assays for the laboratory diagnosis of Clostridium difficle infection (CDI) and for vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) screening
K.A. Morris
Scientific study
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Evaluation of the BioFire® COVID-19 test and Respiratory Panel 2.1 for rapid identification of SARS-CoV-2 in nasopharyngeal swab samples
Eric J.Eckbo
Scientific study
A case of severe pneumonia with viremia caused by adenovirus B7 identified by off-label use of a multiplex PCR system
Akie Sakakura
Scientific study
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Laboratory evaluation of the BioFire FilmArray Pneumonia plus panel compared to conventional methods for the identification of bacteria in lower respiratory tract specimens: a prospective cross-sectional study from South Africa
Barend Mitton
Scientific study
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy
Analysis of Incidence and Clinical Characteristics of RSV Infection in Hospitalized Children: A Retrospective Study
Ling Gong
Scientific study
European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
Liquid and Dry Swabs for Culture- and PCR-Based Detection of Colonization with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus during Admission Screening
N. von Allmen
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Bacterial Load of Chlamydia trachomatis in the Posterior Oropharynx, Tonsillar Fossae, and Saliva among Men Who Have Sex with Men with Untreated Oropharyngeal Chlamydia
Tiffany R. Phillips
Scientific study
Iranian Journal of Microbiology
Comparison of deferred and bedside culture of Neisseria gonorrhoeae: a study to improve the isolation of gonococci for antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Iryna Boiko
Scientific study
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis
Detection of respiratory viruses in cystic fibrosis: comparison of nasal FLOQ Swabs™ and sputum using the FilmArray® platform
S. Cartel
Scientific study
PLoS One
Increased carriage of non-vaccine serotypes with low invasive disease potential four years after switching to the 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in The Netherlands
Marloes Vissers
Scientific study
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
Evaluation of the Copan Myco-TB kit for the decontamination of respiratory samples for the detection of Mycobacteria
Deborah De Geyter
Scientific study
The New Microbiologica
Comparison of MycoPrep and the new MYCO-TB kit: rapid and efficient digestion and decontamination of respiratory specimens for the detection of Mycobacteria
Francesco Bisognin
Scientific study
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology
Respiratory viruses on personal protective equipment and bodies of healthcare workers
Linh T. Phan
Scientific study
BMC Research Notes
Detection of human bocavirus-1 in both nasal and stool specimens from children under 5 years old with influenza-like illnesses or diarrhea in Gabon
Sonia Etenna Lekana-Douki
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Evaluation of Anatomically Designed Flocked Rectal Swabs for Use with the BioFire FilmArray Gastrointestinal Panel for Detection of Enteric Pathogens in Children Admitted to Hospital with Severe Gastroenteritis
Celia R. Walker
Scientific study
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Rapid and accurate eXDR screening: use Xpert Carba-R® with FecalSwab®
Eric Farfour
Scientific study
Preprint status
Robust and sensitive detection of SARS-CoV-2 using PCR based methods
Changwoo Park
Scientific study
Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology
Prevalence of microbial contamination in donor corneas
Nan-Ni Chen
Scientific study
Annals of Dermatology
Antibiotic Susceptibility and Treatment Response in Bacterial Skin Infection
Ji Soo Lim
Scientific study
Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control
Germs of thrones – spontaneous decolonization of Car-bapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) and Vancomycin-Resistant Enter-ococci (VRE) in Western Europe: is this myth or reality?
Benjamin Davido
Scientific study
Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo
Prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization in individuals from the community in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Taniela Marli Bes
Scientific study
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth
Development of a melting-curve based multiplex real-time PCR assay for simultaneous detection of Streptococcus agalactiae and genes encoding resistance to macrolides and lincosamides
Eliane Saori Otaguiri
Scientific study
Frontiers in cellular and infection Microbiology
Active Surveillance of Carbapenemase-Producing Or-ganisms (CPO) Colonization With Xpert Carba-R Assay Plus Positive Patient Iso-lation Proves to Be Effective in CPO Containment
Menglan Zhou
Scientific study
Frontiers in genetics
Age-Dependent Dissimilarity of the Nasopharyngeal and Middle Ear Microbiota in Children with Acute Otitis Media
Silvio D Brugger
Scientific study
Plos One
Bacterial causes of otitis media with spontaneous perforation of the tympanic membrane in the era of 13 valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
Corinne Levy
Scientific study
Scientific Reports
Common skin bacteria protect their host from oxidative stress through secreted antioxidant RoxP
Tilde Andersson
Scientific study
Scientific Reports
Common skin bacteria protect their host from oxidative stress through secreted antioxidant RoxP
Tilde Andersson
Scientific study
The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine
Risk of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections among Children Found to be Staphylococcus aureus MRSA USA300 Carriers
Lilly Cheng Immergluck
Scientific study
Self‑sampling versus health care professional‑guided swab collection for SARS‑CoV‑2 testing
Silvia Würstle
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Effectiveness of 0.66% Povidone-Iodine Eye Drops on Ocular Surface Flora before Cataract Surgery: A Nationwide Microbiological Study
Rosario Musumeci
Scientific study
JAMA Ophthalmology
SARS-CoV-2 on Ocular Surfaces in a Cohort of Patients With COVID-19 From the Lombardy Region, Italy
Claudio Azzolini
Scientific study
Journal of Global Health
Child development, growth and microbiota: fol-low-up of a randomized education trial in Uganda
Prudence Atukunda
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Multicenter evaluation of the Xpert MRSA NxG assay for detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in nasal swabs
Melanie L. Yarbrough
Scientific study
Virology Journal
Excellent option for mass testing during the SARS‑CoV‑2 pandemic: painless self‑collection and direct RT‑qPCR
Eva Kriegova et al.
Scientific study
Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection in a Healthy Healthcare Worker in Italy Confirmed by Whole-Genome Sequencing
Daniela Loconsole et al.
Scientific study
Safe and effective pool testing 1 for SARS-CoV-2 detection
Marie Wunsch et al.
Scientific study
Plos One
The epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus carriage in patients at-tending inner city sexually transmitted infections and community clinics in Calgary, Canada
Alejandra Ugarte Torres
Scientific study
International Journal of Pediatrics
Case-Control Pilot Study on Acute Diarrheal Dis-ease in a Geographically Defined Pediatric Population in a Middle-Income Country
Ana E Farfán-García
Scientific study
Differences in Illness Severity among Circulating Norovirus Genotypes in a Large Pediatric Cohort with Acute Gastroenteritis
Sudha Bhavanam
Scientific study
Open Forum Infectious Diseases
Performance of TEM-PCR vs Culture for Bacterial Identification in Pediatric Musculoskeletal Infections
James B. Wood
Scientific study
Limited Genetic Diversity of blaCMY-2-Containing IncI1-pST12 Plasmids from Enterobacteriaceae of Human and Broiler Chicken Origin in The Netherlands
Evert P. M. den Drijver
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Prospective Evaluation of the mariPOC Test for Detection of Clostridioides difficile Glutamate Dehydrogenase and Toxins A/B
Roosa Savolainen
Scientific study
International Journal of Environmental research and public health
COVID-19 Emergency Management: From the Reorganization of the Endoscopy Service to the Verification of the Reprocessing Efficacy
Beatrice Casini
Scientific study
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
Clinical performance of the Abbott Panbio with nasopharyngeal, throat, and saliva swabs among symptomatic individuals with COVID-19
William Stokes
Scientific study
GMS Hygiene and Infection Control
Comparison of pre-analytical characteristics for molecular and serological diagnostics of COVID-19
Ralph Wendt
Scientific study
BMC Microbiology
Combined oropharyngeal/nasal swab is equivalent to nasopharyngeal sampling for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic PCR
Tania Desmet
Scientific study
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Postmortem Stability of SARS-CoV-2 in Nasopharyngeal Mucosa
Fabian Heinrich
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Virology
Performance of the RT-LAMP-based eazyplex® SARS-CoV-2 as a novel rapid diagnostic test
Renate Egerer
Scientific study
Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance
Macrolide resistance in Mycoplasma genitalium from female sex workers in Belgium
Liselotte Coorevits
Scientific study
Plos One
Nasopharyngeal Pneumococcal Carriage among Healthy Children in Cyprus Post Widespread Simultaneous Implementation of PCV10 and PCV13 Vaccines
Adamos Hadjipanayis
Scientific study
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Copan WASPLab automation significantly reduces incubation times and allows earlier culture readings
A. Cherkaoui
Scientific study
Plos One
High prevalence of multidrug resistant Enterobacteriaceae among residents of long term care facilities in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Eline van Dulm
Scientific study
Scientific Reports
Whole genome sequencing revealed new molecular characteristics in multidrug resistant staphylococci recovered from high frequency touched surfaces in London
Rory Cave
Scientific study
Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control
Vaginal colonization with antimicrobial-resistant bacteria among women in labor in central Uganda: prevalence and associated factors
Josephine Tumuhamye
Scientific study
International Journal of Women's Health
A comparison of cotton and flocked swabs for vaginal self-sample collection
Manuela Viviano
Scientific study
Plos One
Randomized Comparison of Two Vaginal Self-Sampling Methods for Human Papillomavirus Detection: Dry Swab versus FTA Cartridge
Rosa Catarino
Scientific study
The Journal of Infectious Diseases
Molecular Evolution of a Klebsiella pneumoniae ST278 Iso-late Harboring blaNDM-7 and Involved in Nosocomial Transmission
Tarah Lynch
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Multisite evaluation of Cepheid Xpert Carba-R assay for detection of carbapenemase-producing organisms in rectal swabs
Tato M
Scientific study
African journal of clinical and experimental microbiology
Polymerase chain reaction versus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in detection of Chlamydia Trachomatis infection among gynaecological patients in south-western Nigeria
Ajani T.A
Scientific study
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
Prevalence and clinical significance of respiratory viruses and bacteria detected in tuberculosis patients compared to household contact controls in Tanzania: a cohort study
Mhimbira F.
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Evaluation of BD Max StaphSR and BD Max MRSAXT Assays Using ESwab-Collected Specimens
Suzane Silbert, Carly Kubasek, Faris Galambo, Elaine Vendrone, Raymond Widen
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Virology
A prospective study evaluating congenital CMV infection in Mayotte and La Reunion Islands (France)
Justine Demortier, Jacques Fourgeaud, Soumeth Abassed, LaurentLambrecht, Marie Gromand, Brahim Boumahni, Coralie Dumont, Alexandre Reynaud, Margaux Avet, Louis Collet, Claire Périllaud-Dubois, Marie-Christine Jaffar-Bandjee, Christelle Vauloup-Fellous
Scientific study
Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance
Rectal screening for carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae: a proposed workflow
Claudio Foschia, Paolo Gaibani, Donatella Lombardo, Maria Carla Re, Simone Ambretti
Scientific study
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Impact of freeze/thaw cycles and single freezing at −80 °C on the viability of aerobic bacteria from rectal swabs performed with the ESwabTM system
Rindala Salibaa, Jean Ralph Zahara, Fatma El Allaoui, Etienne Carbonnelle, Mathilde Lescat
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Evaluation of Transport Media and Specimen Transport Conditions for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 by Use of Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR
Amy A. Rogers, Russell E. Baumann, Gwynngelle A. Borillo, Ron M. Kagan, Hollis J. Batterman, Marzena M. Galdzicka, Elizabeth M. Marlowe
Scientific study
Frontiers in Pediatrics
Low Rate of SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Symptomatic Patients Attending a Pediatric Emergency Department
Christoph Zurl, Ernst Eber, Anna Siegl, Sabine Loeffler, Evelyn Stelzl, Harald H. Kessler, Markus Egger, Nina A. Schweintzger, Werner Zenz, Volker Strenger
Scientific study
Virology Journal
How home anterior self-collected nasal swab simplifies SARS-CoV-2 testing: new surveillance horizons in public health and beyond
Silvia Ricci, Lorenzo Lodi, Francesco Citera, Francesco Nieddu, Maria Moriondo, Valentina Guarnieri, Mattia Giovannini, Giuseppe Indolfi, Massimo Resti, Alberto Zanobini, Chiara Azzari
Scientific study
ACoRE: Accurate SARS-CoV-2 genome reconstruction for the characterization of intra-host and inter-host viral diversity in clinical samples and for the evaluation of re-infections
Luca Marcolungo, Cristina Beltrami , Chiara Degli Esposti, Giulia Lopatriello, Chiara Piubelli, Antonio Mori, Elena Pomari, Michela Deiana, Salvatore Scarso, Zeno Bisoffi, Valentina Grosso, Emanuela Cosentino, Simone Maestri, Denise Lavezzari, Barbara Iadarola, Marta Paterno, Elena Segala, Barbara Giovannone, Martina Gallinaro, Marzia Rossato, Massimo Delledonne
Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control
Cutibacterium avidum resists surgical skin antisepsis in the groin—a potential risk factor for periprosthetic joint infection: a quality control study
Steven M. Maurer, Laura Kursawe, Stefan Rahm, Julia Prinz, Annelies S. Zinkernagel, Annette Moter, Stefan P. Kuster, Reinhard Zbinden, Patrick O. Zingg, Yvonne Achermann
Scientific study
Frontiers in cellular and infection Microbiology
Vaginal Microbiota and Cytokine Levels Predict Preterm Delivery in Asian Women
Manoj Kumar, Selvasankar Murugesan, Parul Singh, Marwa Saadaoui, Duaa Ahmed Elhag, Annalisa Terranegra, Basirudeen Syed Ahamed Kabeer, Alexandra K. Marr, Tomoshige Kino, Tobias Brummaier, Rose McGready, François Nosten, Damien Chaussabel, Souhaila Al Khodor
Scientific study
PLoS One
SARS-CoV-2 detection in setting of viral swabs scarcity: Are MRSA swabs and viral swabs equivalent?
Daniel G. Federman , Shaili Gupta,Gary Stack, Sheldon M. Campbell, David R. Peaper, Louise M. Dembry, Ann Fisher, Asim F. Tarabar, Michael Kozal, Christopher B. Ruser
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Virology
Analytical performance of HPV assays on vaginal self-collected vs practitioner-collected cervical samples: the SCoPE study
M Saville, D Hawkes, MHT Keung, ELO Ip, J Silvers, F Sultana, MJ Malloy, LS Velentzis, K Canfel, CD Wrede, JML Brotherton
Scientific study
Evaluation of two fluorescence immunoassays for the rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigen—new tool to detect infective COVID-19 patients
Lorena Porte, Paulette Legarraga, Mirentxu Iruretagoyena, Valeska Vollrath, Gabriel Pizarro, Jose Munita, Rafael Araos, Thomas Weitzel
Scientific study
Monitoring COVID-19 Transmission Risks by Quantitative Real-Time PCR Tracing of Droplets in Hospital and Living Environments
Andrea Piana, Maria Eugenia Colucci, Federica Valeriani, Adriano Marcolongo, Giovanni Sotgiu, Cesira Pasquarella, Lory Marika Margarucci, , Andrea Petrucca, Gianluca Gianfranceschi, Sergio Babudieri, Pietro Vitali, Giuseppe D’Ermo, Assunta Bizzarro, Flavio De Maio, Matteo Vitali, Antonio Azara, Ferdinando Romano, Maurizio Simmaco, Vincenzo Romano Spica
Scientific study
Clinical Microbiology and infection
Saliva collected in universal transport media is an effective, simple and high-volume amenable method to detect SARS-CoV-2
Byron M. Berenger, John M. Conly, Kevin Fonseca, Jia Hu, Thomas Louie, Angela R. Schneider, Takshveer Singh, William Stokes, Linda Ward, Nathan Zelyas
Scientific study
The Laryngoscope
Identification of Viruses in Patients With Postviral Olfactory Dysfunction by Multiplex Reverse-Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction
Jun Tian MD, Jayant M. Pinto MD, Li Li MD, Sanmei Zhang MD, Zhifu Sun MD, Yongxiang Wei MD
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Clinical Evaluation of the cobas SARS-CoV-2 Test and a Diagnostic Platform Switch during 48 Hours in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Mario Poljak, Miša Korva, Nataša Knap Gašper, Kristina Fujs Komloš, Martin Sagadin, Tina Uršič, Tatjana Avšič Županc, Miroslav Petrovec
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Isothermal Detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae Directly from Respiratory Clinical Specimens
Brianna L. Petrone, Bernard J. Wolff, Alexandra A. DeLaney, Maureen H. Diaz, and Jonas M. Winchell
Scientific study
BMC Virology journal
The role of human Metapneumovirus genetic diversity and nasopharyngeal viral load on symptom severity in adults
Xiang Yong Oong, Jack Bee Chook, Kim Tien Ng, Wei Zhen Chow, Kok Gan Chan, Nik Sherina Hanafi, Yong Kek Pang, Yoke Fun Chan, Adeeba Kamarulzaman, Kok Keng Tee
Scientific study
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Recovery of aerobic gram-negative bacteria from the Copan Eswab transport system after long-term storage.
Sofie C.M. Tops, Marlien Kolmus, Damy Wulms, Jakko van Ingen, Heiman F.L. Wertheim, Eva Kolwijck
Scientific study
Scientific Reports
Assessment of the direct quantitation of SARS-CoV-2 by droplet digital PCR
Michela Deiana, Antonio Mori, Chiara Piubelli, Salvatore Scarso, Mosè Favarato, Elena Pomari
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
PCR Detection of Respiratory Pathogens in Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Adults
Nicklas Sundell, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Robin Brittain-Long, Pär-Daniel Sundvall, Åsa Alsiö, Magnus Lindh, Lars Gustavsson, Johan Westin
Scientific study
BMC Veterinary Research
Temporary carriage of bovine coronavirus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus by fomites and human nasal mucosa after exposure to infected calves
Veslemøy Sunniva Oma, Thea Klem, Madeleine Tråvén, Stefan Alenius, Britt Gjerset, Mette Myrmel, Maria Stokstad
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Evaluation of factors affecting real-time PCR performance for diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar in clinical stool samples
Joakim Forsell, Satu Koskiniemi, Ida Hedberg, Helén Edebro, Birgitta Evengård, Margareta Granlund
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Successful Combination of Nucleic Acid Amplification Test Diagnostics and Targeted Deferred Neisseria gonorrhoeae Culture
Carolien M. Wind, Henry J. C. de Vries, Maarten F. Schim van der Loeff, Magnus Unemo, Alje P. van Dam
Scientific study
American Journal of Ophthalmology
The Corneal Ulcer One-Touch Study: A Simplified Microbiological Specimen Collection Method
Kaivon Pakzad-Vaezi, Steve D. Levasseur, Steven Schendel, Sean Mark, Richard Mathias, Diane Roscoe, Simon P. Holland
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Evaluation of the BD Max StaphSR Assay for Detecting Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Methicillin-Susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) in ESwab-Collected Wound Samples
Suzane Silbert, Alicia Gostnell, Carly Kubasek, Raymond Widen
Scientific study
Southern African Journal of Infectious Diseases
Evaluation of the Copan eSwab®, a liquid-based microbiology transport system, for the preservation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae at different temperatures
Lindy Gumede, Frans Radebe, Duduzile Nhlapo, Venessa Maseko, Tendesayi Kufa-Chakezha
Scientific study
BMC Infectious Diseases
Molecular epidemiology and virulence characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonization in medical laboratory staff: comparison between microbiological and non-microbiological laboratories
Xiaoying Xie, Xinlu Dai, Lijia Ni, Baiji Chen, Zhaofan Luo, Yandan Yao, Xiquan Wu, Hongyu Li, Songyin Huang
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Mismatch Amplification Mutation Assay-Based Real-Time PCR for Rapid Detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Antimicrobial Resistance Determinants in Clinical Specimens
Valentina Donà, Joost H. Smid, Sara Kasraian, Dianne Egli-Gany, Ferah Dost, Fatime Imeri, Magnus Unemo, Nicola Low, Andrea Endimiani
Scientific study
PLoS One
Prevalence of oropharyngeal group B Streptococcus colonization in mothers, family, and health care providers
Kristina Roloff, Gohar Stepanyan, Guillermo Valenzuela
Scientific study
BMJ Open
Diagnostic accuracy of the Xpert CT/NG and OSOM Trichomonas Rapid assays for point-of-care STI testing among young women in South Africa: a crosssectional study
Nigel Garrett, Nireshni Mitchev, Farzana Osman, Jessica Naidoo, Jienchi Dorward, Ravesh Singh, Hope Ngobese, Anne Rompalo, Koleka Mlisana, Adrian Mindel
Scientific study
Laryngotracheal Microbiota in Adult Laryngotracheal Stenosis
Alexander T Hillel, Sharon S Tang, Camila Carlos, Joseph H Skarlupka, Madhu Gowda, Linda X Yin, Kevin Motz, Cameron R Currie, Garret Suen, Susan L Thibeault
Scientific study
Frontiers in cellular and infection Microbiology
Exploring the Microbiota of Diabetic Foot Infections With Culturomics
Joanne Jneid, Nadim Cassir, Sophie Schuldiner, Nathalie Jourdan, Albert Sotto, Jean-Philippe Lavigne, Bernard La Scola
Scientific study
BMC Ophthalmology
Preoperative preparation of eye with chlorhexidine solution significantly re-duces bacterial load prior to 23-gauge vitrectomy in Swedish health care
Nasser J. Gili, Torbjörn Noren, Eva Törnquist, Sven Crafoord, Anders Bäckman
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Multicenter Clinical Evaluation of the Automated Aries Group A Strep PCR Assay from Throat Swabs
N. Kanwar, J. Crawford, C. Ulen, T. S. Uphoff, J. Dien Bard, R. Dunn, A. Drain, R. Selvarangan
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Comparison of Three Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests and Culture for Detection of Group B Streptococcus from Enrichment Broth
Ji H. Shin, David T. Pride
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Multicenter Evaluation of NeuMoDx Group B Streptococcus Assay on the NeuMoDx 288 Molecular System
C. L. Emery, R. F. Relich, T. H. Davis, S. A. Young, M. D. Sims, B. L. Boyanton Jr.
Scientific study
Frontiers in cellular and infection Microbiology
Automated Incubation and Digital Image Analysis of Chromogenic Media Using Copan WASPLab Enables Rapid Detection of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus
Abdessalam Cherkaoui, Gesuele Renzi, Yannick Charretier, Dominique S. Blanc, Nicolas Vuilleumier, Jacques Schrenzel
Scientific study
PLoS One
Comparison of BD MAX GBS and GenomEra GBS assays for rapid intrapartum PCR detection of vaginal carriage of group B streptococci
Trine Andreasen, Jens Kjølseth Møller, Mohammed Rohi Khalil
Scientific study
Comparison of collection methods for molecular detection of α-herpes viruses and Treponema pallidum, including evaluation of critical transportation conditions
Pieter W. Smit, Titia Heijman, Meriem el Abdallaoui, Sylvia M. Bruisten
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Clinical Impact of Rapid Point-of-Care PCR Influenza Testing in an Urgent Care Setting: a Single-Center Study
Robert C. Benirschke, Erin McElvania, Richard B. Thomson Jr., Karen L. Kaul, and Sanchita Das
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Molecular Subtyping of Human Rhinovirus in Children from Three Sub-Saharan African Countries
Vicky L. Baillie, David P. Moore, Azwifarwi Mathunjwa, Palesa Morailane, Eric A. F. Simões, Shabir A. Madhi
Scientific study
BMJ Open
STOP HPV study protocol: a nationwide case–control study of the association between oropharyngeal cancer and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in Brazil
Eliana Marcia Wendland
Scientific study
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Each Additional Day of Antibiotics Is Associated With Lower Gut Anaerobes in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Patients
Ashley M Rooney
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Performance Evaluation of the Novodiag Bacterial GE+ Multiplex PCR Assay
Charly Roy
Scientific study
The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics
Comparison of Two Commercial Platforms and a Laboratory-Developed Test for Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) RNA
Mannonen L.
Scientific study
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Comparison of Two Commercial Platforms and a Laboratory-Developed Test for Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) RNA
Richard J. Drew
Scientific study
American Journal of Infection Control
Monitoring environmental contamination caused by SARS-CoV-2 in a healthcare facility by using adenosine triphosphate testing
Justin J. Kim
Scientific study
BMJ Open
Microbiome Understanding in Maternity Study (MUMS), an Australian prospective longitudinal cohort study of maternal and infant microbiota: study protocol
Daniella Susic
Scientific study
European Journal of Radiology
Chest CT accuracy in diagnosing COVID-19 during the peak of the Italian epidemic: A retrospective correlation with RT-PCR testing and analysis of discordant cases
Zeno Falaschi
Scientific study
Infectious Diseases
Comparative Analysis of Primer−Probe Sets for RT-qPCR of COVID19 Causative Virus (SARS-CoV-2)
Yujin Jung
Scientific study
JMIR Research Protocols
Alterations of Gut Microbiota and the Brain-Immune-Intestine Axis in Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis After Treatment With Oral Cladribine: Protocol for a Prospective Observational Study
Jeske van Pamelen
Scientific study
Microbiology Open
Long-term stability of microbiome diversity and composition in fecal samples stored in eNAT medium
Rebecca R. Young
Scientific study
Int J Reprod BioMed
The prevalence of, and risk factors for, mycoplasma genitalium infection among infertile women in Ibadan: A cross-sectional study
Tinuade Adesola Ajant
Scientific study
Journal of assisted reproduction and genetis
Controlled ovarian stimulation and progesterone supplementation affect vaginal and endometrial microbiota in IVF cycles: a pilot study
Andrea Carosso
Scientific study
Resveratrol plus carboxymethyl-β-glucan in infants with common cold: A randomized double-blind trial
Maria Elisabetta Baldassarre
Scientific study
Plos One
Characterization of a universal screening approach for congenital CMV infection based on a highly-sensitive, quantitative, multiplex real-time PCR assay
Angela Nagel
Scientific study
Journal of Breath Research
Use of an innovative and non-invasive device for virologic sampling of cough aerosols in patients with community and hospital acquired pneumonia: a pilot study
Filippo Patrucco
Scientific study
Sexually Transmitted Infections and Behavioral Determinants of Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Allahabad District (India) Based on Data from the ChlamIndia Study
Pierre P.M. Thomas
Scientific study
BMJ Open
Evaluating sexual health in sex workers and men who have sex with men: the SMESH cross-sectional protocol study
Eliana Marcia Wendland
Scientific study
Relationship between microbiology of throat swab and clinical course among primary care patients with acute cough: a prospective cohort study
Josè M. Ordonez-Mena
Scientific study
Effects of Fermented Oils on Alpha-Biodiversity and Relative Abundance of Cheek Resident Skin Microbiota
Tiziana Ciardiello
Scientific study
The Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis and Three Other Non-Viral Sexually Transmitted Infections among Pregnant Women in Pemba Island Tanzania
Naomi C.A.
Scientific study
Annals of Laboratory Medicine
Evaluation of Allplex Respiratory Panel 1/2/3 Multiplex Real-Time PCR Assays for the Detection of Respiratory Viruses with Influenza A Virus subtyping
Jaehyeon Lee
Scientific study
Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases
Laboratory Evaluation of Rapid Antigen Detection Tests for More-Sensitive Detection of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Antigen
Yu Sun, Jie Deng, Yuan Qian, Runan Zhu, Fang Wang, Run Tian, Ri De, Linqing Zhao
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Virology
Evaluation of an antigen-based test for hospital point-of-care diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection
Gabriele Bianco, Matteo Boattini, Anna Maria Barbui, Gitana Scozzari, Franco Riccardini, Maurizio Coggiola, Enrico Lupia, Rossana Cavallo, Cristina Costa
Scientific study
PLoS One
Urogenital Chlamydia trachomatis multilocus sequence types and genovar distribution in chlamydia infected patients in a multi-ethnic region of Saratov, Russia
Valentina A. Feodorova, Svetlana S. Konnova, Yury V. Saltykov, Sergey S. Zaitsev, Irina A. Subbotina, Tatiana I. Polyanina, Sergey S. Ulyanov, Susanna L. Lamers, Charlotte A. Gaydos, Thomas C. Quinn, Vladimir L. Motin
Scientific study
PLoS One
Streptococcus agalactiae carriage among pregnant women living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, over a period of eight years
Ana Caroline N. Botelho,Juliana G. Oliveira,Andreia P. Damasco,Késia T. B. Santos,Ana Flávia M. Ferreira,Gabriel T. Rocha,Penélope S. Marinho,Rita B. G. Bornia,Tatiana C. A. Pinto,Marco A. Américo,Sergio E. L. Fracalanzza,Lúcia M. Teixeira
Scientific study
Virology Journal
Efficient SARS-CoV-2 detection in unextracted oro-nasopharyngeal specimens by rRT-PCR with the Seegene Allplex™ 2019-nCoV assay
Wesley Freppel, Natacha Merindol, Fabien Rallu, Marco Bergevin
Scientific study
PLoS One
Pneumococcal colonization prevalence and density among Thai children with severe pneumonia and community controls
Barameht Piralam, Christine Prosperi, Somsak Thamthitiwat, Charatdao Bunthi, Pongpun Sawatwong, Ornuma Sangwichian, Melissa M. Higdon, Nora L. Watson, Maria Deloria Knoll, Wantana Paveenkittiporn, Chuwattana Chara, Cameron P. Hurst, Pasakorn Akarasewi, Julia Rhodes, Susan A. Maloney, Katherine L. O’Brien, Henry C. Baggett
Scientific study
BMC Women's Health
Cervical microbiota in women with cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia, prior to and after local excisional treatment, a Norwegian cohort study
Johanna Wiik, Verena Sengpiel, Maria Kyrgiou, Staffan Nilsson, Anita Mitra, Tom Tanbo, Christine Monceyron Jonassen, Tone Møller Tannæs, Katrine Sjøborg
Scientific study
PLoS One
Diversity of endocervical microbiota associated with genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection and infertility among women visiting obstetrics and gynecology clinics in Malaysia
Heng Choon Cheong, Polly Soo Xi Yap, Chun Wie Chong, Yi Ying Cheok, Chalystha Yie Qin Lee, Grace Min Yi Tan, Sofiah Sulaiman, Jamiyah Hassan, Negar Shafiei Sabet, Chung Yeng Looi , Rishein Gupta, Bernard Arulanandam, Sazaly AbuBakar, Cindy Shuan Ju Teh, Li Yen Chang, Won Fen Wong
Scientific study
Transcriptional Expression of the ompA, cpaf, tarp, and tox Genes of Chlamydia trachomatis Clinical Isolates at Different Stages of the Developmental Cycle
Suvi Korhonen, Kati Hokynar, Laura Mannonen, Jorma Paavonen, Eija Hiltunen-Back, Mirja Puolakkainen
Scientific study
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma carriage in pregnant women: the prevalence of transmission from mother to newborn
Avi Peretz, Oran Tameri, Maya Azrad, Shay Barak, Yuri Perlitz, Wadie Abu Dahoud, Moshe Ben-Ami & Amir Kushnir
Scientific study
The Lancet Microbe
Comparison of seven commercial SARS-CoV-2 rapid point-of-care antigen tests: a single-centre laboratory evaluation study
Victor M Corman, Verena Claudia Haage, Tobias Bleicker, Marie Luisa Schmidt, Barbara Mühlemann, Marta Zuchowski, Wendy K Jo, Patricia Tscheak, Elisabeth Möncke-Buchner, Marcel A Müller, Andi Krumbholz, Prof Jan Felix Drexler, Prof Christian Drosten
Scientific study
BioMed Research International
Human Bocavirus in Korean Children with Gastroenteritis and Respiratory Tract Infections
Eun Jin Lee
Scientific study
BMC Infectious Diseases
Persistence of cervical high-risk human papillomavirus in women living with HIV in Denmark – the SHADE
Kristina Thorsteinsson
Scientific study
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus Genotypes in Women from Cozumel, Mexico
Enrique Navarro-Vidal
Scientific study
Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections among Married Women in Rural Nepal
Sunila Shakya
Scientific study
PloS One
Evaluation of the Versant CT/GC DNA 1.0 Assay (kPCR) for the Detection of Extra-Genital Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae Infections
Antonella Marangoni
Scientific study
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics
Antibody response to respiratory syncytial virus infection in children <18 months old
Esposito S
Scientific study
Tropical Medicine and International Health
Genotypic characterisation of human papillomavirus infections among persons living with HIV infection; a case–control study in Kumasi, Ghana
Dekugmen Yar
Scientific study
Plos One
Optimization of Quantitative PCR Methods for Enteropathogen Detection
Jie Liu
Scientific study
Journal of Clinical Virology
Comparison of DRY and WET vaginal swabs with cervical specimens in Roche Cobas 4800 HPV and Abbott RealTime High Risk HPV tests
Kwan Jun
Scientific study
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Practical strategies for SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR testing in resource-constrained settings
Meredith S. Muller et al.
April 13, 2023
Candida auris outbreak: let eSwab® help you!
A drug-resistant strain of Candida auris is alarming international control and prevention institutions. eSwab® can give a hand up to healthcare professionals that are working to limit the spread of this pathogen.