eSwab® collection and transport system is our multipurpose media intended for the collection and transport of clinical specimens containing aerobes, anaerobes, fastidious bacteria, viruses and Chlamydia.

eNAT® is intended to collect, transport, and preserve microbial and human nucleic acids to be analyzed by amplification techniques. With its rapid analysis and inactivation features, eNAT® is the ready-to-use device to quickly homogenize your sample, for a high-quality, unbiased nucleic acid yield, and fast turnaround time.

CLASSIQSwabs™ are traditional and sterile ready-for-use devices intended for the collection of clinical samples.

Self Vaginal FLOQSwabs®
Safe, comfortable, and easy to use, Self Vaginal FLOQSwabs® is the comfortable device supporting women taking part in HPV and STI screening campaigns.

UriSponge™ is intended for the collection, transport and preservation of urine specimens for the cultivation of uropathogenic bacteria and yeasts.

Self – UriSponge™
Copan Self UriSponge™ is a safe and easy-to-use device to collect urine samples. Collection can be performed at Point of Care in complete privacy, using a non-invasive procedure.

Gastrointestinal Infections
A successful forensic investigation begins with a proper sample, and proper samples are obtained using the appropriate collection method.

Scientific study
Human Monkeypox Experience in a Tertiary Level Hospital in Milan, Italy, between May and October 2022: Epidemiological Features and Clinical Characteristics
Caterina Candela et al
Scientific study
Evaluation of Self-Collected Versus Health Care Professional (HCP)-Performed Sampling and the Potential Impact on the Diagnostic Results of Asymptomatic Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in High-Risk Individuals
Simon Weidlich et al.
Copan White Paper
STIs and Self-Sampling: Copan’s Role in the Future of Sexually Transmitted Infections Prevention and Management
Stefania Di Costanzo, Ph.D., Scientific Affairs Manager
GISCI – Gruppo Italiano Screening del Cervicocarcinoma
20Primary HPV screening is now active in most Italian regions. Some programs have already invited clients to rounds
subsequent to the first. The first reflections on the outcomes of the courses and on potential improvements.
The pandemic has hindered the normal path of prevention but they are actions aimed at solving the obstacles themselves have been implemented
EUROGIN 2022 – International multidisciplinary HPV congress
We urgently need to recover from the losses in cervical cancer screening and treatment and HPV vaccination rates that we witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic; EUROGIN is the opportunity to meet in person to share ideas on the ambitious goal of eliminating cervical cancer. At the booth, you’ll have the chance to discover our solutions for HPV screening and our approach to self-collection as a method to increase testing rates in women.
VIII Congresso Nazionale SIMaST: Farmaco resistenza nelle infezioni sessualmente trasmesse
An Italian event dedicated to AntiMicrobial-Resistant Bacteria in Sexually transmitted infections. The scientific program will cover both the epidemiological aspects and the problems of diagnosis, treatment, and primary and secondary prevention of viral STIs.
IUSTI EUROPE – International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections
In 2023 IUSTI Europe celebrates its 100 years and all the IUSTI family to Malta is invited to commemorate this important anniversary. The Scientific Program will deal with all aspects of STIs and clinical issues. Furthermore, this year it will also aim at discussing health policies to improve the sexual health outcomes of socially disadvantaged groups: those who are disadvantaged and disenfranchised, the homeless and transient, chronically mentally ill, high school dropouts, criminal offenders, sex workers, juvenile delinquents, gang members, runaways and other street people.
Copan has a wide range of products that can support in such difficult situations and we will be display them at the exhibit. Come and visit us!
Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – January 2022
We are welcoming 2022 with many engaging papers uploaded to our scientific database. This month’s top picks are a research on canine urinary tract infections, a study on tuberculosis sample processing, and a paper evaluating WASP-automated processing of female reproductive tract specimens.

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – April 2022
April is dense with scientific events: EUROGIN, ECCMID, World Of Microbiome… our Microbiology Time could not be missing! The main topic of this month is HPV, the subject of two of your selected studies. The third one investigates SARS-CoV-2 presence on hospital surfaces.

Copan at ECCMID 2022
Our page dedicated to ECCMID 2022. Here, you can discover more about what we displayed at the trade show, watch – or replay- our integrated lunch symposium, and listen to our interviews with microbiology experts, to understand how Copan’s WISE approach can revolutionize your lab workflow!

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – July 2022
An exciting paper on yeast identification by Colibrí is the opening study of our July Microbiology Time. Following, a study evaluating reservoirs of AMR organisms in a newly built intensive care unit and the analysis of CT/NG frequency in Patients with Imminent Preterm Delivery.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – April 2023
Our April Microbiology Time includes a study on SARS-CoV-2 detection in cadavers, a German investigation of respiratory infections in hospitalized children, and an analysis of demographics, symptoms, and outcomes of individuals diagnosed with monkeypox in an Italian hospital.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – September 2023
Here’s the ninth issue of 2023’s Microbiology Time. The three selected studies evaluate self- versus healthcare professional performed- collection, carcinogenic HPV prevalence in Estonia, and the implementation of molecular screening for HPV in five African countries.

Sample self-collection, a lesson gained during the COVID pandemic
Copan sponsored Integrated Lunch Symposia – ECCMID 2022
During Copan’s ECCMID integrated symposium, four distinguished speakers updated the audience on the advances, achievements, and future trends of sample self-collection in different fields (STIs, HPV, respiratory infections, genetics, serology).