More than a platform for incubation, storage, digitization, and recording of inoculated bacteriology plates, WASPLab® is the nucleus of Copan Full Lab Automation.

Clinical Automation
Express your lab’s full potential by automating your routine

Digital Microbiology
The main idea of Digital Microbiology is to create a comprehensive ecosystem for laboratory processes, technology, and applications transforming physical objects into a continuous intelligent data stream connecting preanalytical and analytical platforms. This idea is revolutionizing how diagnosis are developed, leading to higher medical value and more efficient lab workflows.

PhenoMATRIX® suite of algorithms combines Artificial Intelligence, LIS information, and lab custom rules to analyze colony features and automatically interpret, segregate, tag, and release bacterial culture plates.

Pasteur Pipets


Scientific Study
Comparison of Five Media for Detection of Extended-Spectrum Beta Lactamase by Use of WASP® Instrument for Automated Specimen Processing
P. Grohs, B. Tillecovidin, A. Caumont-Prim, E. Carbonnelle, N. Day, I. Podglajen and L. Gutmann
Scientific Study
Multicenter Evaluation of Processing and Analysis of College of American Pathologists (CAP) Proficiency Testing Samples by Laboratory Automation
N Esther Babady, Lori Bourassa, Carey-Ann D Burnham, Mark Fisher, Erin McElvania, Christopher R Polage, Julie Ribes
Copan White Paper
PhenoMATRIX® – can Artificial do better than Human Intelligence?
N. Schepis, S. Oliani, A. Giambra, I. Acerbi, M. Savarese
Scientific study
Hierarchical AI enables global interpretation of culture plates in the era of digital microbiology
Alberto Signoroni et al.
SGM-SSM – Swiss Society for Microbiology
In 2022 the Swiss Society for Microbiology celebrates its 80th anniversary. We’ll be there with our partner Ruwag celebrating this anniversary and discussing the latest advancements in clinical microbiology with Swiss experts. In this respect, don’t miss our exclusive symposium, “The Microbiology Laboratory of the Future,” featuring Dr. Abdessalam Cherkaoui, Bart Gordts, and Professor Oliver Nolte, Wednesday August 31, from 12.00 to 12.45.
Copan White paper
Copan White Paper: PhenoMATRIX® – can Artificial do better than Human Intelligence?
In this Copan White Paper, we dissect how PhenoMATRIX AI and interpretation algorithms bring advanced reproducibility and sensitivity to plate interpretation, overcoming the subjectivity of human visual examination and maximizing lab efficiency to support diagnostic decisions.

Introducing PhenoMATRIX® PLUS
PhenoMATRIX® PLUS is the newest PhenoMATRIX® suite release, designed to automatically segregate positive plates or discard negative plates without technical validation.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – November 2023
November’s Microbiology Time: what a big shot! This month, our scientific update features not one but two studies published in Nature Journals. Colony picking, vaginal microbiome, and AI plate interpretation: read more about these three papers that can’t be missed!

Copan’s Artificial Intelligence on Nature Communications
Let’s listen to the Copan people who contributed to the exciting research paper featured in our last Microbiology Time, to understand PhenoMATRIX®’s game-changer performances in enhancing the efficiency and quality of routine activities and decision-making processes in a microbiological lab.

Upgrade your lab with Artificial Intelligence Interpretation – PhenoMATRIX™
Our AI-algorithms suite PhenoMATRIX™ takes your clinical bacteriology lab a step forward into a completely automated workflow.

PhenoMATRIX® – MasterClass
It is a milestone for Copan because it finally signs the official entrance of Copan into the #diagnostic field.”
Mario Savarese, Copan Wasp CEO, gives his perspective on Artificial Intelligence applied to microbiology, emphasizing the reasons why PhenoMATRIX® must be recognized as a crucial bacteriology diagnostic tool. Listen to Mario’s full speech

Boosting WASPLab® with PhenoMATRIX®
Microbiology professionals experience with our Artificial Intelligence algorithms and automated segregation.
Total Lab Automation: Experience of a Roman Teaching Hospital
Dr. Carla Fontana
UOC Microbiologia e Virologia Fondazione Policlinico, Tor Vergata
PhenoMATRIX: real-life experience of a high volume bacteriology lab
Dr. Simone Ambretti
Unità Operativa di Microbiologia IRCCS Policlinico di S.Orsola, Bologna
BacteriologIA: Artificial Intelligence applied to bacteriology
Copan sponsored Integrated Lunch Symposia – ECCMID 2023
The introduction of lab automation, digitalization, and Artificial Intelligence will play a key role in supporting microbiologists in managing the multiple challenges they face daily. The experiences of clinical laboratories that re-shaped their workflows thanks to the adoption of new technologies will be discussed in this symposium and will surely be inspiring.