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Microbiology Time – November 2022

Microbiology Time

Many were the studies taking advantage of our products published last month. It was a tough choice, but here are the top three papers:

  • Another prospective cost-benefit analysis by Dr. Budowle and his team, which compared our 4N6FLOQSwabs® against cotton swabs with a “Monte Carlo simulation.” Like last October’s paper, the slightly higher cost of using a nylon swab paled compared with the potential tangible and intangible benefits of the device, providing a sounder basis for forensic laboratories to request additional funds to support the implementation of this new technology.
  • The second international study aims to explore and characterize the microbiota of the healthy eye. With a metagenomics approach, the researchers found that the eye microbiome is a low-diversity population, with most of the analyzed samples highly enriched with Staphylococcus. By introducing the term eye community state type – to stratify the different profiles of bacterial communities that coexist together in a healthy eye – and identifying nine distinct community profiles, Borroni et al. propose that a better understanding of the healthy eye microbiota could improve disease diagnosis and personalized eye medicine.
  • The last study – from the US – evaluates the pros and cons of home-based self-sampling kits for the screening for anal cancer caused by an HPV infection. The study randomized men who have sex with men and transgender persons to receive a mailed self-sampling kit or attend a clinic for screening. The researchers assessed temperature, freeze-thaw cycles, the presence of fecal matter, and days in an uncontrolled environment of every sample. By analyzing samples with HPV genotyping, they found that more than 90% of specimens were adequate for the analysis and that samples inadequacy was not associated with temperature, freeze-thaw cycles, or transit time. On the contrary, the presence of fecal matter contamination predicted specimen inadequacy. The team concludes that environmental conditions do not affect specimen adequacy and suggest self-collection as a valuable tool for screening for HPV-induced anal cancer.


Read the complete studies below:

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Radian® RAST: Pushing Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing at full speed


Although part of the 2020 data is unavailable because of the pandemic, the data at our disposal show an alarming increase in resistant infections – at least +15% from 2019 to 2020.

Which infections are we talking about? Of course, blood infections, but not only. Intestinal, respiratory, and sexual infections saw a dramatic increase as well.

Introducing Radian RAST

AST results are essential to selecting the best antimicrobial therapy for each patient. Today more than ever, the reduction of the AST turnaround time remains one of the primary objectives to be achieved by microbiologists, to provide patients with rapid antimicrobial treatment.

Copan’s Radian® has already permitted the flexible, cost-effective, and accurate disk-diffusion method to shine among other AST methods, but this wasn’t enough. Integrating EUCAST Rapid AST Rules (RAST) into the automated workflow, last November we brought Radian® to be the first fully automated platform to provide accurate therapy indications from positive hemoculture with just a 4-hours incubation.

During the last months, we worked to bring Radian® advantages even further: accelerate AST also for critical samples other than positive blood cultures.

Well, we’ve done it!

We expanded the range of samples that can be analyzed with Radian® Rapid AST, to ensure accurate therapy indications with as little as a four-hour incubation.

Radian RAST grants microbiologists an unparalleled fast diagnostic assessment, directing each patient toward an early intervention with targeted antimicrobial therapy like no other AST automation available today.

Radian® Expert System RAST

The updated Expert System is Radian RAST’s core. It offers the possibility to add custom breakpoints and rules applied at different custom samples other than blood culture and at different custom incubation time slots.

Learn more on Radian’s page:

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