More than a platform for incubation, storage, digitization, and recording of inoculated bacteriology plates, WASPLab® is the nucleus of Copan Full Lab Automation.

Clinical Automation
Express your lab’s full potential by automating your routine

Digital Microbiology
The main idea of Digital Microbiology is to create a comprehensive ecosystem for laboratory processes, technology, and applications transforming physical objects into a continuous intelligent data stream connecting preanalytical and analytical platforms. This idea is revolutionizing how diagnosis are developed, leading to higher medical value and more efficient lab workflows.

Colibrì™ is Copan’s device designed to automatise colony picking, and preparation of targets for ID through MALDI-TOF technology, and bacterial suspensions for AST.

Radian® is the WASPLab® module dedicated to the full automation and interpretation of Disk Diffusion Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing.

Currently under development, MicroHub® will be the control centre of the future. Acting as a middleware, it gathers in one spot Patient, Sample, WASPLab® and other instruments data, letting you manage them from any perspective.

Product Focus

Product Focus
PhenoMATRIX® Brochure
Shifting the plate interpretation paradigm! PhenoMATRIX® suite of algorithms combines Artificial Intelligence, LIS information, and lab custom rules to analyze colony features and automatically interpret, segregate, tag, and release bacterial culture plates.

Scientific Study
Disc diffusion AST automation: one of the last pieces missing for full microbiology laboratory automation
O. Dauwalder, F. Vandenesch
Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – February 2022
It’s February, and it’s Microbiology Time! This month we selected an exciting paper on MDRO outbreaks during the Covid-19 pandemic and an interesting study evaluating the performance of different swab types and collection systems to recover CMV DNA from vaginal fluids and saliva. The third study selected is an exhaustive review of the advantages of full lab automation.

Copan at ECCMID 2022
Our page dedicated to ECCMID 2022. Here, you can discover more about what we displayed at the trade show, watch – or replay- our integrated lunch symposium, and listen to our interviews with microbiology experts, to understand how Copan’s WISE approach can revolutionize your lab workflow!

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – October 2022
October Microbiology Time is here, and we just updated our scientific database with great papers! Our monthly research highlights include a study on SARS-CoV-2 and saliva self-collection, a cost-benefit analysis of 4N6FLOQSwabs, and an outstanding paper analyzing the benefits of fully automated Rapid AST for blood cultures. Read the studies and enjoy!

The new lab-Intelligence platform is on its way!
MicroHub®, our modern lab-intelligence platform, is finally on its way to the market.

Radian® BC
Radian BC guarantees to specialists unparalleled fast diagnostic assessment, directing each patient towards an early targeted antimicrobial therapy.

WASP Winter Tour 2022
A tour through four top-notch microbiology laboratories around Europe, collecting testimonies on lab automation, past and future challenges, and opportunities!
Hear from Gian Maria Rossolini (Careggi Hospital, Firenze, IT), Oliver Nolte (Center for Laboratory Medicine, St.Gallen, CH), Jérémy Bayette (Inovie Labosud. Montpellier, FR), Kristof Emmerechts and Astrid Muyldermans (University Hospital Brussels, BE).

WASPLab® the Complete Workflow
An overview of a CPSE workflow, encompassing all the steps carried out by the WASPLab® Ecosystem: streaking, incubation, AI-powered culture interpretation, ID preparation, and disk diffusion AST automation and interpretation.