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Microbiology Time – August 2022

Microbiology time

Here we are with the top three scientific studies for this month:

  • The first study by Baird et al. analyzed the performance of the NeuMoDx™ SARS-CoV-2 Assay versus other SARS-CoV-2 RNA assays, also assessing any cross-reactivity with other respiratory viruses. By collecting almost 300 nasopharyngeal samples with FLOQSwabs®, the researchers identified no false positive or negative results. With a sensitivity and specificity of 100%, NeuMoDx appears to be a good platform for automated SARS-CoV-2 testing.
  • An Uganda-US collaboration that investigated the diagnostic accuracy of Xpert Ultra performed on 183 tongue swabs collected from adults with presumed tuberculosis in Kampala, Uganda. Xpert Ultra results were generally lower with tongue swabs than sputum, and cycle threshold values were higher, confirming the Xpert Ultra optimization for testing sputum. Despite tongue swabbing should be considered when sputum cannot be collected for Xpert Ultra testing – or in specific mass-screening settings – further optimization of tongue swab analysis is needed to achieve parity with sputum-based molecular testing for Tuberculosis.
  • The third study analyzed SARS-CoV-2 presence in thousands of food and water samples in Northern Italy during the pandemic since early findings suggest that food could be involved in SARS-CoV-2 entry into the human gastrointestinal tract leading to possible infection. Luckily, apart from one vegetable sample, all the analyzed samples were negative for viral RNA. This result is of great interest in maintaining consumers’ confidence and trust in food safety.

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Microbiology Time – August 2022

Microbiology time

Here we are with the top three scientific studies for this month:

  • The first study by Baird et al. analyzed the performance of the NeuMoDx™ SARS-CoV-2 Assay versus other SARS-CoV-2 RNA assays, also assessing any cross-reactivity with other respiratory viruses. By collecting almost 300 nasopharyngeal samples with FLOQSwabs®, the researchers identified no false positive or negative results. With a sensitivity and specificity of 100%, NeuMoDx appears to be a good platform for automated SARS-CoV-2 testing.
  • An Uganda-US collaboration that investigated the diagnostic accuracy of Xpert Ultra performed on 183 tongue swabs collected from adults with presumed tuberculosis in Kampala, Uganda. Xpert Ultra results were generally lower with tongue swabs than sputum, and cycle threshold values were higher, confirming the Xpert Ultra optimization for testing sputum. Despite tongue swabbing should be considered when sputum cannot be collected for Xpert Ultra testing – or in specific mass-screening settings – further optimization of tongue swab analysis is needed to achieve parity with sputum-based molecular testing for Tuberculosis.
  • The third study analyzed SARS-CoV-2 presence in thousands of food and water samples in Northern Italy during the pandemic since early findings suggest that food could be involved in SARS-CoV-2 entry into the human gastrointestinal tract leading to possible infection. Luckily, apart from one vegetable sample, all the analyzed samples were negative for viral RNA. This result is of great interest in maintaining consumers’ confidence and trust in food safety.

Read the full studies below:

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Microbiology Time – August 2022

Self-collected saliva for SARS-CoV-2 detection: evaluation of Copan LolliSponge™

The COVID-19 outbreak caused an unprecedented burden on the healthcare system at a global level. To fight this pandemic, testing, tracking, and tracing were of crucial importance, but limited resources often jeopardized screening programs. Copan LolliSponge™ has been developed in collaboration with the University of Milan to allow saliva collection from non-collaborative patients or when professional assistance is unavailable. This enabled COVID-19 active surveillance programs in fragile communities.

Copan Group

In this second Copan White Paper, we describe in detail all the necessary steps to collect saliva for SARS-CoV-2 detection with LolliSponge™ and analyze its use, processing, and performance in the lab.

Read the full document at the link below:

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Microbiology Time – August 2022

Self-collected saliva for SARS-CoV-2 detection: evaluation of Copan LolliSponge™

The COVID-19 outbreak caused an unprecedented burden on the healthcare system at a global level. To fight this pandemic, testing, tracking, and tracing were of crucial importance, but limited resources often jeopardized screening programs. Copan LolliSponge™ has been developed in collaboration with the University of Milan to allow saliva collection from non-collaborative patients or when professional assistance is unavailable. This enabled COVID-19 active surveillance programs in fragile communities.

Copan Group

In this second Copan White Paper, we describe in detail all the necessary steps to collect saliva for SARS-CoV-2 detection with LolliSponge™ and analyze its use, processing, and performance in the lab.

Read the full document at the link below:

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