eSwab® collection and transport system is our multipurpose media intended for the collection and transport of clinical specimens containing aerobes, anaerobes, fastidious bacteria, viruses and Chlamydia.

eNAT® is intended to collect, transport, and preserve microbial and human nucleic acids to be analyzed by amplification techniques. With its rapid analysis and inactivation features, eNAT® is the ready-to-use device to quickly homogenize your sample, for a high-quality, unbiased nucleic acid yield, and fast turnaround time.

Genetics & Microbiome
The rise of Multi Drug-Resistant Organisms has become a global health and economic concern, and tools to combat them are urgently needed.

Gastrointestinal Infections
A successful forensic investigation begins with a proper sample, and proper samples are obtained using the appropriate collection method.

SMART-eNAT® combines eNAT® with a unique SMART cap delivery system, providing a safe and efficient nucleic acids collection and transport for prolonged periods. The SMART post-collection high-performance yet intuitive cap avoids any spillage or unwanted contact, facilitating self-sampling at home.

Product Focus

Application Brochure

Scientific study
An emm-type specific qPCR to track bacterial load during experimental human Streptococcus pyogenes pharyngitis
Loraine V. Fabri et al.
Scientific study
Culturomics to Investigate the Endometrial Microbiome: Proof-of-Concept
Robin Vanstokstraeten et al.
Scientific study
Substantial decrease in SARS‑CoV‑2 RNA after fixation of cadavers intended for anatomical dissection
Kateřina Vymazalová et al
Copan White Paper
Copan MSwab® maintains HPV nucleic acid stability at challenging temperatures
Stefania Di Costanzo, Simone Paghera, Michele Rosso, Cristiano Sabelli
Copan White Paper
Copan MSwab® maintains HPV nucleic acid stability after long term storage
Stefania Di Costanzo, Simone Paghera, Michele Rosso, Cristiano Sabelli
Scientific Booklet
Booklet Genetics & Microbiome

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – April 2022
April is dense with scientific events: EUROGIN, ECCMID, World Of Microbiome… our Microbiology Time could not be missing! The main topic of this month is HPV, the subject of two of your selected studies. The third one investigates SARS-CoV-2 presence on hospital surfaces.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – December 2022
In this December’s Microbiology Time, here’s a little present for you: the top three studies of the month! We start with a study comparing the efficacy of different swab types to collect evidence on fabric, we continue with an investigation of a school MRSA outbreak in Switzerland, and we finish with a culturomics analysis of the endometrial microbiome.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – January 2023
With the studies selected in the first edition of 2023’s Microbiology time, we explore three peculiar sides of our WISE approach: surface hygiene monitoring, HPV self-collection, and automated MALDI-TOF target preparation. Enjoy!

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – April 2023
Our April Microbiology Time includes a study on SARS-CoV-2 detection in cadavers, a German investigation of respiratory infections in hospitalized children, and an analysis of demographics, symptoms, and outcomes of individuals diagnosed with monkeypox in an Italian hospital.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – October 2023
Let’s dig together into three thrilling papers on tongue swabs and tuberculosis, self-collection for cervical screening in Italian women, and a study on the correlation between Covid-related olfactory deficit and zinc homeostasis.