308 結果


Digital detection and the use of Artificial Intelligence to detect Group A Streptococcus using a chromogenic agar

Cynthia C. Keyak, MT (ASCP), SSGB


Clinical performance of the WASPLab® AI/IA-PhenoMATRIX™ software in detection of GBS from LIM-enriched cultures plated to CHROMID® strepto B Chromogenic media

Karen Timm, Justin Baker, Karissa Culbreath


Automated Incubation and Digital Image Analysis of Chromogenic Media Using Copan WASPLab® Enables Rapid Detection of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus

Abdessalam Cherkaoui1, Gesuele Renzi1, Yannick Charretier, Dominique S. Blanc, Nicolas Vuilleumier
and Jacques Schrenzel


Automated Detection of Streptococcus pyogenes pharyngitis using Colorex Strep A CHROMagar and WASPLab® Artificial Intelligence Chromogenic Detection Module Software

Tam T. Vana, Kenneth Mata, Jennifer Dien Bard, Department of Pathology, Harbor-UCLA


Evaluation of WASPLab® Software To Automatically Read chromID CPS Elite Agar for Reporting of Urine Cultures

Matthew L. Faron,Blake W. Buchan,Hasan Samra,Nathan A. Ledeboera


Validation of image analysis software for automatic screening of all Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae

Vittorio Sambri, Maria Federica Pedna


Can image analysis automatically screen for Streptococcus agalactiae in specimens collected from pregnant women?

J. Steenbergen


Segregation and WASPLab® automation impact on MRSA screening at LTHT

Humaira Hussain, Deena Snape


Evaluation of the WASPLab® Segregation Software to Automatically Analyze Urine Cultures using Routine Blood and MacConkey Agars

Matthew L. Faron, Blake W. Buchan, Ryan F. Relich, James Clark, and Nathan A. Ledeboer


Use of Copan’s WASPLab® PhenoMATRIX™ Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Efficiency of Urine Culture Interpretation

Susan M. Poutanen, Jessica Bourke, Pauline Lo, Karen Pike, Katherine Wong, Tony Mazzulli


Comparison of Automated Processing of Flocked Swabs with Manual Processing of Fiber Swabs for Detection of Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus

Gillian Jones, Roger Matthews, Richard Cunningham and Peter Jenks


Comparison of Five Media for Detection of Extended-Spectrum Beta Lactamase by Use of WASP® Instrument for Automated Specimen Processing

P. Grohs, B. Tillecovidin, A. Caumont-Prim, E. Carbonnelle, N. Day, I. Podglajen and L. Gutmann


Evaluating WASPLab® against manual processing for infection control screening swabs – An Australian perspective

Catherine WRIGHT


Accelerated Time-to-Diagnosis by Automated Processing of Positive Blood Cultures on Copan WASPLab®

Marion Jetter, Martina Marchesi, Peter M. Keller, Michael Hombach


Evaluation of the Copan BC+™ for the Automated Management of Positive Blood Cultures: Microscope Slides and Subcultures Preparation

Bielli A., Lepera V., Oggioni M., Lacchini C., Lombardi G., Vismara C.


Implementation of Copan FecalSwab™ and Copan Selenite™ on WASP® for the Automated Processing of Stool Specimens

Ann Lemmens, Truus Goegebuer, and Luc Hendrickx


Microbiology meets molecular diagnostics evolving in flexible sample to result workflow

A. Giambra, S. Allibardi, S. Rizzo, M. Enrietto, A. Vinelli, M. Castro, F. Gorreta


Evaluating the preservation and isolation of stool pathogens using the COPAN FecalSwab™ transport system and walk-away specimen processor

Goneau LW, Mazzulli A, Trimi X, Cabrera A, Lo P, Mazzulli T


A Comparative Evaluation of Automated (Copan WASP®) Versus Manual Methods for Plate Streaking and Specimen Processing

Preneshni Naicker, Keithea Mentoor, Clive Misland, V. Mischka Moodley, Pascal Musoni,
Chad Centner, Clinton Moodley, Janet Scholtz, Mark Nicol

Scientific Study

Comparison of WASP® and WASPLab® and InoqulA™ for Primary Specimens Streaking Quality

Marion Jetter, Martina Marchesi, Michael Hombach, Peter M. Keller