With MycoTB™ you can take care of all the steps needed for mycobacteria detection in respiratory tract and extra-pulmonary specimens – fluidization, decontamination, concentration – with a safe, easy, and ready-to-use kit.

Scientific study
MYCO‑TB: the first IVD kit suitable for the digestion and decontamination of extra‑pulmonary specimens to detect Mycobacteria.
Bisognin et al.
Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – August 2021
It’s August Microbiology Time! We just updated our website’s scientific database and chose the best three papers of the month: a study on extrapulmonary samples processing with MycoTB™, an alternative to PCR for Sars-CoV-2 diagnosis, and the first feedback from the LolliSponge™ use to collect saliva for COVID-9 screening.

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – January 2022
We are welcoming 2022 with many engaging papers uploaded to our scientific database. This month’s top picks are a research on canine urinary tract infections, a study on tuberculosis sample processing, and a paper evaluating WASP-automated processing of female reproductive tract specimens.