308 結果


Evaluation of Standardized Automated Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Enterobacterales-Containing Blood Cultures: a Proof-of-Principle Study

Stefano Mancini, Elias Bodendoerfer, Natalia Kolensnik-Goldmann, Sebastian Herren, Kim Ro ̈thlin, Patrice Courvalin and Erik C. Bottger


Use of artificial intelligence for tailored routine urine analyses

Olivier Dauwalder, Agathe Michel, C cile Eymard, Kevin Santos, Laura Chanel, Anatole Luzzati, Pablo Roy-Azcora, Jean Fran ois Sauzon, Marc Guillaumont, Pascale Girardo, Christine Fuhrmann, G rard Lina, Fr d ric Laurent, Fran ois Vandenesch, Chantal Sobas


Impact of Total Laboratory Automation on Turnaround Times for Urine Cultures and Screening Specimens for MRSA, ESBL, and VRE Carriage: Retrospective Comparison with Manual Workflow

Abdessalam Cherkaoui, Gesuele Renzi, Romain Martischang, Stephan Harbarth, Nicolas Vuilleumier and Jacques Schrenzel


Digital Image Analysis for the Detection of Group B Streptococcus from ChromID Strepto B Medium Using PhenoMatrix™ Algorithms

Justin Baker, Karen Timm, Matthew Faron, Nathan Ledeboer, Karissa Culbreatha


Implementation of the WASPLab™ and first year achievements within a university hospital

Abdessalam Cherkaoui, Gesuele Renzi, Arnaud Viollet, Mark Fleischmann, Ludovic Metral-Boffod, David Dominguez-Amado, Nicolas Vuilleumier, Jacques Schrenzel


Multicenter Evaluation of Processing and Analysis of College of American Pathologists (CAP) Proficiency Testing Samples by Laboratory Automation

N Esther Babady, Lori Bourassa, Carey-Ann D Burnham, Mark Fisher, Erin McElvania, Christopher R Polage, Julie Ribes


Benefits Derived from Full Laboratory Automation in Microbiology: a Tale of Four Laboratories

Karissa Culbreath, Heather Piwonka, John Korver, Mir Noorbakhsh


Walk Away Automated Disc Diffusion Susceptibility Testing by Copan WASPLab®

J. van der Linden, A.R. Jansz, T. Liebregts, J. Stalpers, N.L.A. Arents, L.B.J. van der Velden

Scientific Study

Tentative breakpoints and areas of technical uncertainty for early reading automated disc diffusion for Enterobacterales

Stefano Mancini, Kim Röthlin, Elias Bodendoerfer, Sebastian Herren, Natalia Kolesnik-Goldmann,
Patrice Courvalin, Reinhard Zbinden and Erik C. Böttger


Disc diffusion AST automation: one of the last pieces missing for full microbiology laboratory automation

O. Dauwalder, F. Vandenesch


Evaluation des performances du préleveur automatique de colonies Colibrí®

A. Roch , G. Teissier, R. Fournier, P. Mion, T. Bayol, J. Bayette


Colibrí® and Bruker MALDI-TOF: does the identification performance change when different chromogenic media are used for urine culture?

Michela Paolucci, Laura Navarria, Santina Castriciano


Copan Colibrí® , an innovative fully automated instrument for Clinical Microbiology Laboratory

A. Bielli, V. Lepera, S. Torri, A. Nava, G. Lombardi, C.F. Perno, C. Vismara


Evaluation of a New Chromogenic Group B Streptococcus Agar and Use of Digital Analysis for Detection of Group B Streptococcus in Vaginal/Rectal Swabs

My-Lien Pham, Ken Van Horn


Digital Detection of Group A Streptococcus using Colorex Strep A CHROMagar and WASPLab® Chromogenic Detection Module

Jennifer Dien Bard, Jacob Nelson, Kenneth Mata, Darnell Thorpe, Susan Novak-Weekley

Scientific Study

Multicenter Evaluation of the WASPLab® Digital Image Analysis Software to Segregate Significant Growth of the Urine Cultures on Blood and MacConkey Agar

M.L. Faron, B. W. Buchan, R.F. Relich, A. Phillips, D. Kahn, J. Clark, and Nathan. A. Ledeboer


Evaluation of WASPLab® Chromogenic Detection Module to Detect Significant Growth in Urine Cultures with CLED Agar.

M. L. Faron, B. W. Buchan, and Nathan. A. Ledeboer


Evaluation of the performances of Color Detection Module Algorithm for the automated detection of Streptococcus agalactiae on CHROMID®StreptoB

Corine Fulchiron, Maryse Guicherd, Geraldine Durand


Evaluation of PhenoMATRIX™ expert system for the segregation of urine specimens on CHROMID® CPSE Elite

J. Bayette, A. Roche, T. Bayol, J F. Bessel, P. Rolland, P. Mion, R. Fournier, G. Teissier


Validation and implementation of Colorex™ CHROMagar™ Strep A agar on WASP®/WASPLab® for screening for Streptococcus pyogenes using the eSwab®

M. Gaskin, D. Yamamura, J. Korver