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Copan Group

Clinical Field


Universal Transport Medium® for viruses

Copan Universal Transport Medium® (UTM®) system is intended for the collection, transport, and preservation of clinical specimens containing Viruses, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, and Ureaplasma.

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The universal solution

Copan UTM® is compliant with CLSI M40-A2 standards. UTM® Hanks’ Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) is enriched with proteins, sugars, and a pH indicator. Its unique formulation includes antibiotics and antimycotics to prevent overgrowth of bacterial and fungal flora.


Processing and applications

Versatile and automatable

UTM® is compatible with downstream antigen detection and molecular-based assays. It can be processed manually or with automated laboratory platforms such as Copan Universe™.


UTM-RT® Round Bottom Tube

Same trusted medium, updated format

UTM-RT® Round Bottom Tube is the latest version of UTM®, designed for the direct loading on the Roche cobas® 5800/6800/8800 platforms. On-label validated for sample transport prior to molecular detection or culture, UTM-RT® Round Bottom Tube avoids the aliqoting or swab removal steps, and is CE-IVDR compliant.


One of our most popular products

Our universal transport medium features made CDC to declare it the product of choice for Covid-19 screening.


FLOQSwabs® Inside

Ensure a quick, capillarity-driven sample uptake and a
superior elution of the biological specimen, expanding
downstream diagnostic testing capabilities.

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Enhanced stability

Allows to preserve the viability of viruses, Chlamydia, Ureaplasma, and Mycoplasma for 48 hours at both controlled room and refrigerated temperature; it can also be stored at -80°C for one year.


Glass beads

Three glass beads in each tube facilitate the release and
dispersion of patient material and virus particles from
the swab during vortexing.


Different screw cap formats

Available with a capture-cap to dock and lock the swab
shaft for easier tube handling, or with a Pierce-able and
Re-sealable PNR™ cap (under development).

The perfect match

FLOQSwabs® Inside

The combination with FLOQSwabs® expands your possibilities even further by ensuring an unmatched specimen collection in many anatomical collection sites. Discover why we call them “the perfect collection device.”

FLOQ® Technology

Into the Line

This product line groups a variety of product codes, each optimized to address specific needs.
Check here the summary of these features and contact us to discover the product code that best suits your need-mix and available in your Country.

Collection Sites

  • Nasal
  • Oral
  • Nasopharyngeal
  • Vaginal
  • Urethral

Fields of Application

  • Respiratory infections
  • Sexually transmitted infections


  • Regular
  • Minitip
  • Pernasal
  • Pediatric

Downstream Application

  • Shell vial cultures
  • Rapid antigen testing
  • Nucleic acid amplification testing
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Suggested uses table. Please refer to your GLP procedures to choose the most appropriate device.
The use of this product in association with diagnostic kits or instrumentation should be internally validated by the user

Scientific Mentions

Always faithful to our scientific approach, we are eager to hear the proof of the success of our efforts and commitment.

Browse Studies

Eur J Microbiol Immunol 2013 – Frickmann H. et al.

COPAN UTM®-RT transport medium for viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasma, and ureaplasma provides good results regarding storage and transport of rickettsiae. The sample-containing medium should be transported at 4 °C to achieve optimum results concerning the preservation of rickettsial viability.


Viruses 2020 – van Bockel D. et al.

Conversely, COPAN UTM® in the presence of viable cells supported viral infectivity at or greater than levels observed in the positive controls.


Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2011 – Luinstra K. et al.

UTM®-RT is widely used as a viral transport medium, but little has been published regarding the stability of respiratory viruses at various temperatures and storage times. We found that samples in UTM®-RT were stable at room temperature for up to 14 days and were stable for at least 21 days if refrigerated or frozen.


Virology 2020 – Walsh P. et al.

RSV remains viable in UTM®-RT for up to 96 h and, in this regard, has been reported as superior to other transport media. Adapting the Nylon flocked swab/UTM®-RT collection method to nasal secretion sampling would provide a better method of nasal secretion sampling.


Clin Microbiol Infect 2021 – Berenger BM et al.

Although collection of Nasopharyngeal swabs alone (or with an Oropharyngeal swab) and saliva in UTM may provide higher sensitivity than saliva alone, saliva in UTM® offers many advantages over a Nasopharyngeal swab because it is non-invasive, convenient (especially for children), involves minimal labour and lends itself well to mass screening programmes.


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Related Videos


Nasopharyngeal Collection with FLOQSwabs® and UTM®

A proper nasopharyngeal specimen sampling is crucial for a correct diagnosis of respiratory tract infections, including COVID-19. To help the collection of SARS-CoV-2 in compliance with CDC and WHO guidelines, we created this how-to educational video.

Copan Group


Copan Group


UTM® 305C – How to use

Copan Universal Transport Medium® (UTM®) system is intended for the collection, transport, and preservation of clinical specimens containing Viruses, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, and Ureaplasma.

Copan Group


UTM® 346C – How to use

Copan Universal Transport Medium® (UTM®) system is intended for the collection, transport, and preservation of clinical specimens containing Viruses, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, and Ureaplasma.

Copan Group

Top Scientific Studies

Scientific study

Evaluation of Transport Media and Specimen Transport Conditions for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 by Use of Real-Time Reverse Transcription-PCR

Amy A. Rogers, Russell E. Baumann, Gwynngelle A. Borillo, Ron M. Kagan, Hollis J. Batterman, Marzena M. Galdzicka, Elizabeth M. Marlowe

Scientific study

Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma carriage in pregnant women: the prevalence of transmission from mother to newborn

Avi Peretz, Oran Tameri, Maya Azrad, Shay Barak, Yuri Perlitz, Wadie Abu Dahoud, Moshe Ben-Ami & Amir Kushnir

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