77 results

Microbiology time

Microbiology Time – March 2022

Spring is almost here, and together with sunny days and warm temperatures, we bring you new scientific studies for our March Microbiology time just uploaded on our database. This month’s best pick are two studies on Antibiotic-resistant Organisms and a review on the benefits of lab automation.

Copan Group

Microbiology time

Microbiology Time – February 2022

It’s February, and it’s Microbiology Time! This month we selected an exciting paper on MDRO outbreaks during the Covid-19 pandemic and an interesting study evaluating the performance of different swab types and collection systems to recover CMV DNA from vaginal fluids and saliva. The third study selected is an exhaustive review of the advantages of full lab automation.

Copan Group


Copan Wasp Regulatory Milestones

2021 has been a dense year for Copan Wasp Regulatory and Quality departments. In view of many other significant deadlines to be met in 2022, let’s recap what we recently achieved!

Copan Group

Microbiology time

Microbiology Time – January 2022

We are welcoming 2022 with many engaging papers uploaded to our scientific database. This month’s top picks are a research on canine urinary tract infections, a study on tuberculosis sample processing, and a paper evaluating WASP-automated processing of female reproductive tract specimens.

Copan Group

Microbiology time

Microbiology Time – December 2021

It’s December Microbiology Time… Take a look at our database! As always, we cherry-picked the top three papers of the month: two studies analyzing microbiome for forensic purposes and in cancer patients, and one on antimicrobial resistances in a Vietnamese Intensive Care Unit.

Copan Group


Meet Radian® BC

Radian® BC is our latest solution to drastically reduce the time to diagnosis in Blood Stream Infection patients. By cutting to 4 hours the incubation time for positive blood culture samples, Radian BC guarantees to specialists unparalleled fast diagnostic assessment, directing each patient towards an early targeted antimicrobial therapy. line laboratory workflow in COVID-19 screening.

Copan Group

Microbiology time

Microbiology Time – November 2021

It’s November Microbiology Time! Take a look at our database to find the latest studies taking advantage of our products. This month, the top three picks are a research paper on forensic sample collection with microFLOQ®and two articles highlighting the importance of surveillance strategies to monitor Antimicrobial Resistances.

Copan Group


This year’s flu season could be the worst in years, CDC and ECDC warn: be prepared!

According to the European and American Centers of Disease and Control, the upcoming flu season could be the most severe in years and could significantly burden healthcare systems already drained by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Copan Group


Cepheid Inc. validates Copan eNAT® sample collection

Cepheid Inc. just validated the use of Copan eNAT® to collect nasal and nasopharyngeal samples to be analyzed with its Xpert Xpress CoV-2/Flu/RSV plus assay. The combination of these two best-in-class solutions will provide laboratories worldwide with improved efficiency and operators safety, granting patients the best clinical results.

Copan Group

Microbiology time

Microbiology Time – October 2021

October’s update of our scientific database is full of exciting papers. Among them, we selected a study on HPV-related cancer screening, a research on direct amplification of disaster victim identification samples, and a comparison of sample collection and transport methods to enhance yield and biosafety of COVID-19 testing.

Copan Group

Microbiology time

Microbiology Time – September 2021

We just updated our scientific studies database with numerous studies. This month’s top picks analyze SRK® sample stability, SARS-CoV-2 self-collection FLOQSwabs®, and antibiotic resistances in Belgian and Dutch farms.

Copan Group

Microbiology time

Microbiology Time – August 2021

It’s August Microbiology Time! We just updated our website’s scientific database and chose the best three papers of the month: a study on extrapulmonary samples processing with MycoTB™, an alternative to PCR for Sars-CoV-2 diagnosis, and the first feedback from the LolliSponge™ use to collect saliva for COVID-9 screening.

Copan Group


Launch of PodSwab™ – UTM® for pooling

Many scientific studies have demonstrated pooled testing to be an efficient methodology for screening in the case of low-incidence phases of COVID-19. We are now ready to present PodSwab™ – UTM® for pooling: another Copan solution to streamline laboratory workflow in COVID-19 screening.

Copan Group

Microbiology time

Microbiology Time – July 2021

Introducing a new way of communicating the science around our products! While we’ll constantly update the scientific repository on our website, in this “Microbiology Time” posts we’ll suggest to you the three best papers of the month! This month featuring S.pyogenes diagnosis, fecal microbiome preservation, and automated AST.

Copan Group


CoHere: Copan at ECCMID 2021

ECCMID 2021 is approaching! ECCMID is the event we have been waiting for all year round, as it’s the main occasion to gather with you all clients and collaborators and an excellent chance to share the latest findings and developments in microbiology. Discover what we arranged for the event!


Our new identity

It’s finally time to unveil our new identity, representing at best Copan’s forerunner role in the field. This brand new look – including the new graphics, tone of voice, marketing material, and website – highlights the value we give to people, innovation, and trust.


Launch of LolliSponge™

We are proud to present LolliSponge™, the new sponge-made saliva collection device we conceived by listening to the healthcare professionals’ needs!
LolliSponge™ easiness allows saliva collection from non-collaborative patients or when professional assistance is not available, enabling COVID-19 active surveillance programs in fragile communities and making personnel available for other activities such as vaccine administration.

Copan Group