Respiratory Infections
Respiratory tract infections are among the most common disorders affecting today’s population, representing the third cause of death in the whole world.

Molecular Biology
Molecular assays have, in some instances, replaced traditional testing methods, and they are now an integral part of infectious diseases screening, diagnosis, and management.

Copan Universal Transport Medium® (UTM®) system is intended for the collection, transport, and preservation of clinical specimens containing Viruses, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, and Ureaplasma.

STIs and Cervical Cancer
Although most STIs have no or only mild symptoms, the 1 million STIs acquired every day profoundly impact global health worldwide.

UTM® PodSwab™
PodSwab™ is the 6 ml UTM® tube paired with five nasal flocked swabs that allows for pooling up to five different individual samples in one single tube.

Product Focus

Application Brochure
Respiratory Infections

STIs and HPV

Application Brochure
Molecular Biology

Scientific study
Correlating qRT-PCR, dPCR and Viral Titration for the Identification and Quantification of SARS-CoV-2: A New Approach for Infection Management
Martina Brandolini et al.
Scientific study
Performance evaluation of an automated SARS-CoV-2 Ag test for the diagnosis of COVID-19 infection on nasopharyngeal swabs
Cedric Hartard et al.
Scientific study
The evaluation of a novel digital immunochromatographic assay with silver amplification to detect SARS-CoV-2
Yoko Kurihara et al.
Scientific study
Clinical, virological and immunological evolution of the olfactory and gustatory dysfunction in COVID-19
Eugenia Maiorano et al.
Scientific study
On-field evaluation of a ultra-rapid fluorescence immunoassay as a frontline test for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic
Andrea Orsi et al.
Scientific study
Real-World Evidence: The Low Validity of Temperature Screening for COVID-19 Triage
Bogdan C. Pana et al.
Scientific study
Screening of Eurasian Tundra Reindeer for Viral Sequences by Next-Generation Sequencing
Javier Sanchez Romano et al.
Scientific study
Early Start of Oral Clarithromycin Is Associated with Better Outcome in COVID-19 of Moderate Severity: The ACHIEVE Open-Label Single-Arm Trial
Konstantinos Tsiakos et al.
Scientific study
Assessment of the Diagnostic Ability of Four Detection Methods Using Three Sample Types of COVID-19 Patients
Fei Yu et al.
Scientific study
Characterization of Vaccine Breakthrough Cases during Measles Outbreaks in Milan and Surrounding Areas, Italy, 2017–2021
Silvia Bianchi et al.
Scientific Study
Feasibility and acceptability of saliva-based testing for the screening of SARS-CoV-2 infection in prison
C. Parodi, E. Ottaviano, N. Cocco, S. Ancona, S. Bianchi, V. Massa, R. Bartolotti, B. Pezzoni, R. Giuliani, E. Borghi, R. Ranieri
Scientific Booklet
Booklet Respiratory Infections

Scientific Booklet
Booklet Sars-CoV-2

Medlab Middle East
In 2021 Medlab Middle East will be located with Arab Health. This combination will accelerate innovation and strengthen the capability to provide more relevant solutions, bringing two key communities – healthcare and medical laboratory – together under one roof.
The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases meeting is one of the most influential congresses in the field of microbiology. ECCMID scientific program is a synthesis of current priorities in clinical microbiology and infection: diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, and prevention of infectious diseases, as well as related basic microbiology.
European Society of Clinical Virology – ESCV
The Conference of European Society for Clinical Virology program covers the most recent discoveries and innovations in Clinical Virology. Sessions will include the use of Next Generation Sequencing, Hepatitis, Emerging Viruses and Zoonoses, Viral infections in Pregnancy, as well as Advancements in Diagnosis, Monitoring, Prevention and Treatment of a range of viral diseases.
Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection – APCCMI
APCCMI 2021 will build on this rich history in Singapore and regional collaboration. The congress will focus on:
- COVID-19
- Advances in infection control, microbiome and vaccines; new antimicrobials and antimicrobial stewardship.
- Advances in microbiology including rapid diagnostics, applications in whole-genome sequencing, laboratory automation;
- Antimicrobial resistance in humans and within the One Health context of animals, humans and the environment;
- Challenges and progress in the three pandemic infections of HIV, Malaria, and Tuberculosis;
- Emerging infectious diseases prevalent in the region (Chikungunya, Dengue, Zika) and globally (Avian and seasonal influenza, MERS-CoV)
Medlab Asia
The virtual edition returns
More time. More valuable contacts. More return.
In a changing world and with limited resources we realise it’s more important than ever to spend your time and money wisely. So, they’ve completely reviewed and redefined the Medlab Asia & Asia Health experience, introducing an online platform.
Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection – APCCMI
The primary goal of the APCCMI international conference is to broaden medical knowledge while strengthening personal and professional networks. This year, the meeting will return to the in-person format, bringing clinical microbiologists, infectious disease physicians, infection control professionals, and public health scientists from Asia Pacific countries together to share their expertise, remarkable achievements, and innovative ideas through active intellectual collaboration. The scientific program will reflect the changing landscape of clinical microbiology and infection through the pandemic of COVID-19 and AMR.
Copan, putting Covid-19 challenges behind and setting up for the post-pandemic scenario
With an email to the main distributors, Copan group’s CEO describes how the ramp-up of Covid-19-related products has been concluded, and how the company is now reorganizing to face post-pandemic challenges.
Last Tuesday, Copan partners received an email signed by Copan’s CEO Stefania Triva herself. Certainly, it was not the first email they received from the leader in preanalytics last year. Still, this time the communication tried to put a full stop to pandemic-related struggles, informing about the accomplishment of 2020 common goals and reorganizing the company and its network for the years to come.
Copan Response to the Pandemic and our Efforts to Fight COVID-19 Worldwide
When supermarket shelves across the country were suddenly bare — and people were clamoring for essentials like toilet paper — everyone learned a little more than they wanted to about the importance of supply chains.
Nasopharyngeal Collection with FLOQSwabs® and UTM®
A proper nasopharyngeal specimen sampling is crucial for a correct diagnosis of respiratory tract infections, including COVID-19. To help the collection of SARS-CoV-2 in compliance with CDC and WHO guidelines, we created this how-to educational video.

Universal transport media

Swabs stories: scaling up Tuberculosis and Covid-19 screening while protecting worker health
To protect healthcare workers while performing both tuberculosis and Covid-19 sampling is a big challenge. On 2021 International Tuberculosis Day, our honored guest Professor Gerard Cangelosi will explore this crucial aspect that needs to be considered while scaling up tuberculosis and Covid-19 screening.
Prof. Prof. Gerard A. Cangelosi, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Adjunct Professor, Departments of Global Health and Epidemiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Suppression of COVID-19 outbreak in the municipality of Vo’, Italy
In this appointment, we are pleased to host Professor Andrea Crisanti. This speech is an unmissable opportunity to get insights on transmission dynamics, duration of viral load detectability, and efficacy of implemented control measures at the early stages of the Italian pandemic.
Prof. Andrea Crisanti, MD, PhD
Professor of Microbiology, Director of the Department of Molecular Medicine – University of Padova, Director of the Diagnostic Unit of Microbiology and Virology, Hospital – University Padova. Professor of Molecular Parasitology at Imperial College of London (on leave of absence).
The italian experience in the management of COVID-19 Pandemic
Professor Vittorio Sambri discusses the key points of the Italian COVID-19 experience, from epidemiology to the precautionary measures adopted, testing, and prospects for the future.