eSwab® collection and transport system is our multipurpose media intended for the collection and transport of clinical specimens containing aerobes, anaerobes, fastidious bacteria, viruses and Chlamydia.

eNAT® is intended to collect, transport, and preserve microbial and human nucleic acids to be analyzed by amplification techniques. With its rapid analysis and inactivation features, eNAT® is the ready-to-use device to quickly homogenize your sample, for a high-quality, unbiased nucleic acid yield, and fast turnaround time.

Simplifying collection devices and ensuring a prolonged sample transport could promote self-collection expansion in many new medical fields.

CLASSIQSwabs™ are traditional and sterile ready-for-use devices intended for the collection of clinical samples.

Self Vaginal FLOQSwabs®
Safe, comfortable, and easy to use, Self Vaginal FLOQSwabs® is the comfortable device supporting women taking part in HPV and STI screening campaigns.

Self – UriSponge™
Copan Self UriSponge™ is a safe and easy-to-use device to collect urine samples. Collection can be performed at Point of Care in complete privacy, using a non-invasive procedure.

Scientific study
Analytical performance of HPV assays on vaginal self-collected vs practitioner-collected cervical samples: the SCoPE study
M Saville, D Hawkes, MHT Keung, ELO Ip, J Silvers, F Sultana, MJ Malloy, LS Velentzis, K Canfel, CD Wrede, JML Brotherton
Scientific study
Genotype heterogeneity of high-risk human papillomavirus infection in Ethiopia
Ayichew Seyoum et al.
Scientific study
Opportunistic offering of self-sampling to non-attenders within the English cervical screening programme: a pragmatic, multicentre, implementation feasibility trial with randomly allocated cluster intervention start dates (YouScreen)
et al.
Scientific study
Evaluation of Pre-Analytical Variables for Human Papillomavirus Primary Screening from Self-Collected Vaginal Swabs
Michele Qi et al.
Scientific study
Acceptance of Self-Sampling and Knowledge about Human Papillomavirus among Women in Mongolia
Tsetsegsaikhan Batmunkh et al.
Copan White Paper
Copan MSwab® maintains HPV nucleic acid stability after long term storage
Stefania Di Costanzo, Simone Paghera, Michele Rosso, Cristiano Sabelli
Copan White Paper
Copan MSwab® maintains HPV nucleic acid stability at challenging temperatures
Stefania Di Costanzo, Simone Paghera, Michele Rosso, Cristiano Sabelli
Copan White Paper
Copan Self Vaginal FLOQSwabs®:Agreement between clinician and self-collected samples for HPV detection. Evidence from the scientific literature
Stefania Di Costanzo, Cristiano Sabelli.
Scientific study
Performance evaluation of a self-administered point-of-care test for anal HPV screening in PrEP users: data from a community-based PrEP service
Lorenzo Biasioli et al.
Scientific study
Performance of BD Onclarity HPV assay on FLOQSwabs vaginal self-samples
Marianna Martinelli et al.
Scientific study
Strategies to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening With Mailed Human Papillomavirus Self-Sampling Kits: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Rachel L. Winer et al.
Scientific study
Preliminary Results of Feasibility and Acceptability ofSelf-Collection for Cervical Screening in Italian Women
Illari Sechi et al.
Scientific study
Human papillomavirus testing using existing nucleic acid testing platforms to screen women for cervical cancer:implementation studies from five sub-Saharan African countries
Jessica Joseph et al.
Scientific study
Age-specific and genotype-specific carcinogenic human papilloma virus prevalence in a country with a high cervical cancer burden: results of across-sectional study in Estonia
Kersti Pärna et al.
Scientific study
Evaluation of BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay on Self-Collected Vaginal and First-Void Urine Samples as Compared to Clinician-Collected Cervical Samples: A Pilot Study
Marianna Martinelli et al.
Scientific study
Persistence of cervical high-risk human papillomavirus in women living with HIV in Denmark – the SHADE
Kristina Thorsteinsson
Scientific study
Changes in genital Human Papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence among urban females a decade after the Malaysian HPV vaccination program
Su Pei Khoo et al.
Scientific study
Effect of the environment on home-based self-sampling kits for anal cancer screening
Jenna Nitkowski et al.
Scientific study
Self-Collection for Under-Screened Women in a National Cervical Screening Program: Pilot Study
M. Saville
Scientific study
Assessing the Impact of Mailing Self-Sampling Kits for Human Papillomavirus Testing to Unscreened Non-Responder Women in Manitoba
F. Jalili
Scientific study
Population Impact of Girls-Only Human Papillomavirus 16/18 Vaccination in The Netherlands: Cross-Protective and Second-Order Herd Effects
Joske Hoes
Scientific study
A comparison of ThinPrep against four non-volatile transport media for HPV testing at or near the point of care
Scientific study
STOP HPV study protocol: a nationwide case–control study of the association between oropharyngeal cancer and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in Brazil
Eliana Marcia Wendland
Scientific study
Evaluating sexual health in sex workers and men who have sex with men: the SMESH cross-sectional protocol study
Eliana Marcia Wendland
Scientific study
An observational study comparing HPV prevalence and type distribution between HPV-vaccinated and -unvaccinated girls after introduction of school-based HPV vaccination in Norway
Espen Enerly
Scientific study
Comparison of DRY and WET vaginal swabs with cervical specimens in Roche Cobas 4800 HPV and Abbott RealTime High Risk HPV tests
Kwan Jun
Scientific study
Genotypic characterisation of human papillomavirus infections among persons living with HIV infection; a case–control study in Kumasi, Ghana
Dekugmen Yar
Scientific study
Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections among Married Women in Rural Nepal
Sunila Shakya
Scientific study
Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus Genotypes in Women from Cozumel, Mexico
Enrique Navarro-Vidal
Scientific study
Addressing COVID-19 Screening Delays: The Impact of HPV Self-Sampling on Non-Attenders in a Cervical CancerScreening Program
A. Chiereghin et al.
International Papillomavirus Conference – IPVC
The theme of the 34th International Papillomavirus Conference is “Research and education for HPV elimination”. Through workshops, invited lectures, and oral and poster sessions presenting the latest research results, the conference will cover papillomavirus-related topics from basic science to clinical research and global health impact. Special attention will be paid to HPV prevention and control in populations that are most vulnerable to HPV, including those in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
EUROGIN 2022 – International multidisciplinary HPV congress
We urgently need to recover from the losses in cervical cancer screening and treatment and HPV vaccination rates that we witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic; EUROGIN is the opportunity to meet in person to share ideas on the ambitious goal of eliminating cervical cancer. At the booth, you’ll have the chance to discover our solutions for HPV screening and our approach to self-collection as a method to increase testing rates in women.
GISCi – Convegno Gruppo Italiano Screening del Cervicocarcinoma
Il Gruppo Italiano Screening del Cervicocarcinoma è una associazione senza scopi di lucro che promuove la diffusione e miglioramento della qualità nell’attività di screening organizzato del carcinoma della cervice uterina. Il Convegno nazionale sarà un’occasione di confronto per quanti coinvolti nei programmi di screening organizzato nel verificare i risultati raggiunti, i programmi di recupero dopo il rallentamento dell’attività legato alla pandemia COVID, il grado di implementazione nell’attuazione del Programma Nazionale di Prevenzione per quanto attiene, nello specifico, l’attività dell’Associazione.
Preventing Cervical Cancer 2022 Conference
The PCC2022 Conference will be a hybrid face-to-face and virtual event hosted by the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer and the NHMRC-funded Centre of Research Excellence in Cervical Cancer Control (C4).
The theme of the conference is innovation and equity in the elimination of cervical cancer. An exciting panel of speakers at the vanguard of elimination efforts will share their experiences and knowledge across the cervical cancer prevention spectrum, including awareness, vaccination, screening, and treatment of pre-cancers. In a few words, PCC222 is the ideal setting for our vaginal self-collection products.
EUROGIN 2023 – International multidisciplinary HPV congress
Since its creation three decades ago, the EUROGIN congress has gained a strong reputation as one of the leading international conferences on HPV infection and associated cancers. The meeting offers a forum for high-level scientific exchange involving multiple disciplines, with the aim of translating research into clinical practice. The congress program offers up-to-date scientific information on the full range of HPV-related diseases and is the opportunity to meet in person to share ideas on the ambitious goal of eliminating cervical cancer. At the booth, you’ll have the chance to discover our solutions for HPV screening and our approach to self-collection as a method to increase testing rates in women.
IPVC 2023 – 35th International Papillomavirus Conference
The theme of the 35th International Papillomavirus Conference is “Coming Together for HPV Elimination.” Through workshops, invited lectures, and oral and poster sessions presenting the latest research results, the conference will cover papillomavirus-related topics from basic science to clinical research and global health impact. Participants will hear about the latest research findings, scientific news, and best practice updates and get opportunities for educational and networking exchanges. Our STIs and HPV self-collection devices could not be missed!
MyWoman International Congress 2023
MyWoman International Congress 2023 has a line-up of exciting topics and new developments in obstetrics, gynecology, menopause, and women’s health. This congress will be a platform for fostering new ideas, partnerships, and collaborations with many leading international experts to improve women’s health and well-being. We’ll be there with our products designed to empower women to self-collect their samples!
GISCi – Convegno Gruppo Italiano Screening del Cervicocarcinoma
Il Gruppo Italiano Screening del Cervicocarcinoma (GISCi ) è una associazione senza scopi di lucro che promuove la diffusione e miglioramento della qualità dell’ attività di screening organizzato del “carcinoma della cervice uterina”. Obiettivi principali del GISCi sono: promuovere i contatti tra i programmi di screening esistenti in Italia; favorire il confronto multidisciplinare tra i vari professionisti ed operatori coinvolti nel percorso di screening; promuovere la qualità dei programmi nonché sostenere e stimolare l’innovazione e la ricerca nel settore. Punto saliente per la valutazione del raggiungimento di tali obiettivi è il Convegno Nazionale annuale che quest’anno si terrà a Milano dal 26 al 27 Ottobre.
Sarà un’occasione di confronto per quanti coinvolti nei programmi di screening organizzato nel verificare i risultati raggiunti, i programmi di recupero dopo il rallentamento dell’attività legato alla pandemia COVID, il grado di implementazione nell’attuazione del Programma Nazionale di Prevenzione per quanto attiene, nello specifico l’attività della Associazione.
International Multidisciplinary HPV Congress of EUropean Research Organisation on Genital Infection and Neoplasia
Save the date and join us for another remarkable event as EUROGIN and its partners continue to advance the field of HPV research and cancer prevention. Started in 1993 as a conference where scientific progress and clinical practice converge, EUROGIN shares translational research with an international scientific community aiming at accelerating the reduction of the burden of HPV-related cancers and their mortality.
In cooperation with a highly recognized research groups, the EUROGIN 2024 conference draws up an inventory of recent scientific research to provide healthcare workers and decision-makers with a comprehensive strategy to fight diseases related to human papillomavirus.
The conference focuses on translating scientific and evidence-based research into clinical practice.
At the booth, you’ll have the chance to discover our solutions for HPV screening and our approach to self-collection as a method to increase testing rates in women.
2024 AOGIN – Asia-Oceania Research Organisation in Genital Infection and Neoplasia
This year’s topic is “Empowering Women, together against Cervical Cancer”, which is one of the biggest challenges of our time, combining women empowerment and genital infections. Copan has always been in the first line in fighting against STI diseases; therefore, we will attend the congress displaying our high-quality, STI-related products.
36th International Papillomavirus Conference – IPVC
Join researchers, clinicians and other health professionals at the 36th International Papillomavirus Conference & Basic, Clinical and Public Health Scientific Workshops. Conference topics include prevention of HPV infection and their associated diseases and cancers, especially cervical cancer; the molecular biology, immunology and epidemiology of PVs in understanding pathogenesis; expanding scientific knowledge to benefit the whole community, and so much more!
Copan is on the front line in fighting against cervical cancer and all HPV-associated disease, so you will find us at booth #18!
Asian Society Gynecologic Oncology Meeting 2024
Medical professionals who treat patients with gynecological cancer will come to Bali in order to discuss, exchange experiences, share research findings, and keep up to date on the latest developments in the field of gynecological cancer. A symposium and a pre-meeting course will be held to enhance knowledge and skills during the meeting.
We are proud to attend this significant meeting with our products for this specific application.
International Multidisciplinary HPV Congress of EUropean Research Organisation on Genital Infection and Neoplasia
EUROGIN is one of the world’s leading international congresses on HPV infections and associated cancers with a focus on prevention and diagnostics.
The event aims at translating scientific and evidence-based research into clinical practice through its high-quality and innovative program drawn up by outstanding international leaders. The conference offers a forum to exchange knowledge and experience with peers from all over the world.
Save the date and join us at booth A07, where you will ll have the chance to discover our solutions for HPV screening and our approach to self-collection as a method to increase testing rates in women.
Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – October 2021
October’s update of our scientific database is full of exciting papers. Among them, we selected a study on HPV-related cancer screening, a research on direct amplification of disaster victim identification samples, and a comparison of sample collection and transport methods to enhance yield and biosafety of COVID-19 testing.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – October 2023
Let’s dig together into three thrilling papers on tongue swabs and tuberculosis, self-collection for cervical screening in Italian women, and a study on the correlation between Covid-related olfactory deficit and zinc homeostasis.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – August 2024
To select this month’s studies, we’ve traveled to three continents with an epidemiology study on pneumococcus in Botswana, an update on the British HPV screening program YouScreen, and an E. coli sequencing project in Pakistan.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – July 2024
We welcome the long-awaited summer with three great papers: the first analyzes surface characteristics’ effect on human DNA’s recovery for forensic purposes, while the second and third evaluate the impact of different variables on the accuracy and usability of self-collected samples for HPV detection.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – June 2024
From the Mongolian grassland to the Belgian plains, we selected the three studies to be published in our Microbiology Time. Read about HPV self-collection in Mongolia, DNA methylation for detecting uterine cancer, and automated Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing with Radian!

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – May 2024
In the May edition of our Microbiology Time, we have selected three papers that showcase the diverse applications of our products, from HPV self-collection to a validation of an animal model and a zoonosis case study.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – March 2024
In the third Microbiology Time of 2024, a study that exploits saliva to evaluate Long Covid in children, the research of a new standardized method for the oral microbiome samples collection, and another paper certifying the effectiveness of self-collection for cervical cancer analysis.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – February 2024
In the second Microbiology Time of 2024, we selected a paper proposing salivary micro-RNA as a liquid biopsy marker in oral cancer, a clinical trial evaluating different methods of offering HPV self-sampling kits, and a study investigating the benefits of probiotics in improving microbiota composition in post-menopausal women.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – September 2023
Here’s the ninth issue of 2023’s Microbiology Time. The three selected studies evaluate self- versus healthcare professional performed- collection, carcinogenic HPV prevalence in Estonia, and the implementation of molecular screening for HPV in five African countries.

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – April 2022
April is dense with scientific events: EUROGIN, ECCMID, World Of Microbiome… our Microbiology Time could not be missing! The main topic of this month is HPV, the subject of two of your selected studies. The third one investigates SARS-CoV-2 presence on hospital surfaces.

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – March 2023
This month, we traveled From Ethiopia to Canada to collect three exciting studies to share on our Microbiology Time. From the analysis of the high-risk HPV infection prevalence in the African country to a veterinary case report on a lethal fungal infection in a captive bullfrog and a research paper amplifying human DNA from leeches to identify a victim or suspect of a crime. Enjoy!

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – February 2023
It’s the second month of 2023, and it’s the second microbiology time of the year! In this edition, we selected studies covering self-collected vaginal samples for molecular assays, SARS-Cov-2 detection from rectal and nasal swabs, and buccal swabbing for BRCA testing. Enjoy your reading!

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – January 2023
With the studies selected in the first edition of 2023’s Microbiology time, we explore three peculiar sides of our WISE approach: surface hygiene monitoring, HPV self-collection, and automated MALDI-TOF target preparation. Enjoy!

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – November 2022
Punctual as every month, it’s November Microbiology Time. Let’s dig together into three exciting studies on the costs and benefits of 4N6FLOQSwabs®, the microbiota of the healthy eye, and the evaluation of self-collection for anal cancer screening.

Microbiology time
Microbiology Time – June 2022
June’s microbiology time is finally online! We selected three interesting studies for this month’s issue: a paper published on BMC evaluating HPV testing using self-collected samples and two studies on two very different outbreaks, the first of measles in Italian non-vaccinated individuals and the second investigating an outbreak of CPE in a COVID-19 intensive care unit.

Copan at ECCMID 2022
Our page dedicated to ECCMID 2022. Here, you can discover more about what we displayed at the trade show, watch – or replay- our integrated lunch symposium, and listen to our interviews with microbiology experts, to understand how Copan’s WISE approach can revolutionize your lab workflow!

Microbiology Time
Microbiology Time – January 2025
The effects of COVID-19 on HPV screening, athlete-derived probiotics to enhance health and wellness, and subsampling in forensic science—this is all featured in the first edition of this year’s Microbiology Time!

Sample self-collection, a lesson gained during the COVID pandemic
Copan sponsored Integrated Lunch Symposia – ECCMID 2022
During Copan’s ECCMID integrated symposium, four distinguished speakers updated the audience on the advances, achievements, and future trends of sample self-collection in different fields (STIs, HPV, respiratory infections, genetics, serology).