WASP® provides a comprehensive system encompassing all aspects of automated specimen processing: planting and streaking, Gram slide preparation, enrichment broth inoculation, and preparation of AST plates.

UniVerse® automates sample preparation steps for molecular testing: tube decapping and recapping, vortexing, swab handling, barcode identification, and liquid transfer to secondary tubes or assay plates.

UriSponge™ is intended for the collection, transport and preservation of urine specimens for the cultivation of uropathogenic bacteria and yeasts.

Colibrì™ is Copan’s device designed to automatise colony picking, and preparation of targets for ID through MALDI-TOF technology, and bacterial suspensions for AST.

Radian® is the WASPLab® module dedicated to the full automation and interpretation of Disk Diffusion Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing.

Cyclone is the easy, reliable, and flexible way to automate your industry microbiological analysis workflow, from serial dilutions to sample analysis.

HEMO™ automatically transfers and tracks positive blood cultures from blood sampling bottles to Copan BC+™ for worry-free automated processing and analysis with Radian® and WASPLab®.

Technology Brochure
Digital Microbiology

Application Brochure
Clinical Automation

Application Brochure
Industry: Food & Cosmetics


Product focus
HEMO™ automatically transfers and tracks positive blood cultures from blood sampling bottles to Copan BC+™ for further automated processing and analysis with Radian® and WASPLab®.

Scientific Study
The patient is in the centre: integrated management of results with WASPLab® System
Laura Bartolini, Guendalina Vaggelli, Patrizia Pecile, Gian Maria Rossolini
Scientific Study
Evaluation of the Copan BC+™ for the Automated Management of Positive Blood Cultures: Microscope Slides and Subcultures Preparation
Bielli A., Lepera V., Oggioni M., Lacchini C., Lombardi G., Vismara C.
Scientific Study
Evaluation of the WASPLab® Segregation Software to Automatically Analyze Urine Cultures using Routine Blood and MacConkey Agars
Matthew L. Faron, Blake W. Buchan, Ryan F. Relich, James Clark, and Nathan A. Ledeboer
Scientific Study
Multicenter Evaluation of Processing and Analysis of College of American Pathologists (CAP) Proficiency Testing Samples by Laboratory Automation
N Esther Babady, Lori Bourassa, Carey-Ann D Burnham, Mark Fisher, Erin McElvania, Christopher R Polage, Julie Ribes
Scientific study
Current State of Laboratory Automation in Clinical Microbiology Laboratory
Kritikos Antonios et al.
Scientific study
Validation of the Colibrí Instrument for Automated Preparation of MALDI-TOF MS Targets for Yeast Identification
Robbe Heestermans et al.
Scientific study
Diagnostic test accuracy of an automated device for the MALDI target preparation for microbial identification
Abdessalam Cherkaoui et al.
Scientific study
A multicenter evaluation of Copan’s Colibrí™, an automated instrument for MALDI TOF MS target application for bacterial identification
My Lien Pham et al.
32nd ECCMID – European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
The main event of the year! ECCMID brings together experts from many fields to present their latest findings, guidelines, and experiences to an audience of over 14,000 colleagues. The scientific program includes Keynote Lectures and Oral Sessions, Educational Workshops, Open Forums, Meet-The-Expert Sessions, and a wide range of Scientific Symposia. We are arranging great things for the occasion, including an Integrated Lunch Symposia – Saturday, April 23rd, from 12:15 to 13:15 – talking about self-collection experiences in different fields.
BIOMED-J 2023 has taken up the ingredients of the success of previous congresses, by improving the recipe with more partners, conferences, and high-quality speakers. The agenda will cover many topics, including microbiology and virology. See you there with our full portfolio of Liquid-Based Media!
33rd ECCMID – European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
Here we are, another year, another ECCMID incoming! Despite last year’s incredible event, we are planning even more exciting things for ECCMID 2023, and we can’t wait to share them with you in Copenhagen! This year, two will be the Copan’s integrated lunch symposia, save the dates:
- April 16th, 12.15 -13.15 “Sample collection: needs, challenges, and future”
- April 17th, 12.15 -13.15 “BacteriologIA: Artificial Intelligence applied to bacteriology”
For the moment, visit our ECCMID landing page (under construction) for information about our scientific symposia, poster presentations, and product launches for this year.
ESPID 2023
The 41st Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases is the world’s premier meeting for professionals who want to stay up to date, apply state-of-the art science to clinical care, present their research, reinforce existing and develop new collaborations.
The event will bring together world-renowned researchers and clinicians for an inspiring multi-faceted program covering areas that include clinical issues, epidemiology, public health, microbiology, immunology, host-pathogen interactions, and genomics, highlighting more recent progresses. Come to our booth to discover our solution for sample collection in kids and newborns.
BioMedica is the largest and most complete scientific meeting for all those responsible for the needs and direction of clinical laboratories in Ireland. This is where the policies, procedures and the associated technologies necessary to ensure the highest quality of service within pathology laboratories are discussed, debated and solutions sourced.
We will be present together with our valued distributors to showcase our products for clinical microbiology.
Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – January 2022
We are welcoming 2022 with many engaging papers uploaded to our scientific database. This month’s top picks are a research on canine urinary tract infections, a study on tuberculosis sample processing, and a paper evaluating WASP-automated processing of female reproductive tract specimens.

Copan Wasp Regulatory Milestones
2021 has been a dense year for Copan Wasp Regulatory and Quality departments. In view of many other significant deadlines to be met in 2022, let’s recap what we recently achieved!

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – February 2022
It’s February, and it’s Microbiology Time! This month we selected an exciting paper on MDRO outbreaks during the Covid-19 pandemic and an interesting study evaluating the performance of different swab types and collection systems to recover CMV DNA from vaginal fluids and saliva. The third study selected is an exhaustive review of the advantages of full lab automation.

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – March 2022
Spring is almost here, and together with sunny days and warm temperatures, we bring you new scientific studies for our March Microbiology time just uploaded on our database. This month’s best pick are two studies on Antibiotic-resistant Organisms and a review on the benefits of lab automation.

Copan at ECCMID 2022
Our page dedicated to ECCMID 2022. Here, you can discover more about what we displayed at the trade show, watch – or replay- our integrated lunch symposium, and listen to our interviews with microbiology experts, to understand how Copan’s WISE approach can revolutionize your lab workflow!

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – July 2022
An exciting paper on yeast identification by Colibrí is the opening study of our July Microbiology Time. Following, a study evaluating reservoirs of AMR organisms in a newly built intensive care unit and the analysis of CT/NG frequency in Patients with Imminent Preterm Delivery.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – January 2023
With the studies selected in the first edition of 2023’s Microbiology time, we explore three peculiar sides of our WISE approach: surface hygiene monitoring, HPV self-collection, and automated MALDI-TOF target preparation. Enjoy!

Copan Cyclone Revolutionizes Mérieux NutriSciences Quality Control
The installation at the Italian headquarters of Mérieux NutriSciences marked one of the early achievements of our Cyclone system. This successful project, characterized by close cooperation and mutual learning, played a crucial role in shaping the present-day Cyclone and allowed Mérieux NutriSciences to provide an unparalleled quality control service to numerous food producers nationwide.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – November 2023
November’s Microbiology Time: what a big shot! This month, our scientific update features not one but two studies published in Nature Journals. Colony picking, vaginal microbiome, and AI plate interpretation: read more about these three papers that can’t be missed!

Copan’s Artificial Intelligence on Nature Communications
Let’s listen to the Copan people who contributed to the exciting research paper featured in our last Microbiology Time, to understand PhenoMATRIX®’s game-changer performances in enhancing the efficiency and quality of routine activities and decision-making processes in a microbiological lab.

Introducing HEMO™: the missing piece!
The automation that will revolutionize positive blood culture processing has finally arrived! Automatically transfer positive blood cultures from blood sampling bottles to Copan BC+™ with HEMO™.

Innovating Food Safety Testing: How BAMOS AG and Cyclone Lead the Change
In an exclusive interview, Patrick Wirth, CEO of BAMOS AG, shared insights into the transformative impact of the Cyclone automation system on the company’s operations, efficiency, and consistency.

Colibrí™ EcoSystem
Colibrì™ is the WASPLab® module designed to automatize colony picking, and preparation of targets for ID through MALDI-TOF technology, and bacterial suspensions for AST. Discover its features in this video!

Collaborative Station™
We designed our Collaborative Station to perform traditional manual processes automatically. Improving speed and traceability, the Collaborative Station reduces errors and repetitive stress injuries.

Upgrade your lab with Artificial Intelligence Interpretation – PhenoMATRIX™
Our AI-algorithms suite PhenoMATRIX™ takes your clinical bacteriology lab a step forward into a completely automated workflow.

Radian™ – Automated Disk Diffusion Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing
Radian® is the WASPLab® module dedicated to the full automation and interpretation of Disk Diffusion Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing.

WASPLab® Ecosystem
WASPLab® is our preanalytical automation ecosystem that begins at the inoculation phase and ends at reading, interpreting, and picking activities. Discover in this video all its modules!

Radian® BC
Radian BC guarantees to specialists unparalleled fast diagnostic assessment, directing each patient towards an early targeted antimicrobial therapy.

WASP Winter Tour 2022
A tour through four top-notch microbiology laboratories around Europe, collecting testimonies on lab automation, past and future challenges, and opportunities!
Hear from Gian Maria Rossolini (Careggi Hospital, Firenze, IT), Oliver Nolte (Center for Laboratory Medicine, St.Gallen, CH), Jérémy Bayette (Inovie Labosud. Montpellier, FR), Kristof Emmerechts and Astrid Muyldermans (University Hospital Brussels, BE).

WASPLab® the Complete Workflow
An overview of a CPSE workflow, encompassing all the steps carried out by the WASPLab® Ecosystem: streaking, incubation, AI-powered culture interpretation, ID preparation, and disk diffusion AST automation and interpretation.

Copan Cyclone Revolutionizes Mérieux NutriSciences Quality Control: video
The installation at the Italian headquarters of Mérieux NutriSciences marked one of the early achievements of our Cyclone system. This successful project, characterized by close cooperation and mutual learning, played a crucial role in shaping the present-day Cyclone and allowed Mérieux NutriSciences to provide an unparalleled quality control service to numerous food producers nationwide.

PhenoMATRIX® – MasterClass
It is a milestone for Copan because it finally signs the official entrance of Copan into the #diagnostic field.”
Mario Savarese, Copan Wasp CEO, gives his perspective on Artificial Intelligence applied to microbiology, emphasizing the reasons why PhenoMATRIX® must be recognized as a crucial bacteriology diagnostic tool. Listen to Mario’s full speech

Automated Disk Diffusion AST: the next step in full laboratory automation
Copan Diagnostics Scientific Director Susan Sharp attended last NSCMID meeting to talk about Radian, our automated disk diffusion system for laboratory AST. Listen to Susan at the link below, and discover how Radian brings Disk Diffusion AST back to the future!
BacteriologIA: Artificial Intelligence applied to bacteriology
Copan sponsored Integrated Lunch Symposia – ECCMID 2023
The introduction of lab automation, digitalization, and Artificial Intelligence will play a key role in supporting microbiologists in managing the multiple challenges they face daily. The experiences of clinical laboratories that re-shaped their workflows thanks to the adoption of new technologies will be discussed in this symposium and will surely be inspiring.