Currently under development, MicroHub® will be the control centre of the future. Acting as a middleware, it gathers in one spot Patient, Sample, WASPLab® and other instruments data, letting you manage them from any perspective.

Product Focus

Copan White Paper
Boric acid-free UriSponge™: performance and benefits
Matteo Miriani, Ph.D., Senior Scientific Marketing Manager
Cristiano Sabelli, Ph.D., Scientific Affairs Director
Matteo Beffa, MSc, Senior Microbiology Laboratory Specialist
Cepheid Inc. validates Copan eNAT® sample collection
Cepheid Inc. just validated the use of Copan eNAT® to collect nasal and nasopharyngeal samples to be analyzed with its Xpert Xpress CoV-2/Flu/RSV plus assay. The combination of these two best-in-class solutions will provide laboratories worldwide with improved efficiency and operators safety, granting patients the best clinical results.

The new lab-Intelligence platform is on its way!
MicroHub®, our modern lab-intelligence platform, is finally on its way to the market.