Respiratory Infections
Respiratory tract infections are among the most common disorders affecting today’s population, representing the third cause of death in the whole world.

Simplifying collection devices and ensuring a prolonged sample transport could promote self-collection expansion in many new medical fields.

Molecular Biology
Molecular assays have, in some instances, replaced traditional testing methods, and they are now an integral part of infectious diseases screening, diagnosis, and management.

Self – LolliSponge®
LolliSponge® easiness allows saliva collection from non-collaborative patients or when professional assistance is not available, enabling COVID-19 active surveillance programs in fragile communities.

Application Brochure
Self – Collection

Product Focus

Application Brochure
Molecular Biology

Scientific study
Saliva detection of SARS-CoV-2 for mitigating company outbreaks: a surveillance experience
Emerenziana Ottaviano et al.
Scientific Study
Feasibility and acceptability of saliva-based testing for the screening of SARS-CoV-2 infection in prison
C. Parodi, E. Ottaviano, N. Cocco, S. Ancona, S. Bianchi, V. Massa, R. Bartolotti, B. Pezzoni, R. Giuliani, E. Borghi, R. Ranieri
Scientific study
Long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection in hospitalized children: findings from an Italian single-center study
Valeria Calcaterra et al.
The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases meeting is one of the most influential congresses in the field of microbiology. ECCMID scientific program is a synthesis of current priorities in clinical microbiology and infection: diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, and prevention of infectious diseases, as well as related basic microbiology.
Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection – APCCMI
APCCMI 2021 will build on this rich history in Singapore and regional collaboration. The congress will focus on:
- COVID-19
- Advances in infection control, microbiome and vaccines; new antimicrobials and antimicrobial stewardship.
- Advances in microbiology including rapid diagnostics, applications in whole-genome sequencing, laboratory automation;
- Antimicrobial resistance in humans and within the One Health context of animals, humans and the environment;
- Challenges and progress in the three pandemic infections of HIV, Malaria, and Tuberculosis;
- Emerging infectious diseases prevalent in the region (Chikungunya, Dengue, Zika) and globally (Avian and seasonal influenza, MERS-CoV)
International Papillomavirus Conference – IPVC
The theme of the 34th International Papillomavirus Conference is “Research and education for HPV elimination”. Through workshops, invited lectures, and oral and poster sessions presenting the latest research results, the conference will cover papillomavirus-related topics from basic science to clinical research and global health impact. Special attention will be paid to HPV prevention and control in populations that are most vulnerable to HPV, including those in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection – APCCMI
The primary goal of the APCCMI international conference is to broaden medical knowledge while strengthening personal and professional networks. This year, the meeting will return to the in-person format, bringing clinical microbiologists, infectious disease physicians, infection control professionals, and public health scientists from Asia Pacific countries together to share their expertise, remarkable achievements, and innovative ideas through active intellectual collaboration. The scientific program will reflect the changing landscape of clinical microbiology and infection through the pandemic of COVID-19 and AMR.
Launch of LolliSponge™
We are proud to present LolliSponge™, the new sponge-made saliva collection device we conceived by listening to the healthcare professionals’ needs!
LolliSponge™ easiness allows saliva collection from non-collaborative patients or when professional assistance is not available, enabling COVID-19 active surveillance programs in fragile communities and making personnel available for other activities such as vaccine administration.

Lollisponge™ – The sponge-made device for saliva collection
LolliSponge™ is our device conceived to enable active surveillance programs even when professional assistance is not available. Saliva collection with LolliSponge™ is performed just by keeping the sponge stick in the mouth for a few minutes, without any spitting-related risk; this easy procedure can be performed at POC as well as at home, using Lollisponge™ as a self-collection device. A dry device free of hazardous media, Lollisponge™ can be transported to the lab without any liquid-related problem, where it can be centrifuged and tested with the standard molecular diagnostic assays.

ECCMID Symposium & Flash Session
In the Integrated symposium “The challenges of managing the COVID-19 pandemic from pre analytics to diagnosis,” Dr. Paolo Gaibani – chaired by Professor Dave Hawkes – explores lab automation’s value throughout the pandemic and its usefulness in the upcoming years. In addition, the Flash Session, entitled “Listening to the needs of healthcare professionals: Copan’s innovative approach to the pandemic,” goes into detail on Copan’s latest projects.
Sample self-collection, a lesson gained during the COVID pandemic
Copan sponsored Integrated Lunch Symposia – ECCMID 2022
During Copan’s ECCMID integrated symposium, four distinguished speakers updated the audience on the advances, achievements, and future trends of sample self-collection in different fields (STIs, HPV, respiratory infections, genetics, serology).