Scientific study
A comparison of ThinPrep against four non-volatile transport media for HPV testing at or near the point of care
Scientific study
Liquid and Dry Swabs for Culture- and PCR-Based Detection of Colonization with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus during Admission Screening
N. von Allmen
Scientific study
Performance of the Alere i RSV assay for point-of-care detection of respiratory syncytial virus in children
Sarah Valerie Schnee
Scientific study
Performance of the cobas MRSA/SA Test for Simultaneous Detection of Methicillin-Susceptible and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus From Nasal Swabs
Lace R. Peterson
Scientific study
Viral Etiology and Clinical Characteristics of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections in Hospitalized Children in Southern Germany (2014–2018)
Julia Tabatabai et al.
Copan White Paper
Copan MSwab® maintains HPV nucleic acid stability at challenging temperatures
Stefania Di Costanzo, Simone Paghera, Michele Rosso, Cristiano Sabelli
Copan White Paper
Copan MSwab® maintains HPV nucleic acid stability after long term storage
Stefania Di Costanzo, Simone Paghera, Michele Rosso, Cristiano Sabelli
Scientific Booklet
Booklet Genetics & Microbiome

Medlab Middle East
For the expected, unexpected and everything in between
Medlab is the key event to unite Middle East healthcare and medical laboratory community, and is the right place to discover innovative products, trending technology, and build infinite networking opportunities. This year we’ll be there in person: discover our FLOQ technology – which revolutionized sample collection – and see first-hand our Liquid-Based Microbiology media, today the gold standard in microbiological sampling. Moreover, it will be a great chance to learn more about UniVerse®, our solution designed to bring efficiency, standardization, and safety in the service of thousands of molecular biology laboratories worldwide.
IBMS Congress
Delivering science, celebrating achievement
The COVID-19 pandemic has put science and scientists center stage in a way rarely seen. Being IBMS’s most important event for developing professional skills and knowledge, 2022’s Congress will truly celebrate science in all its variety, influence, potential, and impact on society. We, Copan people, are trembling to contribute to this event: we’ll be present there to display our patented technologies, our Liquid-Based Microbiology media, and lab automation. This year will be a great chance to learn more about UniVerse®, our solution designed to bring efficiency, standardization, and safety in the service of thousands of molecular biology laboratories worldwide. But that’s not all: in the dedicated executive suite 7 we’ll go deeper into sharing knowledge and communicating science: Stay tuned to discover what we arranged!
EUROGIN 2022 – International multidisciplinary HPV congress
We urgently need to recover from the losses in cervical cancer screening and treatment and HPV vaccination rates that we witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic; EUROGIN is the opportunity to meet in person to share ideas on the ambitious goal of eliminating cervical cancer. At the booth, you’ll have the chance to discover our solutions for HPV screening and our approach to self-collection as a method to increase testing rates in women.
32nd ECCMID – European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
The main event of the year! ECCMID brings together experts from many fields to present their latest findings, guidelines, and experiences to an audience of over 14,000 colleagues. The scientific program includes Keynote Lectures and Oral Sessions, Educational Workshops, Open Forums, Meet-The-Expert Sessions, and a wide range of Scientific Symposia. We are arranging great things for the occasion, including an Integrated Lunch Symposia – Saturday, April 23rd, from 12:15 to 13:15 – talking about self-collection experiences in different fields.
World Of Microbiome
This year, the WOM program is based on three learning and networking zones to advance research, understanding & application in the world of microbiome by fostering collaboration among clinicians, researchers, and the industry. These zones are the mother and newborn microbiome, the digestive tract and metabolism microbiome, and the oral cavity microbiome.
IBMS Congress 2023
Linking learning to the laboratory
The COVID-19 pandemic has put science and scientists center stage in a way rarely seen. Being IBMS’s most important event for developing professional skills and knowledge, 2022’s Congress will truly celebrate science in all its variety, influence, potential, and impact on society. We, Copan people, are trembling to contribute to this event: we’ll be present there to display our patented technologies, our Liquid-Based Microbiology media, and lab automation. This year will be a great chance to learn more about UniVerse®, our solution designed to bring efficiency, standardization, and safety in the service of thousands of molecular biology laboratories worldwide.
Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – April 2023
Our April Microbiology Time includes a study on SARS-CoV-2 detection in cadavers, a German investigation of respiratory infections in hospitalized children, and an analysis of demographics, symptoms, and outcomes of individuals diagnosed with monkeypox in an Italian hospital.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – August 2024
To select this month’s studies, we’ve traveled to three continents with an epidemiology study on pneumococcus in Botswana, an update on the British HPV screening program YouScreen, and an E. coli sequencing project in Pakistan.