WASP® provides a comprehensive system encompassing all aspects of automated specimen processing: planting and streaking, Gram slide preparation, enrichment broth inoculation, and preparation of AST plates.

Clinical Automation
Express your lab’s full potential by automating your routine

BC+™ is a vacuum tube designed to transfer and transport positive blood culture for culture or microscopic analysis.

Colibrì™ is Copan’s device designed to automatise colony picking, and preparation of targets for ID through MALDI-TOF technology, and bacterial suspensions for AST.

Radian® is the WASPLab® module dedicated to the full automation and interpretation of Disk Diffusion Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing.

PhenoMATRIX® suite of algorithms combines Artificial Intelligence, LIS information, and lab custom rules to analyze colony features and automatically interpret, segregate, tag, and release bacterial culture plates.

Currently under development, MicroHub® will be the control centre of the future. Acting as a middleware, it gathers in one spot Patient, Sample, WASPLab® and other instruments data, letting you manage them from any perspective.

Technology Brochure
Digital Microbiology

Application Brochure
Clinical Automation

Product Focus


Scientific Study
Rapid identification by MALDI-TOF/MS and antimicrobial disk diffusion susceptibility testing for positive blood cultures after a short incubation on the WASPLab®
Abdessalam Cherkaoui & Gesuele Renzi & Nouria Azam & Didier Schorderet & Nicolas Vuilleumier
& Jacques Schrenzel
Scientific Study
Multicenter Evaluation of Processing and Analysis of College of American Pathologists (CAP) Proficiency Testing Samples by Laboratory Automation
N Esther Babady, Lori Bourassa, Carey-Ann D Burnham, Mark Fisher, Erin McElvania, Christopher R Polage, Julie Ribes
Scientific Study
Evaluation of WASPLab® Chromogenic Detection Module to Detect Significant Growth in Urine Cultures with CLED Agar.
M. L. Faron, B. W. Buchan, and Nathan. A. Ledeboer
Scientific Study
Multicenter Evaluation of the WASPLab® Digital Image Analysis Software to Segregate Significant Growth of the Urine Cultures on Blood and MacConkey Agar
M.L. Faron, B. W. Buchan, R.F. Relich, A. Phillips, D. Kahn, J. Clark, and Nathan. A. Ledeboer
Scientific Study
Disc diffusion AST automation: one of the last pieces missing for full microbiology laboratory automation
O. Dauwalder, F. Vandenesch
Scientific Study
Tentative breakpoints and areas of technical uncertainty for early reading automated disc diffusion for Enterobacterales
Stefano Mancini, Kim Röthlin, Elias Bodendoerfer, Sebastian Herren, Natalia Kolesnik-Goldmann,
Patrice Courvalin, Reinhard Zbinden and Erik C. Böttger
Scientific Study
Walk Away Automated Disc Diffusion Susceptibility Testing by Copan WASPLab®
J. van der Linden, A.R. Jansz, T. Liebregts, J. Stalpers, N.L.A. Arents, L.B.J. van der Velden
Scientific Study
Benefits Derived from Full Laboratory Automation in Microbiology: a Tale of Four Laboratories
Karissa Culbreath, Heather Piwonka, John Korver, Mir Noorbakhsh
Scientific Study
Implementation of the WASPLab™ and first year achievements within a university hospital
Abdessalam Cherkaoui, Gesuele Renzi, Arnaud Viollet, Mark Fleischmann, Ludovic Metral-Boffod, David Dominguez-Amado, Nicolas Vuilleumier, Jacques Schrenzel
Scientific Study
Colibrí® and Bruker MALDI-TOF: does the identification performance change when different chromogenic media are used for urine culture?
Michela Paolucci, Laura Navarria, Santina Castriciano
Scientific study
Automated Incubation and Digital Image Analysis of Chromogenic Media Using Copan WASPLab Enables Rapid Detection of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus
Abdessalam Cherkaoui, Gesuele Renzi, Yannick Charretier, Dominique S. Blanc, Nicolas Vuilleumier, Jacques Schrenzel
Scientific study
Performance of Fully Automated Antimicrobial Disk Diffusion Susceptibility Testing Using Copan WASP Colibri coupled to Radian in-Line Carousel and Expert System
Abdessalam Cherkaoui et al.
Scientific study
Current State of Laboratory Automation in Clinical Microbiology Laboratory
Kritikos Antonios et al.
Scientific study
The challenge of preventing and containing outbreaks of multidrug-resistant organisms and Candida auris during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: report of a carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii outbreak and a systematic review of the literature
Reto Thoma et al.
Scientific study
Total Laboratory Automation for Rapid Detection and Identification of Microorganisms and Their Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles
Abdessalam Cherkaoui et al.
Scientific study
Validation of the Colibrí Instrument for Automated Preparation of MALDI-TOF MS Targets for Yeast Identification
Robbe Heestermans et al.
Scientific study
Culturomics to Investigate the Endometrial Microbiome: Proof-of-Concept
Robin Vanstokstraeten et al.
Scientific Study
Evaluation of the performances of Color Detection Module Algorithm for the automated detection of Streptococcus agalactiae on CHROMID®StreptoB
Corine Fulchiron, Maryse Guicherd, Geraldine Durand
Scientific Study
Validation and implementation of Colorex™ CHROMagar™ Strep A agar on WASP®/WASPLab® for screening for Streptococcus pyogenes using the eSwab®
M. Gaskin, D. Yamamura, J. Korver
Scientific Study
Evaluation of PhenoMATRIX™ expert system for the segregation of urine specimens on CHROMID® CPSE Elite
J. Bayette, A. Roche, T. Bayol, J F. Bessel, P. Rolland, P. Mion, R. Fournier, G. Teissier
Scientific Study
Use of Copan’s WASPLab® PhenoMATRIX™ Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Efficiency of Urine Culture Interpretation
Susan M. Poutanen, Jessica Bourke, Pauline Lo, Karen Pike, Katherine Wong, Tony Mazzulli
Scientific Study
Copan WASPLab® automation significantly reduces incubation times and allows earlier culture readings
A. Cherkaoui, G. Renzi, N. Vuilleumier, J. Schrenzel
Scientific Study
Utilizing Digital Imaging to Determine Optimal Incubation Times for Routine Urine Cultures
Cynthia C. Keyak
Scientific Study
The patient is in the centre: integrated management of results with WASPLab® System
Laura Bartolini, Guendalina Vaggelli, Patrizia Pecile, Gian Maria Rossolini
Scientific Study
Medical value of WASPLab® automation solution in a 24/7 clinical microbiology laboratory: some preliminary results
Olivier DAUWALDER, HCL team, Jean Marc de MARTINI, Jean Francois SAUZON,
Monique DREVARD, bMx team, Gérard LINA, Frédéric LAURENT & Francois VANDENESCH
Scientific Study
Accelerated Time-to-Diagnosis by Automated Processing of Positive Blood Cultures on Copan WASPLab®
Marion Jetter, Martina Marchesi, Peter M. Keller, Michael Hombach
Scientific Study
Evaluating WASPLab® against manual processing for infection control screening swabs – An Australian perspective
Catherine WRIGHT
Scientific Study
Evaluation of the WASPLab® Segregation Software to Automatically Analyze Urine Cultures using Routine Blood and MacConkey Agars
Matthew L. Faron, Blake W. Buchan, Ryan F. Relich, James Clark, and Nathan A. Ledeboer
Scientific Study
Digital detection and the use of Artificial Intelligence to detect Group A Streptococcus using a chromogenic agar
Cynthia C. Keyak, MT (ASCP), SSGB
Scientific Study
Segregation and WASPLab® automation impact on MRSA screening at LTHT
Humaira Hussain, Deena Snape
Scientific Study
Can image analysis automatically screen for Streptococcus agalactiae in specimens collected from pregnant women?
J. Steenbergen
Scientific Study
Validation of image analysis software for automatic screening of all Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae
Vittorio Sambri, Maria Federica Pedna
Scientific Study
Evaluation of WASPLab® Software To Automatically Read chromID CPS Elite Agar for Reporting of Urine Cultures
Matthew L. Faron,Blake W. Buchan,Hasan Samra,Nathan A. Ledeboera
Scientific Study
Automated Detection of Streptococcus pyogenes pharyngitis using Colorex Strep A CHROMagar and WASPLab® Artificial Intelligence Chromogenic Detection Module Software
Tam T. Vana, Kenneth Mata, Jennifer Dien Bard, Department of Pathology, Harbor-UCLA
Scientific Study
Automated Incubation and Digital Image Analysis of Chromogenic Media Using Copan WASPLab® Enables Rapid Detection of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus
Abdessalam Cherkaoui1, Gesuele Renzi1, Yannick Charretier, Dominique S. Blanc, Nicolas Vuilleumier
and Jacques Schrenzel
Scientific Study
Clinical performance of the WASPLab® AI/IA-PhenoMATRIX™ software in detection of GBS from LIM-enriched cultures plated to CHROMID® strepto B Chromogenic media
Karen Timm, Justin Baker, Karissa Culbreath
Scientific study
PhenoMATRIX™ for the screening of Group B Streptococcus (GBS) carriage in pregnant women: ready to get rid of the LIM broth?
A. Cherkaoui et al.
Scientific Booklet
Booklet Antibiotic Resistance

Scientific Booklet
Booklet Clinical Automation

Medlab Middle East
In 2021 Medlab Middle East will be located with Arab Health. This combination will accelerate innovation and strengthen the capability to provide more relevant solutions, bringing two key communities – healthcare and medical laboratory – together under one roof.
The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases meeting is one of the most influential congresses in the field of microbiology. ECCMID scientific program is a synthesis of current priorities in clinical microbiology and infection: diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, and prevention of infectious diseases, as well as related basic microbiology.
Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection – APCCMI
APCCMI 2021 will build on this rich history in Singapore and regional collaboration. The congress will focus on:
- COVID-19
- Advances in infection control, microbiome and vaccines; new antimicrobials and antimicrobial stewardship.
- Advances in microbiology including rapid diagnostics, applications in whole-genome sequencing, laboratory automation;
- Antimicrobial resistance in humans and within the One Health context of animals, humans and the environment;
- Challenges and progress in the three pandemic infections of HIV, Malaria, and Tuberculosis;
- Emerging infectious diseases prevalent in the region (Chikungunya, Dengue, Zika) and globally (Avian and seasonal influenza, MERS-CoV)
Medlab Asia
The virtual edition returns
More time. More valuable contacts. More return.
In a changing world and with limited resources we realise it’s more important than ever to spend your time and money wisely. So, they’ve completely reviewed and redefined the Medlab Asia & Asia Health experience, introducing an online platform.
Medlab Middle East 2023
Paving the way for technological advancements and sustainability in laboratory medicine. Medlab Middle East is returning to the show floor, bigger and better than ever. For the 22nd year, the event will provide an ultimate playground of opportunities to learn trending technologies, network, and build relationships within the laboratory community. Discover at our booth our FLOQ technology, see first-hand our Liquid-Based Microbiology media, and learn more about WASPLab ecosystem, our automation and Artificial Intelligence solution for microbiology labs. In other words, our WISE approach to preanalytics!
BIOMED-J 2023 has taken up the ingredients of the success of previous congresses, by improving the recipe with more partners, conferences, and high-quality speakers. The agenda will cover many topics, including microbiology and virology. See you there with our full portfolio of Liquid-Based Media!
33rd ECCMID – European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
Here we are, another year, another ECCMID incoming! Despite last year’s incredible event, we are planning even more exciting things for ECCMID 2023, and we can’t wait to share them with you in Copenhagen! This year, two will be the Copan’s integrated lunch symposia, save the dates:
- April 16th, 12.15 -13.15 “Sample collection: needs, challenges, and future”
- April 17th, 12.15 -13.15 “BacteriologIA: Artificial Intelligence applied to bacteriology”
For the moment, visit our ECCMID landing page (under construction) for information about our scientific symposia, poster presentations, and product launches for this year.
ESPID 2023
The 41st Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases is the world’s premier meeting for professionals who want to stay up to date, apply state-of-the art science to clinical care, present their research, reinforce existing and develop new collaborations.
The event will bring together world-renowned researchers and clinicians for an inspiring multi-faceted program covering areas that include clinical issues, epidemiology, public health, microbiology, immunology, host-pathogen interactions, and genomics, highlighting more recent progresses. Come to our booth to discover our solution for sample collection in kids and newborns.
Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection – APCCMI
The primary goal of the APCCMI international conference is to broaden medical knowledge while strengthening personal and professional networks. This year, the meeting will return to the in-person format, bringing clinical microbiologists, infectious disease physicians, infection control professionals, and public health scientists from Asia Pacific countries together to share their expertise, remarkable achievements, and innovative ideas through active intellectual collaboration. The scientific program will reflect the changing landscape of clinical microbiology and infection through the pandemic of COVID-19 and AMR.
Radian™ – Automated Disk Diffusion Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing
Radian® is the WASPLab® module dedicated to the full automation and interpretation of Disk Diffusion Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing.

WASPLab® Ecosystem
WASPLab® is our preanalytical automation ecosystem that begins at the inoculation phase and ends at reading, interpreting, and picking activities. Discover in this video all its modules!

UZ Leuven Laboratory Interview about WASPLab® Ecosystem
In Leuven, Belgium, the UZ Laboratory installed Copan’s WASPLab® Ecosystem in 2018 to handle thousands of samples every day, with improved standardization and shortened time to results.

Radian® BC
Radian BC guarantees to specialists unparalleled fast diagnostic assessment, directing each patient towards an early targeted antimicrobial therapy.

WASP Winter Tour 2022
A tour through four top-notch microbiology laboratories around Europe, collecting testimonies on lab automation, past and future challenges, and opportunities!
Hear from Gian Maria Rossolini (Careggi Hospital, Firenze, IT), Oliver Nolte (Center for Laboratory Medicine, St.Gallen, CH), Jérémy Bayette (Inovie Labosud. Montpellier, FR), Kristof Emmerechts and Astrid Muyldermans (University Hospital Brussels, BE).

WASPLab® the Complete Workflow
An overview of a CPSE workflow, encompassing all the steps carried out by the WASPLab® Ecosystem: streaking, incubation, AI-powered culture interpretation, ID preparation, and disk diffusion AST automation and interpretation.