UZ Leuven Laboratory Interview about WASPLab® Ecosystem
In Leuven, Belgium, the UZ Laboratory installed Copan’s WASPLab® Ecosystem in 2018 to handle thousands of samples every day, with improved standardization and shortened time to results.

WASP Winter Tour 2022
A tour through four top-notch microbiology laboratories around Europe, collecting testimonies on lab automation, past and future challenges, and opportunities!
Hear from Gian Maria Rossolini (Careggi Hospital, Firenze, IT), Oliver Nolte (Center for Laboratory Medicine, St.Gallen, CH), Jérémy Bayette (Inovie Labosud. Montpellier, FR), Kristof Emmerechts and Astrid Muyldermans (University Hospital Brussels, BE).