A successful forensic investigation begins with a proper sample, and proper samples are obtained using the appropriate collection method.

ISHI – 33rd International Symposium on Human Identification
The International Symposium on Human Identification is the largest annual meeting on DNA forensics. Of course, we’ll be there with our booth #201. Join us to discover the newest advances in DNA technology from top experts in the field, coming from crime labs in the US and abroad, parentage and testing laboratories, academic institutions, and governmental research agencies.
ISHI – 34rd International Symposium on Human Identification
The International Symposium on Human Identification is the largest annual meeting on DNA forensics. Two and a half days of General Session talks featuring industry leaders and emerging technologies, 75+ Scientific Poster presentations, 45+ vendors in the forensic field, and organized networking opportunities. Of course, we’ll be there with our booth #327. Join us to discover the newest advances in DNA technology from top experts in the field, coming from crime labs in the US and abroad, parentage and testing laboratories, academic institutions, and governmental research agencies.
ENFSI – European Network of Forensic Science Institutes
The Section of Forensic Biology at Oslo University Hospital will host this year’s Meetings of the ENFSI DNA Expert Working Group, EDNAP and European CODIS users. The program will cover interesting topics including DNA Analysis Methods & Interpretation, DNA-legislation and DNA-database management, Automation, Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence and Forensic Biology.
We will attend this important event with our 4N6 and genetics products!
The European Network of Forensic Science Institutes Meeting 2024
The Section of Forensic Biology at Oslo University Hospital will host this year’s Meetings of the ENFSI DNA Expert Working Group, EDNAP and European CODIS users. The program will cover interesting topics including DNA Analysis Methods & Interpretation, DNA legislation and DNA database management, Automation, Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence and Forensic Biology.
We will attend this important event with our 4N6 and genetics products, come and visit us!
The Ultimate Guide to Forensic Sampling
The new Copan Guide to Forensic Sampling aims to help forensics professionals orient through the jungle of evidence collection methods, choose the appropriate one according to any situation, and ensure the success of their investigation.