Simplifying collection devices and ensuring a prolonged sample transport could promote self-collection expansion in many new medical fields.

Self Vaginal FLOQSwabs®
Safe, comfortable, and easy to use, Self Vaginal FLOQSwabs® is the comfortable device supporting women taking part in HPV and STI screening campaigns.

STIs and Cervical Cancer
Although most STIs have no or only mild symptoms, the 1 million STIs acquired every day profoundly impact global health worldwide.

Hospital Acquired Infections
The rise of Multi Drug-Resistant Organisms has become a global health and economic concern, and tools to combat them are urgently needed.

UTM® PodSwab™
PodSwab™ is the 6 ml UTM® tube paired with five nasal flocked swabs that allows for pooling up to five different individual samples in one single tube.

Scientific Study
Can image analysis automatically screen for Streptococcus agalactiae in specimens collected from pregnant women?
J. Steenbergen
Scientific Study
Impact of Total Laboratory Automation on Turnaround Times for Urine Cultures and Screening Specimens for MRSA, ESBL, and VRE Carriage: Retrospective Comparison with Manual Workflow
Abdessalam Cherkaoui, Gesuele Renzi, Romain Martischang, Stephan Harbarth, Nicolas Vuilleumier and Jacques Schrenzel
Scientific study
Saliva detection of SARS-CoV-2 for mitigating company outbreaks: a surveillance experience
Emerenziana Ottaviano et al.
Scientific Study
Feasibility and acceptability of saliva-based testing for the screening of SARS-CoV-2 infection in prison
C. Parodi, E. Ottaviano, N. Cocco, S. Ancona, S. Bianchi, V. Massa, R. Bartolotti, B. Pezzoni, R. Giuliani, E. Borghi, R. Ranieri
Scientific study
Evaluation of BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay on Self-Collected Vaginal and First-Void Urine Samples as Compared to Clinician-Collected Cervical Samples: A Pilot Study
Marianna Martinelli et al.
Scientific study
Performance of the Hologic Panther Fusion® MRSA Assay for the nasal screening of methicillin-sensitive and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carriage
E. Maurin et al
Scientific study
Strategies to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening With Mailed Human Papillomavirus Self-Sampling Kits: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Rachel L. Winer et al.
Scientific study
Performance evaluation of a self-administered point-of-care test for anal HPV screening in PrEP users: data from a community-based PrEP service
Lorenzo Biasioli et al.
Scientific study
Acceptance of Self-Sampling and Knowledge about Human Papillomavirus among Women in Mongolia
Tsetsegsaikhan Batmunkh et al.
Scientific study
Evaluation of Pre-Analytical Variables for Human Papillomavirus Primary Screening from Self-Collected Vaginal Swabs
Michele Qi et al.
Scientific study
Opportunistic offering of self-sampling to non-attenders within the English cervical screening programme: a pragmatic, multicentre, implementation feasibility trial with randomly allocated cluster intervention start dates (YouScreen)
et al.
EUROGIN 2022 – International multidisciplinary HPV congress
We urgently need to recover from the losses in cervical cancer screening and treatment and HPV vaccination rates that we witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic; EUROGIN is the opportunity to meet in person to share ideas on the ambitious goal of eliminating cervical cancer. At the booth, you’ll have the chance to discover our solutions for HPV screening and our approach to self-collection as a method to increase testing rates in women.
GISCi – Convegno Gruppo Italiano Screening del Cervicocarcinoma
Il Gruppo Italiano Screening del Cervicocarcinoma è una associazione senza scopi di lucro che promuove la diffusione e miglioramento della qualità nell’attività di screening organizzato del carcinoma della cervice uterina. Il Convegno nazionale sarà un’occasione di confronto per quanti coinvolti nei programmi di screening organizzato nel verificare i risultati raggiunti, i programmi di recupero dopo il rallentamento dell’attività legato alla pandemia COVID, il grado di implementazione nell’attuazione del Programma Nazionale di Prevenzione per quanto attiene, nello specifico, l’attività dell’Associazione.
Preventing Cervical Cancer 2022 Conference
The PCC2022 Conference will be a hybrid face-to-face and virtual event hosted by the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer and the NHMRC-funded Centre of Research Excellence in Cervical Cancer Control (C4).
The theme of the conference is innovation and equity in the elimination of cervical cancer. An exciting panel of speakers at the vanguard of elimination efforts will share their experiences and knowledge across the cervical cancer prevention spectrum, including awareness, vaccination, screening, and treatment of pre-cancers. In a few words, PCC222 is the ideal setting for our vaginal self-collection products.
GISCi – Convegno Gruppo Italiano Screening del Cervicocarcinoma
Il Gruppo Italiano Screening del Cervicocarcinoma (GISCi ) è una associazione senza scopi di lucro che promuove la diffusione e miglioramento della qualità dell’ attività di screening organizzato del “carcinoma della cervice uterina”. Obiettivi principali del GISCi sono: promuovere i contatti tra i programmi di screening esistenti in Italia; favorire il confronto multidisciplinare tra i vari professionisti ed operatori coinvolti nel percorso di screening; promuovere la qualità dei programmi nonché sostenere e stimolare l’innovazione e la ricerca nel settore. Punto saliente per la valutazione del raggiungimento di tali obiettivi è il Convegno Nazionale annuale che quest’anno si terrà a Milano dal 26 al 27 Ottobre.
Sarà un’occasione di confronto per quanti coinvolti nei programmi di screening organizzato nel verificare i risultati raggiunti, i programmi di recupero dopo il rallentamento dell’attività legato alla pandemia COVID, il grado di implementazione nell’attuazione del Programma Nazionale di Prevenzione per quanto attiene, nello specifico l’attività della Associazione.
Launch of PodSwab™ – UTM® for pooling
Many scientific studies have demonstrated pooled testing to be an efficient methodology for screening in the case of low-incidence phases of COVID-19. We are now ready to present PodSwab™ – UTM® for pooling: another Copan solution to streamline laboratory workflow in COVID-19 screening.

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – February 2022
It’s February, and it’s Microbiology Time! This month we selected an exciting paper on MDRO outbreaks during the Covid-19 pandemic and an interesting study evaluating the performance of different swab types and collection systems to recover CMV DNA from vaginal fluids and saliva. The third study selected is an exhaustive review of the advantages of full lab automation.

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – June 2022
June’s microbiology time is finally online! We selected three interesting studies for this month’s issue: a paper published on BMC evaluating HPV testing using self-collected samples and two studies on two very different outbreaks, the first of measles in Italian non-vaccinated individuals and the second investigating an outbreak of CPE in a COVID-19 intensive care unit.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – September 2022
Happy September, Microbiology Time readers! We spent August selecting the best papers featuring our products. This month the topics are heterogeneous and meet all tastes: a saliva-based SARS-CoV-2 screening, olfactory swabbing for alpha-synuclein detection in Parkinson’s patients, and a study on surface contamination by monkeypox.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – February 2023
It’s the second month of 2023, and it’s the second microbiology time of the year! In this edition, we selected studies covering self-collected vaginal samples for molecular assays, SARS-Cov-2 detection from rectal and nasal swabs, and buccal swabbing for BRCA testing. Enjoy your reading!

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – October 2023
Let’s dig together into three thrilling papers on tongue swabs and tuberculosis, self-collection for cervical screening in Italian women, and a study on the correlation between Covid-related olfactory deficit and zinc homeostasis.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – February 2024
In the second Microbiology Time of 2024, we selected a paper proposing salivary micro-RNA as a liquid biopsy marker in oral cancer, a clinical trial evaluating different methods of offering HPV self-sampling kits, and a study investigating the benefits of probiotics in improving microbiota composition in post-menopausal women.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – May 2024
In the May edition of our Microbiology Time, we have selected three papers that showcase the diverse applications of our products, from HPV self-collection to a validation of an animal model and a zoonosis case study.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – July 2024
We welcome the long-awaited summer with three great papers: the first analyzes surface characteristics’ effect on human DNA’s recovery for forensic purposes, while the second and third evaluate the impact of different variables on the accuracy and usability of self-collected samples for HPV detection.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – August 2024
To select this month’s studies, we’ve traveled to three continents with an epidemiology study on pneumococcus in Botswana, an update on the British HPV screening program YouScreen, and an E. coli sequencing project in Pakistan.