BC+™ is a vacuum tube designed to transfer and transport positive blood culture for culture or microscopic analysis.

Radian® is the WASPLab® module dedicated to the full automation and interpretation of Disk Diffusion Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing.

Technology Brochure
Digital Microbiology

Application Brochure
Clinical Automation

Scientific Study
Disc diffusion AST automation: one of the last pieces missing for full microbiology laboratory automation
O. Dauwalder, F. Vandenesch
Scientific study
Outbreak investigation including molecular characterization of community associated methicillin‑resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a primary and secondary school in Eastern Switzerland
Frederike Waldeck et al.
Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – October 2022
October Microbiology Time is here, and we just updated our scientific database with great papers! Our monthly research highlights include a study on SARS-CoV-2 and saliva self-collection, a cost-benefit analysis of 4N6FLOQSwabs, and an outstanding paper analyzing the benefits of fully automated Rapid AST for blood cultures. Read the studies and enjoy!

Radian® BC
Radian BC guarantees to specialists unparalleled fast diagnostic assessment, directing each patient towards an early targeted antimicrobial therapy.