Digital Microbiology
The main idea of Digital Microbiology is to create a comprehensive ecosystem for laboratory processes, technology, and applications transforming physical objects into a continuous intelligent data stream connecting preanalytical and analytical platforms. This idea is revolutionizing how diagnosis are developed, leading to higher medical value and more efficient lab workflows.

Radian® is the WASPLab® module dedicated to the full automation and interpretation of Disk Diffusion Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing.

PhenoMATRIX® suite of algorithms combines Artificial Intelligence, LIS information, and lab custom rules to analyze colony features and automatically interpret, segregate, tag, and release bacterial culture plates.

Currently under development, MicroHub® will be the control centre of the future. Acting as a middleware, it gathers in one spot Patient, Sample, WASPLab® and other instruments data, letting you manage them from any perspective.

Product Focus

Scientific Study
Use of Copan’s WASPLab® PhenoMATRIX™ Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Efficiency of Urine Culture Interpretation
Susan M. Poutanen, Jessica Bourke, Pauline Lo, Karen Pike, Katherine Wong, Tony Mazzulli
Copan White Paper
PhenoMATRIX® – can Artificial do better than Human Intelligence?
N. Schepis, S. Oliani, A. Giambra, I. Acerbi, M. Savarese
Scientific study
Hierarchical AI enables global interpretation of culture plates in the era of digital microbiology
Alberto Signoroni et al.
The new lab-Intelligence platform is on its way!
MicroHub®, our modern lab-intelligence platform, is finally on its way to the market.

Copan White paper
Copan White Paper: PhenoMATRIX® – can Artificial do better than Human Intelligence?
In this Copan White Paper, we dissect how PhenoMATRIX AI and interpretation algorithms bring advanced reproducibility and sensitivity to plate interpretation, overcoming the subjectivity of human visual examination and maximizing lab efficiency to support diagnostic decisions.

Introducing PhenoMATRIX® PLUS
PhenoMATRIX® PLUS is the newest PhenoMATRIX® suite release, designed to automatically segregate positive plates or discard negative plates without technical validation.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – November 2023
November’s Microbiology Time: what a big shot! This month, our scientific update features not one but two studies published in Nature Journals. Colony picking, vaginal microbiome, and AI plate interpretation: read more about these three papers that can’t be missed!

Copan’s Artificial Intelligence on Nature Communications
Let’s listen to the Copan people who contributed to the exciting research paper featured in our last Microbiology Time, to understand PhenoMATRIX®’s game-changer performances in enhancing the efficiency and quality of routine activities and decision-making processes in a microbiological lab.

Radian® BC
Radian BC guarantees to specialists unparalleled fast diagnostic assessment, directing each patient towards an early targeted antimicrobial therapy.

Boosting WASPLab® with PhenoMATRIX®
Microbiology professionals experience with our Artificial Intelligence algorithms and automated segregation.
Total Lab Automation: Experience of a Roman Teaching Hospital
Dr. Carla Fontana
UOC Microbiologia e Virologia Fondazione Policlinico, Tor Vergata
PhenoMATRIX: real-life experience of a high volume bacteriology lab
Dr. Simone Ambretti
Unità Operativa di Microbiologia IRCCS Policlinico di S.Orsola, Bologna