FLOQSwabs® consists of a customizable molded plastic shaft and a tip coated with perpendicular short Nylon® fibers. Thanks to the superior elution efficiency, FLOQSwabs® ensure a flawless specimen collection, expanding downstream testing capabilities.

MicroFLOQ® is an innovative DNA collection tool featuring a micro flocked swab-head co-developed* by French Gendarmerie Forensic Research Institute (IRCGN™) and Copan.

FLOQ® Technology
The FLOQ® technology answers the healthcare professionals’ need for a more efficient sample collection. The FLOQ® patented arrangement of Nylon® fibers offers superior performance, bringing sampling to the next level.

A successful forensic investigation begins with a proper sample, and proper samples are obtained using the appropriate collection method.

Technology Brochure
FLOQ® Technology

Product Focus

Scientific Study
Olfactory swab sampling optimization for α-synuclein aggregate detection in patients with Parkinson’s disease
M. Bongianni, M. Catalan, D. Perra, E. Fontana, F. Janes, C. Bertolotti, L. Sacchetto, S. Capaldi, M. Tagliapietra, P. Polverino, V. Tommasini, G. Bellavita, E. Ataie Kachoie, R. Baruca, A. Bernardini, M. Valente, M. Fiorini, E. Bronzato, S. Tamburin, L. Bertolasi, L. Brozzetti, M. P. Cecchini, G. Gigli, S. Monaco, P. Manganotti, G. Zanusso
Scientific study
Performance evaluation of a self-administered point-of-care test for anal HPV screening in PrEP users: data from a community-based PrEP service
Lorenzo Biasioli et al.
White paper
The Swab that Reinvented Sample Collection

Medlab Middle East
In 2021 Medlab Middle East will be located with Arab Health. This combination will accelerate innovation and strengthen the capability to provide more relevant solutions, bringing two key communities – healthcare and medical laboratory – together under one roof.
The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases meeting is one of the most influential congresses in the field of microbiology. ECCMID scientific program is a synthesis of current priorities in clinical microbiology and infection: diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, and prevention of infectious diseases, as well as related basic microbiology.
European Society of Human Genetics – ESHG
The European Human Genetics Conference brings you what is at the forefront of human genetics both scientifically and technologically, without losing sight of educating the upcoming generation of human geneticists. With these goals in mind, our Scientific Program Committee establishes the meeting schedule.
Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection – APCCMI
APCCMI 2021 will build on this rich history in Singapore and regional collaboration. The congress will focus on:
- COVID-19
- Advances in infection control, microbiome and vaccines; new antimicrobials and antimicrobial stewardship.
- Advances in microbiology including rapid diagnostics, applications in whole-genome sequencing, laboratory automation;
- Antimicrobial resistance in humans and within the One Health context of animals, humans and the environment;
- Challenges and progress in the three pandemic infections of HIV, Malaria, and Tuberculosis;
- Emerging infectious diseases prevalent in the region (Chikungunya, Dengue, Zika) and globally (Avian and seasonal influenza, MERS-CoV)
International Papillomavirus Conference – IPVC
The theme of the 34th International Papillomavirus Conference is “Research and education for HPV elimination”. Through workshops, invited lectures, and oral and poster sessions presenting the latest research results, the conference will cover papillomavirus-related topics from basic science to clinical research and global health impact. Special attention will be paid to HPV prevention and control in populations that are most vulnerable to HPV, including those in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
Medlab Asia
The virtual edition returns
More time. More valuable contacts. More return.
In a changing world and with limited resources we realise it’s more important than ever to spend your time and money wisely. So, they’ve completely reviewed and redefined the Medlab Asia & Asia Health experience, introducing an online platform.
Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection – APCCMI
The primary goal of the APCCMI international conference is to broaden medical knowledge while strengthening personal and professional networks. This year, the meeting will return to the in-person format, bringing clinical microbiologists, infectious disease physicians, infection control professionals, and public health scientists from Asia Pacific countries together to share their expertise, remarkable achievements, and innovative ideas through active intellectual collaboration. The scientific program will reflect the changing landscape of clinical microbiology and infection through the pandemic of COVID-19 and AMR.
hDNAFreeFLOQSwabs® Buccal Collection
hDNAFreeFLOQSwabs® is a product line dedicated to DNA collection for genetic applications. Free of amplifiable human DNA and detectable DNase and RNase, hDNAFreeFLOQSwabs® are non-invasive, painless, and cost-effective. Discover in this video how easy is to collect buccal samples with hDNAFreeFLOQSwabs®.

FLOQSwabs® VS Cotton Swab
FLOQSwabs® consist of a customizable molded plastic shaft and a tip coated with perpendicular short Nylon® fibers. Thanks to the superior elution efficiency, FLOQSwabs® ensure a flawless specimen collection, expanding downstream testing capabilities. Check in this video FLOQSwabs® adsorption and elution efficiency compared to standard cotton swabs!

hDNAFreeFLOQSwabs® Buccal Collection – IFU
hDNAFreeFLOQSwabs® is a product line dedicated to DNA collection for genetic applications. Free of amplifiable human DNA and detectable DNase and RNase, hDNAFreeFLOQSwabs® are non-invasive, painless, and cost-effective. Discover in this video how easy is to collect buccal samples with hDNAFreeFLOQSwabs®.